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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by edandersen
    I'm THIS close to getting FFXI this summer to waste my time with. Is it worth starting from scratch now? I mean, are there any newbies left to play with?
    Not sure how many new players there are now (at least compared to the European launch) but there are always people leveling sub/other jobs so there will never be a problem. To be honest, it's probably a good thing to party at lower levels with experienced people - if they are good you will learn a whole lot about the roles different jobs play.

    FFXI can be bought cheap now (on PC at least) so if you are in any way into the Final Fantasy worlds or like RPG's / MMORPG's then give it a try.


      Ok guys that was really good enm using oddjobs..

      now for a bit of news for those that logged after we got back to jeuno..

      I went ran around the Gardens in jeuno to find the person to trade inthe vision i wonthe lot on for. Now it turns it out was the quest giver.

      Tobals trade 'Painful Vision'
      NPC 'Thankyou'
      Tobal get 'Dark Earring'

      Tobal - I traded that vision in for dark earring
      30 secs later
      Rare - thats 600k-1m split then ^^
      tobal - wtf you on about
      30 secs later at the Ah
      Tobal - HOLY **** YOUR RIGHT

      So i put up the Dark earring for 750k(15k tax) i'll split it when it sells ^^


        That will go down nicely along with the 200k worth of gear I have on the AH, along with the 10 stacks of sleepshroom currently residing in my inventory - If I can nudge up the price to 10k per stack, I'm going to make an absolute killing <^_^>


          Originally posted by Tobal
          now for a bit of news for those that logged after we got back to jeuno..
          That gives me a pleasing warm feeling inside Awesome Stuff!


            Well my first Promyvion excursion was erm, interesting. :/

            Didn?t really know what to expect and during the run I was feeling kind of useless but I think THF could be better used than I did. No offence to Daragon but I think having 2 THF actually reduced our effectiveness. Fighting the memory receptacles I did once manage to get a Sneak Attack to land for quite impressive damage but it was more down to luck than judgement as I had no idea who had the hate as the receptacle doesn?t ?look? in any direction.

            However if we had a 1 THF I could position myself opposite the main hate grabber and know that I would be ?behind? it.

            NIN sub also seemed handy. I did notice I rarely took damage thanks to having Utsusemi.

            As for the ENM battle THF seemed more useful as it felt like a more traditional battle so was able to take a proper THF position. Damage was nice overall and even tanked it a little when I grabbed hate but was able to hold my own thanks to Utsusemi and capped Evasion and Parrying. However everyone did their job well.

            Vanicent tanked well as a WAR/mnk ? a rare sight these days but dished out some impressive numbers with his G.A. as well as taking hits well.

            Tobal worked wonders as a SAM/rng. A really good combination for this I reckon. Our main DD and scout. He knows his Promy stuff for sure.

            Wedgemoon was class as always. BRD/whm always makes PTs far more efficient. I know you sometimes feel underused mate but BRD are the silent heroes in this game. Whilst BLM and RNG get the damage dealing plaudits and PLD and NIN get the tanking responsibility, BRD just do their thing and increase everyone?s effectiveness.

            Talizker was also an obvious Promy veteran. Knew exactly what to do and when. Also did a cracking main healer job which was all the more impressive considering he went as RDM/blm.

            Daragon was my THF rival, however I did notice that overall he was putting out a great damage per hit which almost certainly attributed to his WAR sub which offers greater STR bonuses than /nin. Did you go Berserk too?

            Cheers to Tobal for offering to split the proceeds of the earring amongst the group and boos to Apathye for losing the Internet connection (NTL seem to be the bane of this game for many people) last night before returning my Winged Boots and /telling me when we were on the top floor asking if I could come out to get them.

            However he was kind enough to come and Warp 2 us all so we?ll forgive him

            Definitely up for more ENM runs as a THF to try for more earrings. Getting a Evasion or Enfeebling Earring would be boss as they go for 2.5 and 3 million respectively.

            However, mentioned the ?proper? battle for the CoP mission is tougher so when that time comes I will definitely be going as NIN main.


              I owe some considerable thanks to Apathye and his friend Moochie as well, after my death in the desert at the beak of a Diatryma (not the Anticans as I'd ant-icipated lol).. with remarkable timing he sent me a tell about 20 seconds after I died, then offered to teleport out to the desert and raise me! What a guy.


                Originally posted by C'
                Vanicent tanked well as a WAR/mnk ? a rare sight these days but dished out some impressive numbers with his G.A. as well as taking hits well.
                Thanks Rare, nice to know I'm not as rusty as I thought I was.

                So, are all the treasures from the ENM run being split among the six members?

                If so, I need to find out what I get for a burning cluster, and then see how much that item is worth on the AH.


                  Individual memories sell for about 500 gil, and a cluster is just a bunch of them stuck together, so it'll be a pittance I expect. I've still not looked into selling mine from last week.


                    the cluster are barely worth anything maybe 5-6k and 10k at most for rare ones.

                    I having 2 thfs with tresure hunter helped with the Vision Drop and tsing said on his 2 visit they only got clusters.


                      Oh well, I could still use 10k.


                        If Treasure Hunter does help with getting Vision drops then that would be great as I would always be doing these as THF I reckon (I really enjoyed playing the job last night, made a change from NIN/farming).

                        I think Daragon mentioned he would consider going to future battles as a BLM which would obviously reduce Treasure Hunter (if the Job Trait is cumulative) but as long as we always have at least 1 Treasure Hunter active we could do well out of these.


                          Knowing there are worthwhile drops in these makes them more attractive as well. I thought until last night that basically it was 3k xp and some clusters. Now it appears that's not the case, this makes Mea quite attractive and to be honest even Holla.

                          The last one we did was something of a drag, nothing went right the whole night till the BCNM. There was agro, fake MRs, dead MRs, and anything else you can think of including a party wipe.

                          On the upside though I did get alchemy to 51 so now it's just the final run to 60 before I return to cooking and raise that from 55 - 60 as well. Not sure which craft to take up next thinking bone, cloth and leather to 20 or taking woodworking to 60.

                          At some point soon I need to decide on my main craft, smithing or goldsmithing still look favourite but watch this space


                            Originally posted by C'
                            If Treasure Hunter does help with getting Vision drops then that would be great as I would always be doing these as THF I reckon (I really enjoyed playing the job last night, made a change from NIN/farming).

                            I think Daragon mentioned he would consider going to future battles as a BLM which would obviously reduce Treasure Hunter (if the Job Trait is cumulative) but as long as we always have at least 1 Treasure Hunter active we could do well out of these.
                            Don't know if this has been proven or not, but 'apparently' TH only functions if it is the thief to land the killing blow. If you want me to continue these fights as a thf, then I have no objections at all, I'm merely thinking that a blm would be a much greater asset to have for this sort of thing


                              I think SE at some point did state that TH is active if a thief is in the party, the landing of the killer blow doesn't really matter. Never been sure if this appies in BCNMs as well as the mob drops nothing the opening of the chest is the key.

                              Who opened the glowing thing last night, one of our light fingered friends or someone else?

                              Be interesting if we could get some ral stats as our drops in the BCNM 40 were truely random. No thief involved but ranged from 3 high value scrolls to 2 washers and a mars bar wrapper.


                                The honor of opening the glowing thingamabob fell to me after finishing off the boss with a sneak attack

                                In my experience at least, TH1 doesn't seem to have that much of a noticeable improvement over someone without thf main or sub at 15+ I believe it was simply a matter of luck that we ended up with a good drop - The item wasn't branded as rare I don't think

