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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I may be interested in some ENM again. Can possibly come as NIN this time too as long as I buy a katana suitable for 30 cap (I plan to camp Nikkaroie NM soon).

    I won?t have every single equip slot filled but enough probably to do my job. I?ll be working on my Promyvion gear soon too (probably over the weekend) so will have a full set of level 30 gear once that is done.


      Im up for Enm, if your going as Nin/war rare I sub /war as those Boss eat shadows for breakfast?s and nin don?t have the best armour?

      Couple updates...
      PoL been updated with new event quest information, 1 involves chocobo racing/catching the other collecting beastmen Masks(with hidden effects)

      And ZM5, it seems from the Ak post?s mon,tues,thurs,fri mornings US time so that?s about 5-7pm our time, but I?m not sure if they did anything last mon/tues?.. I?ll find out tonight when I get online


        I'd be up for another ENM. More money (if we get a decent drop from it) is always good. Plus, I can now go as WAR30/THF15, so TH can be used too.

        So, sign me up and, work permitting, I'll join you.


          With Vanicent coming Tobal you can stick with SAM/rng as Van will be fine as second Provoke and will be in heavier plate armour (Eisen gear) to take a hit when needed. Also last time when I went as THF last time I got hate at one point for a period of time last battle and was a parrying/evading demon without the full Evasion setup my NIN would have. Shadows stayed up pretty well.

          Obviously the Promyvion proper boss will likely be tougher.


            Originally posted by Tobal
            Weekend(saturday) looks the most likely, if not we'll try and put our own together.
            I don't think I can guarantee I can on the weekend.

            I don't know how many more I need. I have done some already.


              I'd like an ENM space if there's one going. Done wasting my gil on stupid old equipment that ends up selling for much less than what I bought it for so I'd go as my BLM this time


                Shall we say tonight then for an ENM, What time could people make it on for.

                Wedge - Brd
                Tobal - Sam
                Rare - Nin
                Daragon - Blm
                Vanicent - War
                Talizker - Rdm

                I think those are right.


                  Wasn't planning on being on until 10pm tonight but if everyone else is up for it I can be on at 9pm or just before. I'll check back here arround 7pm ish and if its on for tonight I'll be ready...


                    Originally posted by talizker
                    Wasn't planning on being on until 10pm tonight but if everyone else is up for it I can be on at 9pm or just before. I'll check back here arround 7pm ish and if its on for tonight I'll be ready...
                    9pm would be ok with me.


                      Daragon, Wedge, Rare and Tali have been on to say they can ENM tonight, just waiting on some others.


                        Really enjoying the build-up to mission 5-2... the ladies-in-waiting at Heaven's Tower sad they were taking bets that I'd be one of the adventurers called upon to save Windurst, heheh... and after receiving instructions from the Star Sibyl I noticed I had the title "Star-ordained Warrior". Awesome. I think we should take Rare's advice and try to get a full party of people who've never done it. I still think it has to be possible even for a party at the level we're at, but I still intend to try and get to 55 for it.

                        I'm just trying to clear my inventory at the moment by crafting, so was out in the sanctuary of zi'tah fighting Goblin Robbers for fire crystals - got another Garrison item in the process (got three now after I dropped the red cryptex). I would like to hold on to it but I don't see any garrison attempts in the near future, and I do need the space. Dilemma.


                          Well, the ENM was fun last night, despite me delaying it for about 20 minutes (sorry guys).

                          However, unlike last time, luck didn't remain on our side, and we picked up some aggro which, sadly, took Rare from the team. At his insistence though, the remaining 5 carried on and took out the boss, which got my WAR to level 34.

                          Also, as Rare hinted I would be, Sneak Attack + Sturmwind impressed me greatly in terms of damage done. My first try at it, I got 369 damage against a Memory Receptacle, causing me to go >>>

                          Also, after that, we did offer to do another ENM so Rare could take part, however he logged out before we could check with him.

                          Instead, the LS offered to help me finish Rank 5 by getting the Beadeaux (sp?) Magicite. It took just under an hour to do, I think, resulting in me now being the proud owner of a new Airship Pass.

                          Tobal, Wedge, Tal, and Daragon: thanks so much for your assistance with that.

                          It wasn't without it's own complications, however, as someone had trained A LOT of Quadavs to the Pashhow/Beadeaux zone, as shown here:

                          I somehow managed to grab these shots after going back through the second time, when most of them had moved on.

                          One final screenshot from that effort, this time of (most of) the squad:

                          Wedge had left by this point, as he had work later in the day, and so is missing from this shot.

                          Anyway, thanks again for the help, I can't wait to take my first airship ride to somewhere other than Kazham.


                            Don't do what I did and forget you have the pass! After I got mine I spent a week or so walking from Windurst to Jeuno etc >< force of habit...


                              Congrat?s enjoy your air travel .Jesus, I thought some one had trained 3-4 high lvls to the zone but thats insane, the only train I?ve seen as big was in the Yags Castle(where you get the O.kote and Fuma?s) , I think there pictures of it still way back in the thread, it seemed they trained yags from very top of the castle(IT mobs to lvl60?s) all the way down the castle?..

                              I think when i get back home tonight I post up some random pic?s of the last 2 months.


                                That was annoying what happened on the ENM run, I guess its best to have a whm in the party, I can sometimes be the whm although im wanting to mix between brd and whm.

                                I am now about 1k to level 68, nothing exciting as far as new equipment though untill level 72

