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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Sounds like a bit of a grind out there, but hey if it's producing top work. I've heqard a couple of things about beastmans seals and getting hold of them. Main 2 that people seem to agree on are that the drop rates are higher in the promyvion zone and levelling BST is a good source of them. I've yet to try these out but sounds promising, BST particularly as I have an idea of how to solo xp for other jobs if I can get BST up.

    My weekend was fairly non-ffxi but I maanged to get on for a while. The only notable achievement was to pick up about 3k xp on Friday night and get my alchemy from 51 to 56.

    This week think I'll be trying to get to 54 on PLD and finally get my cooking and Alchemy to 60. The other aim has to be my Eldieme coffer key, I need those gloves!


      Sounds like a bit of a grind out there, but hey if it's producing top work
      No doubt about it, it has not been efficient - if I just wanted the seals I would switch to my level 10 white mage and beat up on stuff in Gustaberg, but there's other benefits to doing it with my main job. Weapon skill-ups and general practise at surviving as BLM ^^

      Unfortunately it doesn't help me concentrate - learned this after the time I got a couple of anticans linking on me and put one to sleep, then finished the other - I was on my way to the Quicksand Caves to shed the aggro when after a check on a potential target I forgot what I was doing and stopped to rest!! Died shortly after.

      I noticed you were in the Boyahda tree on Friday night tsing, didn't want to interrupt you at the time though. How's the levelling out there?
      Last edited by Darwock; 06-06-2005, 09:37.


        Originally posted by ?pint
        Both of those have been disproven Tobal. It's possible that you have to defeat Maat on all jobs, but it could be something like beat Maat on the starting 6 jobs. There is no way of telling, because the last job Mumu could have fought Maat on might have been one of the starting 6 jobs, thereby he's defeated Maat on all jobs, giving the impression that this is the requirement, but in actual fact it's not.

        Since I'm posting I'll give a bit of an update. Having fun in my EU HNM LS as 75 BRD, and have WAR at 68 now. WAR is fun fun fun.
        Good grief!

        There are such things as EU HNMLS's !?! What server are you on?

        I'm on Garuda and the only option I had for doing HNM's was to join a US based one. Plays havoc with sleep, and I miss most of the stuff anyway.

        What are the chances of SE doing a server swap? O.o

        (75 Rng here BTW)


          Being a lowly level 8 warrior makes me envious of what you are all doing.
          Oh well just another couple of months and i'll be there!!!
          At least i've a lot to look forward to.


            I'm on Bismarck, our LS is called Eclipse (it was Aurora, but we've recently changed). Website A lot of the members are American, but the LS was originally started out in much the same was as Rargh was; members were originally from Barrysworld afaik. Except they were all computer game addicts, and the LS grew verrry quickly. At the moment only about 15 members are European, but the LS does things at European times (sky farming 7-12 pm, kirin fights 8pm saturday, dynamis 7pm sunday etc.). A server change seems very unlikely, but if you do change server I'm sure you'd be welcome to join our LS.


              On another note I thought I'd post some pictures.

              That's a picture of me getting 300 exp solo .

              My highest sky chain ^^.

              What's that lovely weapon I'm wearing?



                Any BCNM plans underway at the moment? I?ve heard talk of both BCNM40 and BCNM60 been mentioned over the last couple of weeks but nothing has ever come. I could real use a nice ?burst? to my gil fund to keep my motivation levels high to keep farming as I will admit that the constant farming is feeling a bit like a chore.

                I tend to be ok once I get going into a rhythm but last night the thought of logging on just to farm for hours was too much and I just did other out of game things. Whilst a break is obviously good, I am conscious with the thought that every day I spend out of game is a day?s money making lost and increases the chance of a price increase of the Scorpion Harness before I can afford it.

                A sudden gil influx would do wonders for my motivation ^_^


                  Well, me, tsing and talizker are going to have a crack at some 3 man BCNM50 fights when tal's back from holiday. Started off they were kind enough to agree to help me out in my pursuit of an intellect torque/sly gauntlets, but it looks quite profitable (and tal also wants the gauntlets) so they may both decide to take orbs as well. I think for the reasons we're doing it the 'you orb, your drops' rule is the only way, but nobody should be disappointed as it looks like even the worst drops would be equivalent to our BCNM40 shared haul from last time.

                  As I'll probably need to do it multiple times I'm sure there's a way you could get in on the action if you wanted. There's a couple of drops in there that range from 1 to 2 million in the AH history.

                  Of course if you wanted a little less risk and a little more guaranteed income I also know tsing/wedge were planning another steamed sprouts which might be a preferrable option (not for me, I'm throwing everything into these 50s) ^^ What's utsusemi:ni selling for now, 2 mill? lol
                  Last edited by Darwock; 07-06-2005, 15:06.


                    utsusemi:ni selling for close to 2m is sickening, the server bound to start having a shortage ninja from 37-60 in coming months.


                      *disclaimer* I don't know what it's selling for, but last time it was 950K. 2 million was a joke, yet it seems horribly possible.


                        phew... you had me going there, but your right, i wouldn't bet against it ever hitting 2m ><


                          Last I looked (about a week and a half ago) it was selling for 700k.

                          Stil ridiculous for an item that was once considered a crappy drop from BCNM40 and sold for as little as 20k.


                            Yeah it's bizarre that utsusemi prices shot skywards and refresh (an equivalent drop I think?) is still only 9K. I mean, what determines these things?


                              The prices people are willing to pay basically.

                              My personal opinion is that what has happened over the last year is that people have realised the general power NIN has as a class especially end game so it has become one of the more popular jobs. When these high level players go to NIN they already have an influx of cash from their other high level job and are willing to pay whatever the price is of items they need so when demnd is great than supply, the price goes up.


                                Originally posted by bagpuss66
                                Being a lowly level 8 warrior makes me envious of what you are all doing.
                                Oh well just another couple of months and i'll be there!!!
                                At least i've a lot to look forward to.
                                Heh, enjoy the journey mate, that's what its all about. Has taken me about 10 months to get to the level I'm at now, Tsing slightly less. If you spend all that time trying to keep up with someone else, you'll miss out on the real point of the game.

