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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I'm good to try the BCNM 20's whenever you want to, I have all my gear in the mog house. Probably just have to buy a few bits and pieces to fill the odd slot but basically I'm good.


      Shall we arrange to try the BCNM20's tomorrow evening.

      Who is going to be the Ninja/Warrior

      As we will need one of us to take this job to tank the big crab.

      The other two go as Red Mage/Ninja.

      We could maybe talk a bit of strategy tonight and prepare equipment etc.


        Originally posted by mikewl
        Shall we arrange to try the BCNM20's tomorrow evening.

        Who is going to be the Ninja/Warrior

        As we will need one of us to take this job to tank the big crab.

        The other two go as Red Mage/Ninja.

        We could maybe talk a bit of strategy tonight and prepare equipment etc.
        Sounds good. I will need to go as RDM/NIN of course. Will be on later to sort out the details and equipment as well as starting with a spot of gardening


          Tobal, Bayan, Apathye

          Experience Points do you need it.

          Im going to be leveling again tonight unless Promyvion Mea is happening.


            NIN/WAR for me or I need 10 levels tonight on RDM to be ready in time. I'll ensure I've got all my tanking gear sorted, looking forward to this now. Mannequin here I come, oh and of course maybe just flog the body for 800k.

            Assume we're going to need potions and I best bring a few stack of shihei. Could give it a try tonight the run shouldn't take long, depends what we're up to?
            Last edited by Tsingtao; 25-10-2005, 14:44.


              Yup, bring potions and food, drink.

              The key is going to be your tanking, basically we need you to try not to take any hits as these crabs can drain about 50% HP with their attacks, im still not sure how to beat this BCNM, im thinking focus on the big crab first maybe, get it out of the way, then we should be ok, but problem is keeping the other ones away at the same time.


                My thoughts were that you 2 were going to solo the other ones while I tanked the main one, I guess I may have been confused. Think we're going to only know once we're in there, but my inention is still to use a vulcan sword for the fire effect and an offhand fast dagger. Might even pair 2 vulcans not to sure yet...

                Which BCNM 20 are we going for, I thought it was the crab one?


                  Yup the crabs one is the one.


                    <Danger>, <Excitement> <Do you need it>

                    2 new exp grounds for wedge and me in the last 2 days, even if yesterdays trip to the meadows is a pain, we camped out in populated area and Bird mobs links always mean death ><, luckily we only died once and got a raise from a helpful WHM and tractored by our DRK Bigpopa.

                    I think we?ll have to avoid that zone again if there more than 3 parties around as all the ?safe? spots were taken. I?m also surprised I did pretty well against the lvl75 Sam if some uber gear on her, she could built tp faster but often missed the WS somehow even with +WSacc.

                    I really want that Ark Angel earring drop +2str, +5gk and parry skills on a rare/ex item, plus doing the quest would also mean passing zm14 at the same time, an added bonus, but will need 18man strong team. I?m sure there?s a kickass earring in it for you Wedge, 5 types drop.

                    Also tonight, exp? Enm? Zm help?


                      These are the 5 Divine Might earrings.

                      Abyssal Earring: INT+2, Scythe skill+5 Dark magic skill+5

                      Knight?s Earring: VIT+2, Shield skill+5, Divine magic skill+5

                      Beastly Earring: CHR+2, Evasion+5, Axe skill+5

                      Suppanomimi: AGI+2 Enhances ?Dual Wield? effect, Sword skill+5

                      Bushinomim: STR+2, Great Katana skill+5 Parrying skill+5

                      All are lv.72, All Jobs

                      I?m guessing Wedge?s intrest could be piqued with the Beastly Earring


                        Tobal, I might have to pass on Exp tonight as BCNM20's are planned.

                        Tsingtao, Talizker what time are we going to get started on them?


                          Originally posted by mikewl
                          Tobal, I might have to pass on Exp tonight as BCNM20's are planned.

                          Tsingtao, Talizker what time are we going to get started on them?
                          Will be arround 9pm I think - maybe earlier. I'm logged out in Bastok and ready to go gear/macro wise...

                          Was looking at some tactics for this. I read that the following has been used with sucess.

                          NIN/WAR vokes the main crab, RDM/NIN 1 binds one crab, RDM/NIN 2 Silences main crab and all three go to work on remaining regular crab. 1 RDM handles healing, the other keeping main silenced and debufs up. Once 1st crab is down, move onto the other regular crab then finally main crab. Sounds easy O.o


                            I guess im free then, skillups, Zm4 setup, NM hunting. Got lvl 19 Nin if someones up for lvl 20 party.

                            Or maybe some Pes instead haven?t been able to play since Sunday.


                              Promyvion Mea {Do you need it?}

                              I've managed to get this weekend off work, due to having two lieu days that I was owed from working on two bank holidays.

                              So, if the LS wants to try Promyvion Mea at any point over the weekend, let me know, and I should be able to assist.

                              Failing that, I can help out next Tuesday or Wednesday, as those are my usual days off, or any evening besides Thursday, as that's my late shift.
                              Last edited by Vanicent; 26-10-2005, 13:24.


                                That strategy sounds good, its just going to be real essential to beat the first crab quick as the bound crab wont be bound for long, we are going to need macros for potions I think.

