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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Going off on a tangent now, but has anyone received their moogle gift after forming a multi-nation party? I figured I would never get round to it so I spoke to all the assessors on my own, and when I visited the moogle I was very pleased with the gift.. another one that will come in handy! So if that's what you get without a party, what do you get if you do it properly???


      I've not done anything with this one so far, been focused on what I've been doing. May have a chance this afternoon as I'm in sandy and heading to Bastok for some more Goldsmithing action. Debating aspot of NM hunting as well...

      I need more gilz

      Saving for my TM Espandon, an earth staff and a dark staff right now. Bought all my spells and armour now so that's half the job done!

      Yum there are lychees in my fruit salad!!!


        Originally posted by Darwock
        Going off on a tangent now, but has anyone received their moogle gift after forming a multi-nation party? I figured I would never get round to it so I spoke to all the assessors on my own, and when I visited the moogle I was very pleased with the gift.. another one that will come in handy! So if that's what you get without a party, what do you get if you do it properly???
        outpost warp ring for 10 or 30(HQ) warps.... which will only warp to the outpost of the region your in and your country is in control off... useless to Mage job but if you melee and have done a few supply quests it could be useful.


          Oh right, I guess I misunderstood it's purpose. It still may come in handy, I'll hang onto it I think.

          Speaking of useless items, there's no point in me keeping the red cryptex I got is there? (lvl 20 garrison item, west ronfaure) I mean, Ronfaure is never going to be under Windurstian control so I'll never be able to use it unless I switch allegiance again.


            When you switch nation do you still keep the old rank if ever went to go back? I know you lose all you CP whenever you change but i've never been sure if you keep it.... say Rank4 bastok, change to San'd get Rank2, and then change back to Bastok and get Rank4 back?


              You keep your rank and you also keep your conquest points, you just can't use them under another allegiance. I had about 6,000cp with Bastok when I switched, I now have 33,000 with Windy.. and even if I spent all my Windy ones and switched back I'd still have the 6,000 waiting for me.


                Damnit I'm slipping some way behind everyone by the looks of things. Spent last weekend levelling smithing to 10 as sub craft for clothcraft 22-30 on kaginawa, then someone suggested fly lures instead and I suddenly realized the ridiculous risk of spending 30k on skillup synth materials! Unfortunately not before I had made shed loads of bronze scales >.< Sure it'll be useful some time. So now I've levelled bonecraft to 6 and am doing fly lures, and all of this has consumed quite a bit of cash. The recent deflation in linen cloths has made me worry about overrelying on them for income and I'd like to get clothcraft to 30 before I take the RDM back out to Kazham. Will hopefully get that done this weekend, if not a little levelling too.

                Once I have the RDM to 30 I will again be seeking cash to upgrade my WHM kit (its bog standard right now, and I want the best I can reasonably afford), and then taking the WHM to 40. Once that is achieved I think I'll do the same with BLM and RDM, and then just take the WHM and RDM beyond 40.

                I want the nice swish WHM red and white kit. And its going to take me forever! But hey, its satisfying to know that I'm levelling crafts at the same rate as the jobs now, which will make kitting myself out in impressive gear sustainable. It'd be nice to do the Phomiuna Aquaducts CoP mission together if I can get the WHM to 40 fairly quickly.


                  Had a great weekend back with FFXI, and 3 evenings / 3 parties later I am 48 + 1.5. I now have all the new equipment / spells I wanted for AF1 NM, 5-1 & Genkai 1 items.

                  Darwock - Tsing, do you guys want to organise a night this week for the AF1 NM (any night but Wednesday) if convenient. Bayan wants to come as well - as an obverser only unless we need/want his help in the case of failure(s)!

                  I'm not doing any more exp'ing this week but if you guys (or anyone) are doing anything {fun} then give me shout before hand and i'll join you!


                    I have no plans, still intend to try and get my hopefully final clay tablet and then check out the nest in more detail. I can be online any time so whatever suits.


                      Originally posted by Darwock
                      I have no plans, still intend to try and get my hopefully final clay tablet and then check out the nest in more detail. I can be online any time so whatever suits.
                      Which was your last tablet?


                        Originally posted by talizker
                        Which was your last tablet?
                        In the interest of avoiding spoilers I don't really want to say ^^

                        I'm sure it's straightforward to find, but the area it's in is a pain to travel through. I've already spent two evenings searching for it. Not losing hope though... Jugner forest showed me I'm quite capable of missing what's right in front of me.


                          Originally posted by talizker
                          Darwock - Tsing, do you guys want to organise a night this week for the AF1 NM (any night but Wednesday) if convenient. Bayan wants to come as well - as an obverser only unless we need/want his help in the case of failure(s)!
                          Would offer to help but I'm not sure I'd be any more use than a chocolate teapot right now! Hope it goes well for you though ^^


                            Great to hear the xp parties showed up Talizker, he who seeketh shall find and be rewarded with new flashy spells and armour. ^^

                            I'm good to give your AF1 a go tonight if you like, I'm not fancying xping (had an awful party last night) so something fun would be good. Heppy to roll it over into a 5-1 run for you if we have time afterwards. All we'll need is a MNK and another healer, the 6th member then can be a make weight.

                            The other one we could do is go and get an Exoray mold for you and Darwock if he's on. They con tough to me these days so I can tank them happily could use a bit of extra DD or some TH if we can get it. If we did this then we could pick a night later in the week to get you a papy Tal.

                            I'm personally in the middle of my AF2, so my next stop is castle oztroja to catch the big one. After much searching a 64 BLM and I found the Dreadbug spawn point and beat it, was closer than I thought though. Had it just been the 3 of us we may have been in trouble.

                            Anyways let me know I need some fun to make up for 4 wasted hours yesterday


                              Tonight would be great for AF1 if Darwocks up for it. It's going to be 9-9.30pm ish start for me though. Tomorrow may be better for 5-1 or Exoray Mould etc as I can usually get on a little earlier but happy to see how it goes in Davoi - if we take that SOB down quickly we can move onto something else!

                              Tsing - Do you need any assistance with AF2 stuff or are you being 'assisted' enough ^^

                              Thanks for the offer Hic but you maybe right - our NM has some nasty AOE attacks...! What are you up to in game right now? My BLM is still 30 if you fancy a bit of company doing anything.


                                Yep, tonight is no problem. I managed to catch 24 yesterday lol.

