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    FFXI-3100 Lobby server unavailable



      Well last night was my first run in Riverne Site A#01, went with a pick up party from Jeuno and yes by now I should know better. Was a good set up for the BCNM with PLD - SMN - SMN - RNG - NIN - WHM, however signs were there on the way up that things wouldn't go well. I died in our second fight after the WHM had connection issues and neither SMN thought it might help out to heal. Anyway we got to the BCNM and I think as Rargh we can beat this and beat it well. It is tough but nowhere near the impossible mission we're heard it to be.

      Here's my suggestion we get a Phominia Aquaducts run set up for the LS with rare and co to get us all to the same mission then do the set up farming for the next one. After that we set a night and get up there to do it. Would be good to set off as early as we can so we could possibly get 2 bites of the cherry on 2 hour timers. What I am aware though is I don't want to go up there without Talizker or Darwock. Tal I know need to get NIN to 20 for it and I'm not sure when D will be back online. Getting itchy on this one now though would like to be ready to go as soon as everyone has the right jobs set.


        What I am aware though is I don't want to go up there without Talizker or Darwock. Tal I know need to get NIN to 20 for it and I'm not sure when D will be back online.
        I'm just lurking around at the moment, not had any great impulse to jump back into FFXI yet but can do so whenever. I've been playing Shadow of the Colossus and Soul Calibur 3 to numb the pain of being back.

        I'm confused as to why Talizker needs ninja 20 for it, I presume job options are fairly restricted then. Are either of my jobs OK? I would need five more levels on summoner for that to be viable, is the only thing. (Which I can try to get, but SMN/BLM is not the most popular for parties.)


          I happy to repeat the fight if needed, meds and yellow liquid aren?t expensive. So what was the plan for your fight? Go in, you agro all 3 and the 2xsnm?s astral them all the death while the Whm keeps you alive?


            I never seem to get 2 good days on my weekends. 1 always seems to be full of activities and the other really slow with me waiting around doing not very much.

            First off, Friday?s Promyvion-Mea was as smooth a run as anyone could ask for. Think from entering the first floor to defeating the boss we took about 45 minutes. No fake memory receptacles and no aggro. Boss battle was again made straightforward thanks to plenty of anima. Only scary moment was being hit with Skewer (which I can confirm hits regardless of Utsusemi being up or not) which dropped me to 12HP. I remember lookinga my red HP bar for about 10 seconds wondering if my shadows would drop, whether Moot would Provoke and whether I would receive a Cure. Why I didn?t just use my Hi-Potion I don?t know.

            I wasn?t really worried about dieing a the mob?s health was so low that it was likely dead anyway and everything became a bit of a blur but we won and I never died.

            1/1 on every Promyvion is a feat to be proud of. All members of the party deserve kudos.

            Arriving in Lufaise Meadows was a memorable moment (with a brilliant cutscene) and I think there was a true sense of excitement amongst the 4 of us ?Tavnazia Noobs?. Some of the sights in these new zones are spectacular and whilst I don?t want to give too much away, a few notable ones were the clifftop view of a forest near to where you first enter, the waterfall in Misareux Coast and the bridge that leads to Tavnazian Safehold. All spectacular. These zones are completely worth the effort needed for Promyvion ( and Promyvion, the first 3 at least, are not overly difficult, just require effort and preparation beforehand).

            Apathye and Vanicent had to log off not long after but me and moot decided to have a look around the zones and Wedge joined us. We started off activating as many quests in the Safehold as possible then went around the zones seeing what we could find. Think we activated 2 or 3 ??? points spawning quest NMs, 1 of which was especially long fight.

            Saturday was really slow waiting for a party on my WAR. Managed to get one late in the evening with a setup that looked as though it shouldn?t work. 2 RDM, 1 DRK, 1 BST, a WAR/thf (me) and a WAR/nin tanking. Did much better then expected although the tank left a lot to be desired. Seemed to come from the Valkurm Dunes scholl of tanking whereby Provoke is only used when the mob moves away rather than every 30 seconds to build hate. Made things really awkward as a THF sub as Sneak Attack was difficult to land when the mob was running all over. You know the tanking situation isn?t ideal when the mob turns because you activated Sneak Attack, without even hitting with the critical. Still we did well and got myself up to 36. I had to leave when the WAR/nin left and they asked me to tank. /thf and DD equipment is not good for tanking so had to leave them to it.

            Logging on Sunday morning in Crawler?s Nest my plan was to take my NPC somewhere but put my flag up anyway and got 2 invites immediately (remarkable considering the wait on Saturday). Took the first one (which was a party already in the Nest) and joined up. Had a NIN tank, full compliment of mages and a THF. This tank was so much better, holding hate remarkably (even when the THF messed up SATA) meaning I could fully go to town with Sneak Attack and ranged attacks. Had a lot of fun with this party and I was seriously considering carrying on as a WAR full time. WAR/thf is a brilliant job combination. Having the party members compliment on my damage (even considering my use of the ?gimp? Great Sword) made me proud. Was a shame to leave but with my WAR close to 38 (37 was the aim) I decided that my NIN was too close to end game to switch jobs now. I?m waiting on the WAR equipment to sell, then I can reassess my gil situation and plan accordingly.

            Also, any journeys into Phomiuna Aqueducts are going to have to wait until my equipment for level 40 is more up to par and I am more prepared (tanking food, silent oils etc). Had a few attempts of trying that zone, looking for JSE subligars and we kept wiping. Requires planning and more dedication than I expected.

            S-E really made these CoP zones more demanding.


              Had a really good weekend,got my PLD up to 25 nearly 26.Spent sunday farming for beehive chips and pots of honey got 2 stacks and 1 stack respectfuly,logged off for a couple of hrs.Checked AH the stacks had sold made 30k.About 11pm tsing asked did anyone need help with anything,i needed mission 3-3 san d'oria done.
              Tsing got a pt invite soon after but Nightseeker (sorry sure thats your name!!) offered to help me.We got it done with only a couple of dodgy moments,mostly when my sneek or invis ran out,and by 12:30pm finished now rank 4!!
              Night was brilliant considering it was 1:30pm his time when we finished,he only had 6hrs before he had to get ready for work!!
              Oh and a big thanks to Hicory for the lift to Dem!!


                Hmm not sure on Phominia, its only a solo tank job and doesn't really need much effort, just one good sneaker to get to the BC and trigger it but if you want to hold on that's cool.

                Given that it looks like for Riverne then we have...
                BLM/SMN - Darwock unless you could get SMN to 40 which would help a lot ^^
                PLD/WAR - Tsing tanking one mob
                SAM/THF - Tobal dealing lots of damage
                BST/WHM - Wedge kite No 1
                RDM/NIN - Tal kite No 2
                WHM/BLM - Hicory doing the healing

                Suggest we wait for Talizker to make NIN 20 and if D wants to SMN to 40 and then we go for it. Tactics as I see it are quite straight forward...

                Go farm up our wyvern scales in advance to get to the BCNM, we could do it same night but I'm just aware it may be easier to do i before talizker logs in to give us a better chance at 2 shots if we wipe. When we go in there are 3 mobs to be handled all mamets, we should bring some yellow liquids and try to stick them on DRG. To be honest though I found tanking no issue last night, DD is what let me down.

                The fight seems simple, RDM/NIN kites left mob, BST/WHM kites right mob, PLD/WAR provokes middle mob and pulls back onto path. Both kites kite in the same direction (clockwise or ant clockwise to prevent link agro. External mages don't cure kites unless its a total foobar.

                Mean while I tank the first mob straight up and try to stick it to DRG, though to be honest only BLM seems to be a pain. Would suggest Tobal hits his 2 hour straight up to get us in the fight and get it down as fast as possbile. Key to this BC to me seems to be kill speed on the first mob. As soon as we drop the mob then Wedge would bring in mob 2, Darwock can then either manafont or astral flow depending on job. Hoping again this will put the mob down fast. Finally Talizker brings in the last mob an we pile on for the win. Through the lot hicory (plent of yag drinks again) keeps the main fight people alive as best she can, and everyone has reraise up.

                Main 2 things to watch for are transmogrification, once this is up the mob regens from physical damage taken. With some crap timing MNKs have managed to 2 hour and regen mobs to full HP. Mindwall is the other, same as transmogification but for magic, if we see these go off we disengage till it drops

                I reckon having seen this now we can do this first try, we're more than good enough ^^
                Last edited by Tsingtao; 31-10-2005, 14:30.


                  Cheers Tsing. o.O

                  (posted before the "amend")
                  Last edited by vwilsonuk; 31-10-2005, 14:17.


                    Rare / anyone! How many stacks of Shihei am I likely to need to take Ninja 12 > 20 ?


                      It's not to bad, I would say budget at a stack per level and you'll porbably find you only need about 5 stacks though. Improtant thing is to get decent parties palying ninja in a bad party is an expensive, not to mention dangerous, hobby. I can make you shehei if you buy me the base materials to cut down on the cost. (By the way yes I still need to send you that harness back)!


                        Ideally you wanna be duel tanking (x2nins) in the dunes, this is the bets method and reuces the amount of shihei slighty. Id say 3-5 stacks, with a strong party.


                          1, stretching a second stack a lvl i reckon, depending on how crap the party is.


                            Originally posted by Tsingtao
                            It's not to bad, I would say budget at a stack per level and you'll porbably find you only need about 5 stacks though. Improtant thing is to get decent parties palying ninja in a bad party is an expensive, not to mention dangerous, hobby. I can make you shehei if you buy me the base materials to cut down on the cost. (By the way yes I still need to send you that harness back)!
                            That would be great. Are you on tonight? We can meet up to sort the Harness and the Shehei and then I will be ready to make a start in Valkurm tomorrow.


                              Originally posted by Tobal
                              1, stretching a second stack a lvl i reckon, depending on how crap the party is.
                              If my pervious parties have been anything to go by then they are likely to be Very Crap^^


                                I'll be on tonight, going to help hicory get NIN first then I'm free I reckon.

