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    I appreciate this is short notic Van, but we are hoping to attempt Promyvion-Holla tonight. Fingers crossed Moot's new monitor will arrive today and whilst it may be slightly tight time wise I was aware that you would have to work late on Thursday so decided that we should go ahead with the run on Wednesday.

    Also we seem to be withot a WHM. Cassius hasn't been seen online for weeks. Mahl you did say you may be interested in running with our promyvions but again you haven't been online for a while. I'm not sure if you will read this here but if you do want to take part you will be welcome.

    Should Mahl not be able to take part is their anyone else on the LS able to act as our WHM? Be aware that we really want to have this run start at 7pm with little margin for pushback due to Moot's playable hours (plus Lost is on at 11pm >.>)

    EDIT - Moot's new monitor has just arrived. I will have it set up for when he arrives home later today meaning everything will be all set from our end.
    Last edited by C'; 19-10-2005, 07:31.


      Rare I can take WHM if you want, its the job I used on my Promyvions so I know what to do.

      I will be on and available after work.


        If you need me I can support as well though my WHM is only 27. Hope you fare much better than we did last night, I've never been in such a shambles sine last I partied with one Rydus! If anyone need to borrow any gear I have a full set of kampf armour and rings etc for level 30 cap.

        As for others needing the promyvions not sure on the LS status but I suspect Laviene may need them and Slarty and Mahl definitely do. My suggestion for those left over after rares crew make it through will be that others wishing to complete a promyvion tag along with a Sunday ENM run and we will do 1 main BC each week if requested. Sound like a workable idea?

        It was a series of firsts for me I think last night
        1) First time we ever lost an ENM BC
        2) First pormyvion BC I've lost since the main Holla boss back in March
        3) First time I ever serious contemplated gving up no the game it was that truely bad, I don't have much spare time and to waste 3 hours for zip was pretty disheartening given that in that time frame I expected to make 9k xp and maybe a nice drop

        Think following on from that we go back to doing the ENMs on a Sunday with the usual crew. I remember that our normal concern is whether we may get a vision drop, never even though losing was possible. Truely the worst night on the game since our second attmpt to clear the real Holla boss.


          Hmmm, now I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Choice of 2 possible WHM both with advantages and disadvantages.

          Tsing is sadly only 27 so a few levels lower than ideal but I know from what he said last night he has all 3 anima which I know would be beneficial for Holla.

          However Wedge is level 30, has experience of playing WHM on Promyvion runs but (to the best of my knowledge) has no anima.

          I don't know which would be considered the 'safer' option.

          As for last night it was disappointing but wathcing the people who had reraise activate it only to die again imeediately was funny (I literally burst out laughing as I watched it). Tobal's "it was worth it" was class.


            I would say Wedge is the better choice to be honest, he's played more WHM than me and I think is probably better at it.The etra 3 levels will make quite a bit of difference to his healing cap as well. As for Anima its hard for the WHM to use it as you have to get in close to the mob which means using posion potions.

            I was just offering as a back up in case wedge couldn't make it or something, I'm helpful like that .


              Originally posted by C'
              I appreciate this is short notic Van, but we are hoping to attempt Promyvion-Holla tonight. Fingers crossed Moot's new monitor will arrive today and whilst it may be slightly tight time wise I was aware that you would have to work late on Thursday so decided that we should go ahead with the run on Wednesday.

              EDIT - Moot's new monitor has just arrived. I will have it set up for when he arrives home later today meaning everything will be all set from our end.
              I'm fine with a Promyvion Holla run tonight, I'm still wearing my level 30 gear from when Rare, Moot, and myself went farming for anima components, so I can be ready in about 5 minutes notice.

              I assume we're meeting in Jeuno? If so, I'll log on at some point during the day, and catch the airship there.


                Last night was a poor result but to be honest I kind of expected things to go off the plan, the late start etc, no whm to teleport.

                I do not have any Anima Rare, so thats something to consider, also with Whm I don't think the level is too important, just the preparation the whm takes, drinks, food and potions etc.

                Also depending on which one you do, I would advise you all consider taking emergency potions as well.

                Do not be cheap on this, consider it the ideal time to go all out.


                  Yup I think next time we see such a shambolic kick off we should take the hint and just cut our losses. Was a nightmare, took over 1 1/2 from us being ready to fighting the first MR, truely we managed to recruit for full promyvion runs and get to the spire in that sort of time.

                  As for WHM prepartion, yag drink, lots of yag drink, eat pies and of course don't go anywhere near the mob as it spams AoE sleep. If your WHM is going to use anima let them do it right at the start and only once unless they are going to use poison potions, probably a good idea. All melee shoul;d carry meds I'd say take 4 x-potions each, and mages take a couple of hi-ethers as well for emergency. Everyone should have reraise up and if there any one off items you can use, use them this is pretty much as hard as it gets. If anyone feels flush vile elixirs are nice as well...

                  Trinary tap is dangerous as well if it goes off it steals buffs and if not steals HP. One thing that got us last night is shell was up, you should never use shell in Holla ever, protect isn't so bad you can kind of hack thorugh it but shell ruins astral flow and manafont.

                  So whats the set up then?


                  I'd say if the WAR/NINs 2 houred at about 80%, then the WAR THF at about 60% followed by manafont at 40% and EES at 20% it should go down. Trick to this is massive damage output, spike damage as fast as possible to put it down.

                  Like Wedge says take everything you can, Holla runs are expensive and its best to only have to pay once. If you clear this one, Mea works exactly the same and is probably easier though we did have 2 EES, manafont and an Astral flow on our runs.


                    That was the best bit of the night and reminded me of that double death at the hands of that kraken which is funny but more painful due to a 2-3k exp loss?

                    Still we gained 250exp from fighting a crap load of promey mobs.


                      NIN/war & WAR/nin, not 2 WAR


                        Hmm doesn't change things I don't think just may leave you little light on 2 hour damage. Have to keep the damage up but you guys will all be on DD food where as I had tank food on as PLD. Reckon it should be ok like that, just need more anima to keep it quiet for longer.

                        What time are you starting the run?


                          It really shouldn?t be that hard all, with the amount of anima available to make this fight easy. I now have 2 animas from yesterdays trip plus 3 from rare and apa, moot abound to have some, I doubt the mob will even be able to use a TP attack.


                            I have all 3 if I travel up with you so that should be plenty, I must admit I'd go over prepared for this every time. Its nasty but if its done right it is a cake walk, its all about co-ordination and everyone doing their job.

                            If anyone starts running about like a headless chicken it's pretty fatal.
                            Last edited by Tsingtao; 19-10-2005, 11:19.


                              or maybe shouting "lol run" then making for the zoneline?


                                I understand that everyone wants to kill me after last night's promyvion run, possibly because it was my reluctance to use my 2h due to the fact that it WOULD have resulted in instant death. I chose to run simply to have a slim chance of living but I didn't realise that I had aggro on me. Sadly, at the time, I had no where near enough gil to buy myself a reraise item, and I wouldn't have had even if someone had reminded me.

                                It's a shame that Promyvions aren't designed for alliances. If we had room for a whm and a blm, we might have been somewhat more successful.

