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    i need promys completed. pls help guys


      Originally posted by vwilsonuk
      Plan was to proceed with CoP 2-5 from 19:00 if you're still up for that? Tsing made a post earlier in the week with names/jobs, not sure everyone replied ...
      Is that on Sunday, if so I should be able to make it.


        Originally posted by mikewl
        Is that on Sunday, if so I should be able to make it.
        That is indeed on Sunday.

        Originally posted by bokawel
        i need promys completed. pls help guys
        There will be another wave of Promyvions; Menion, Akita, Kerushi, Slarty (I think) and my second char Chakmool all need them. It may not be in the immediate future as Chak and Menion are both only l20. Some of those who have already done them will come back to help too, I'm sure.

        Tobal are you good for Sunday? I think everyone else has confirmed now. The line up is:

        RDM/NIN - Talizker
        BLM/SMN - Darwock
        PLD/WAR - Tsingtao
        SAM/THF - Tobal (though any job combo for DD is cool)
        BST/WHM - Wedgemoon
        WHM/BLM - Hicory

        19:00 online, 19:30 geared and on way to Tavnazia, 19:45 entering Riverne then we farm for an hour (need scales to get through spacial displacements), Tal arrives at about 21:15 and we reach the BC about 21:30.

        This is a tough fight. A little bit of pre-reading will be helpful. Looking at the lineup Tsing has put together are both Tal and Wedge going to kite?
        Last edited by vwilsonuk; 12-11-2005, 12:04.


          I'll be up for promyvions in the future (except sunday i'll be online about 7:30pm),been offline a few days as i was busy with birthday parties and going to see The Tubes.But now i've reached lvl 30 PLD after two weeks of play and i'm ready when the other players are.By the way NEVER buy a Pinata for a kids birthday party,it took three adults 30 mins of continous hitting with sticks to open and that was after cutting slits in the side of the bloody thing to get it to split!!
          Last edited by bagpuss66; 12-11-2005, 12:11.


            i'll be on sunday


              Originally posted by Tobal
              i'll be on sunday
              Cool ... its all looking good for tomorrow!

              Originally posted by bagpuss66
              except sunday i'll be online about 7:30pm
              That's cool - my references to this Sunday are about a CoP mission that comes another mission after Promyvion completion, so you're not going to miss anything that would be helpful just yet.


                It seems that during my break from the game I've forgotten the whole 'buying food and medicines' thing.. so apologies for being shamefully unprepared, and thanks for the loans.

                Huge /cheer to Wedge for tanking 2 of the mobs at once, that was superb! I spent most of the second fight resting and aspiring, so wasn't feeling too useful - feel quite guilty too cos most of the others took a death for the cause and I got off scott free!


                  That was one very cool, cool fight, sadly didn't get to see wedge kiting in effect was very busy dual tanking with Tsing the 1st mob watching for the Regen changes.

                  tactics went mostly right, 5ws got the mob down to half Hp as it trapped in Blm body taking loads of damage and it -ga spell rarely got off without stun/critical/ws/spell coming in from tsing,hic,dara and i, we then forgot the liquid for a while and it changed a few times but we locked down into Drg for the 1/4 of it HP. not sure what happened with manafront i think the mob using Magic damage regen about during its use.

                  During all that tali went down, couldn't see what happened and wedge tanked both mobs for a while until tsing provoked and we took onthe 2nd one. With no 2hr's we set about dragging out the fight tali/wedge on kiting of 1 mob(he had reraised). Yellow liquid locked the 2nd mob into drg for nearly all the fight until i bust a ws to many and got hate as it turned War, took my Hp down and few moves later i was dead with 1/4 hp to go on it. Hic/tsing/dara continued on and i reraise during AoE gap and healed.

                  2nd mob dies as wedge HP is the red all the time, everyone heals up, wedge continues his amazing run around, and then its a pile on for the last fight, i join in after my death curse is up at about 1/4hp left onthe 3rd mob, tsing takes some nasty hits near the end with MP running out and dies, i take over for 1/2 hits more and we Win!



                    Originally posted by Darwock
                    It seems that during my break from the game I've forgotten the whole 'buying food and medicines' thing.. so apologies for being shamefully unprepared, and thanks for the loans.

                    Huge /cheer to Wedge for tanking 2 of the mobs at once, that was superb! I spent most of the second fight resting and aspiring, so wasn't feeling too useful - feel quite guilty too cos most of the others took a death for the cause and I got off scott free!
                    I think I was half expecting to be doing that Mission a few times to get the win, from what I read it was crazy hard, however I dont think it was too bad, just need to go in with a plan and have a team that works well, bring the right supplies etc, of course thats from my point of view, all I did was run run run in a circle kiting.

                    I was concerned a few times, firstly when Tal died, luckily the first one was almost beaten and managed to hold on, Tal soon got back up and saved me, I had used all my Hi-Potions and needed help with the second one, which had turned to Blm and was starting to do alot of damage, for awhile I was without a pet and had to use charm to keep binding it, this would give me time to cure myself or use an item and keep it at a distance most the time.

                    Overall I think we all showed we are up to the task with these missions, everytime we read about how tough they are we seem to manage to come out with the win.

                    Looking forward now to the next mission.


                      Originally posted by Tobal
                      not sure what happened with manafront i think the mob using Magic damage regen about during its use!
                      Nah, what happened was that the 1st mob decided to go into 'absorb physicals' mode when it was on the brink of death, and I only had 4mp remaining.

                      Had to make a decision quick and with Talizker dead I chose to manafont thinking we wouldn't last until it started taking physical damage again. Hicory actually finished it off with a Banish the next instant so I basically had manafont up during the downtime between fights and didn't get any use out of it at all.

                      The whole fight was a juggling act with mp, very glad those things can be aspir'd or it may have been a different story.


                        Originally posted by Tobal
                        During all that tali went down, couldn't see what happened and wedge tanked both mobs for a while until tsing provoked and we took onthe 2nd one.
                        Stoneskin and Utsusemi both dropped about the same time and the mob chasing me was a Warrior and was hitting so fast I could not cast anything (Bind, Gravity, Utsusemi, or Cure) without interuption.

                        I feel like a bit of a tit really - all that grafting to get Ninja to 20 then I go down like a sack of spuds right at the start ><

                        Still, Wedge did a cracking job with the kiting for sure - i'm just glad I had enough MP (along with Utsusemi!) in my weakened state to fire off enough Cure's to keep Wedge up while the second Mob was finished off.

                        I'm sorry Tsing died also - I was resting for MP (for Cures) as Hic was getting low and Tsing died right as Hic ran out and I stood up to take over...

                        Definately a great moment for Rargh! and I think we suprised a few people on the LS with our 1/1 result ^^


                          Might not have gone according to plan but you bought us just enough time to survive, so it's not like the ninja levelling was wasted.

                          In terms of story it does seem that CoP follows on from RoZ. That cutscene would have made even less sense (not that it made much) if we hadn't known what happens at the start of the Zilart missions.


                            Utsusemi was indeed critical for the hits I took when Curing Wedge while I was weakened - I was just expecting (and hoping!) for a stronger showing in the kiting part - was gutted when I died so quickly...


                              Congratulations. I?ll be honest I don?t have a clue what has been talking about whenever this mission has come up but from what I can gather this is considered a very hard mission so going 1/1 deserves mad props

                              I?ve not really been playing that much this weekend. Did some farming which was especially fun on Saturday morning as the people who were on the LS at that time had clearly been tripping as linkshell conversation was mad as a bag of cats (BACON!). I was literally crying tears of laughter, was a good LS time.

                              We also did 3 ENM runs clearing all 3 Promyvions. Holla was over so quickly, Dem got a bit rough but we pulled through and Mea required the use of 2 hours but was very close. Sadly due to a misunderstanding I only came out with 6k Exp as I missed the 3k from Mea However the highlight was getting 2 Vision drops. First netted us a Parrying Earring (only 300k) but we hit the jackpot on Dem getting an Enfeebling Earring worth a cool 5m. Along with me lucking out on a cluster worth 60k I will have made over 900k from the ENMs once everything sells which came at a time when money was getting tight. Fingers crossed Apathye?s talk of a BCNM60 will occur soon which will hopefully allow me to cash in some more. 2 more necessary purchases costing around 2m gil each at level 72 (Fume Sune-ate and Unji) then that leaves my route to 75 pretty clear.

                              Bayan also mentioned to me on Saturday that he was joining Galleon?s Dynamis run at midnight and mentioned I should be able to go along. I was really excited all day and doing the ENMs gave me the necessary buffer to prevent me deleveling in the likely deaths. However, as the time approached I started panicking about not having enough gil for tools, meds and food and the 18 stacks of Slime Oil I had picked up over the previous days weren?t selling. I backed out in the end which I am gutted about now. I will get my money situation sorted this week and be fully prepared to join Dynamis-Windurst run next weekend (they have a Dynamis-Bastok run on Wednesday but a midnight start when I have work in the morning is beyond me.

                              Also, Apathye is hoping to do a Phomiuna Aqueducts run tomorrow night to get some JSE50 sorted. Anyone who wants their JSE is welcome and whilst we obviously cannot promise that everyone will get the appropriate subligar tomorrow I do make an assurance to continue to attend as many runs as necessary to get them all. We are hoping to gather together in Tavnazian Safehold at 7pm and be killing by 7:30pm.


                                School is boring!
                                Might as well post something useful

                                Would Wedge, Tobal, Bayan be up for another BCNM60, rares already in!
                                NIN SAM WAR BLM BRD (I'm guessing bayan will goes as WAR).
                                We would also need a healer, i was thinking about asking Iceze again, i enquired a few weeks back and he had 60 seals, or is there a 60 WHM or RDM within the L's that would want to join in?

                                If you guys could post if you wanna join or not, then we can take it from there with which BC and when.

                                Last edited by Apathye; 14-11-2005, 10:54.

