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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Thoughts for the moment (and the immediate future)

    I reached level 25 as PLD/WAR. Instead of being overjoyed with being able to go to Kazham and continue levelling there I'm getting annoyed now with having to play with different people each time, trusting to hope of finding a decent working party. If I get another level 24 Galka WHM without a subjob telling me when to provoke I'm gonna scream - that's for sure.

    The answer is simple: play with the same group of people all the time. That way you get used to each other, you know everyones skills/weaknesses and playstyle. Everyone benefits in the long run as better teamplay equals more exp. I've therefor decided to wait untill everyone in the NTSC-uk Linkshell is up to level 25 or thereabouts and, if you guys are willing, just play with all of us.

    I'm not sure everyone will agree but I think we should grow the NTSC-uk Linkshell to 20-25 members. Preferably people from the UK (so we play around the same time of day) of course, but if someone comes recommended by one of the NTSCers I think we should consider them. From what I've seen a solid group of people who are used to working together can achieve reams more than any haphazrdly formed party

    In the meantime I'm going to up my fame in Bastok, increase the number in my bankaccount and up my goldsmithing skill. Let me know what you think about my plans.


      Even though i dont even have the game i thought i'd post a reply anyway

      I reckon an NTSC-UK link shell sounds cool. I think im gonna to get my sister to buy the game when she goes to America in a few days. Thats of course if you lot still think its worthwhile.


        I'd say it's very much worth it. Although I'm laying low at the moment untill we can form a group that can tean up on a regular basis I reckon i'll still be playing this for the next 4-6 months at least.


          Sturn, I can see where you?re coming from, but to restrict yourself to playing with people you know could have an adverse affect on the game. Sure, waiting ages to get into a party then finding the one you join is completely incapable of doing even basic tasks is annoying, but if you don?t try and join up with new people then you are running the risk of not partying with potentially great players.

          Myself had an experience like this on Saturday. I?m currently hunting for the 3 Chest Keys to obtain the Kazham Airship Pass. I decided to head up to Fort Ghelsba first and once I reached the top a lvl24 RDM/WHM asked if I was hunting keys. We teamed up and continued our search then noticed a 3rd player hanging around (a lvl25 WAR/WHM). Instead of having to hang around on the fort waiting for the same 4 mobs to respawn, the 3 of us could now venture into Yughott Grotto and this led to us getting a key each really quickly.

          After this we all went back to San Doria, hopped onto Chocobos and travelled over to Windurst, and began our hunt for the Giddeus Key. Unfortunately after not long in Giddeus is was getting late (or early technically) and I had to log but it was another great party experience and one I wouldn?t have benefited from if I had chosen not to party with people I didn?t know.


            I was in two shockingly poor parties last night; the first one I was invited into five minutes into me logging on. I stayed for 20 minutes until they let me die, so I made up some bull**** excuse about needing to leave then started my own party. Stupidly, the people who ended up joining the party were all newbies, the kind of gamefaqs scum who make the game as shocking as it can be. I mean, it took us half an hour to get to a really close area, and then one of them says he needs to leave and wants one of us to escort him back to town. I mean, really.

            But then the decent guy in the party had had enough, so I disbanded the party and started a new one with only him. It was actually really good. In 5 minutes I'd earnt more exp than in both parties together - him as a multiclassing Pal/War and me healing him (whm). We did actually die a couple of times, but handily we were right next to some uber-high Japanese players who gave us raise, as well as all manner of nifty status effects . I got up to level 12 then had to go to sleep... .


              I guess you're right C' ... I guess it was playing on Qufim for 5 levels and then moving on to the equally idiot-populated Kazham that did it for me. I'm gonna shy away from levelling for a bit and just go do some quests/smithing/moneystacking for now anyway.

              Besides, me and Sdub/akasha picked up Baldur's Gate: DA2 over the weekend, so we've been co-opping that mostly. When i get back to FFXI I'll be up for it again.


                how do you take in game screens?

                were are they found?


                  You can take screenshots in game by pressing scroll lock (that makes all the menus etc. disappear) and then Printscreen. You can find the shots you've taken in the playonline tool, under navigator, then files. from there you can attach them to an e-mail and send them wherever you like.


                    are they not stored on the pc localy?


                      Has there been any news on FFXI on PS2? Dates point to March for US, that's next month, where is the hype?

                      You've all got my appetite well and truly whetted, but my PC is much too decrepid to be handling the PC version.


                        are they not stored on the pc localy?
                        I'm not sure, I thought they would be, but the whole procedure required to get hold of them points to server-stored screenshots.

                        I thought had a streetdate for the pal PS2 release?


                          Originally posted by djtickle
                          are they not stored on the pc localy?
                          Yeah they are found in :

                          ...\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\PlayOnlineViewer\pub\hom e01\open\ScreenShots\FinalFantasyXI\..

                          Got to lvl20 with my whm and finally got my subjob after some hard fights with those ghouls. Going to head to Jeuno and Quifim after soon, once I get my blm sub up to lvl10-15, shouldnt take long


                            cool thanks for that!

                            Vikas did u add me on icq before?

                            Anyone on Siren server?


                              just to quickly explain my situation, im getting broadband installed in two weeks but have FFXI arriving any-day, was expecting to have to wait until i got BB installed but from what i've been reading alot of people have mentioned it runs flawlessly on a 56k, the only problem being having to wait overnight for the auto-patching :P

                              does the auto patching resume? as i'll be stuck on a dail-up which cuts off every 2 hours :P if not i'll just have to read the manual some more and wait for BB to get put in.


                                I think it does resume mate, I think it checks what files are on your computer and then just downloads the ones it hasn't got. 8) bah, 2h disconnection is evil

