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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by Darwock
    What's this hole I keep hearing about, i don't remember any hole? lol Sounds 'dubious'.
    Just caught up on posts and he said the hole was in the middle, and the Orcs wouldn't let him get near it.


      hole? lol! hole/chest.. it's all the same at sea ^^


        It is the Storage Hole I am looking for ^^

        Yes I found it

        No, I couldn't get to it


          I can't get my hole either.


            If that's still the last post in this forum when I come back into work tomorrow I think I'm going to cry.


              Ok, what a crazy day.

              I have just been speaking to the playonline support and they have accepted my request to have my character restored, could be upto a week though.

              Even if I still go on to not play it anymore at least that option is still there and I kind of need that, like others, having the option to return makes a big difference.


                Glad to hear it's sorted Wedge, get your instrument palying butt back on the server and come have some fun. What level are you now, could always jump in with ArchAnglez if you fancy some ZM and god action, though don't MooglesVengence do that anyways?

                On a more personal note good to have you back mate, hope you find something that catches your imagination in the game again soon. If nothing else fancy another BCNM40, bound to cheer you up ppiping at those Mandies ^^


                  Originally posted by Tsingtao
                  Glad to hear it's sorted Wedge, get your instrument palying butt back on the server and come have some fun. What level are you now, could always jump in with ArchAnglez if you fancy some ZM and god action, though don't MooglesVengence do that anyways?

                  On a more personal note good to have you back mate, hope you find something that catches your imagination in the game again soon. If nothing else fancy another BCNM40, bound to cheer you up ppiping at those Mandies ^^
                  BCNM40 Sounds good.

                  As for Linkshells I think MooglesVengence and Rargh will be about it for me.


                    Great night!

                    The storage hole was meters from the Jugner Zone in Davoi so got the AF1 Fencing Degan with ease. Then it was on to Crawlers nest for Darwock and my Genkai 1 Exoray Mould. Bumped into Rare in Jeuno and he joined us and Tsing for an evening's fun in the Nest!

                    Darwock and I both got the Mould (eventially!), I also got the Nest Key which is part of RDM AF2 and finally we killed a NM for Tsing's AF2. Unfortunately Fraps has somehow not saved my pictures (read: Human Error...) so nothing to show i'm afraid - doah!


                      I really need to get back into this game...

                      Still, the exams will be over by the 31st May, so I plan on a long FFXI session after that. I just hope I can rememeber what I wanted to do when I last logged out.


                        A most triumphant day yesterday, here's how it went down in order of appearance

                        1) I got my heating fixed and now my wallet is considerably lighter and thus easier to carry
                        2) Completed Genkai 2, pick up party ended up with an alliance of 14 with 6 of us needing the items. Run completed no deaths everyone got their gear ^^
                        3) Obtained league 1 play off final tickets for Cardiff on Sunday to watch the Wednesday
                        4) Had a nice roast dinner
                        5) Got Talizkers exoray mold after about 40 mins
                        6) Carried out our first skillchain with Freeze
                        7) Said skillchain nearly kills Darwock after pulling more hate than a Boyzone record
                        8) Got Darwocks exoray mold about 1 1/2 hours after Tals (darksday bah)
                        9) Killed the dreadbug so I now have 6 baits to take to castle Oz for my AF2, sweet
                        10) Had a nice desert
                        11) Slept

                        As you can see days just don't come to much better, today work >.<


                          Shouldn't number 10 have come directly after number 4?

                          Oh yeah and thanks again for busting that invincible move, saved my neck that did


                            Originally posted by Darwock
                            Shouldn't number 10 have come directly after number 4?
                            Sadly not as it depended on me performing the arduous task of:

                            1. Getting up from my FFXI station (a bit of a shocker in and of itself).
                            2. Squeezing past Tsing in the absurdly small room where we routinely cook silicon playing FFXI (currently has four computers in it and barely enough room for sitting comfortably in a desk chair).
                            3. Walking downstairs.
                            4. Opening the fridge.
                            5. Putting the prepared desert into bowls and collecting forks (can be tricky this one).
                            6. Carrying bowls back up the stairs.

                            Step number 1 in turn depended on a number of factors, including making progress with {Clothcraft}.

                            Which is now 30.


                              Nothing like spending 500,000 gil on your lunch break - that's me got my summoner's earring. It was that or the light spirit pact, and the light spirit has been gradually dropping in price so I thought I'd leave that a bit longer. The earring is pretty much going into storage until the day I beat Fenrir.

                              I took my next significant step towards that goal as well, as I have now obtained the key items for two of the high level avatar fights... got a lot of levels to make up before I can tackle them but it's nice to know they are waiting for me.

                              Of course this means I am back to being broke, got 40K and no spells or equipment over level 50 :-(


                                OK, made some progress on my AF2! I went into the nest tonight and searched it from top to bottom.. but couldn't find anything at all related to what I was looking for. I figured it was probably going to be a drop off one of the mobs... was preparing myself to cave in and look it up on the net when I saw a shout from another BLM looking for help. I teamed up with him, and he knew that we had to kill water elementals. There was no way I would ever have discovered that by accident! Anyway, job done, got what I needed.

                                As I'd feared from hearing about Tsingtao's quest, this was just the start though. After trading the item back I got a fantastic cut scene (with some of the best music I've heard yet!) giving me the back story... I have to go into Castle Zvahl Keep for the next part ><

