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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by Darwock
    In terms of story it does seem that CoP follows on from RoZ. That cutscene would have made even less sense (not that it made much) if we hadn't known what happens at the start of the Zilart missions.
    I was well confused! Am still rank five, though hopefully I should be able to sort that soon and commence with the Zilarts. Having said that, Tsing has done the first four Zilarts and wreckoned it didn't make the story much clearer. In an ideal world I'd do them in sequence but I don't really want to hold off on CoP until I'm high enough to complete all the Zilarts!!

    Aside from that .... good job all round! Don't think levelling NIN was a waste Tal, you'd held that mob for some time before it got the better of you and these things do happen - having NIN did help.

    Tsing and I stormed through the subsequent cutscenes and will be working towards being ready for the next big battle (CoP 3-5) this weekend. Looks like we'll all need to kill two pop mobs and then do some farming in Pso'Xja to get to the BC. Teleport-Vhazl would really be useful so I'll see if I can get to 42 and open that quest (think there's a mob to be killed for that as well). Realistically all this may take us longer than a week but its really good to be making some progress again on missions, and I'm keen to keep the momentum going if we can.

    Last and not least, big thank you to everyone involved!


      I?ve read up a bit on the next mission and it looks hard, yet again most people on the message boards go with ZERG Snm,Nin or Nin sub formation, things to look out for

      *Floor tiling dropping, leaving a limited battlefield, falling means death
      *AoE Nightmare attack, AoE Sleep that poison potions and barsleep won?t help against. Sticks for ages.

      Seems the most useful tactic for a setup like ours is Silence and Stun, Stopping Nightmare is the key to the event. Bayan what does mismelt do? You mentioned that as the special boss item, like anima and yellow liquid.


        Originally posted by vwilsonuk
        Teleport-Vhazl would really be useful so I'll see if I can get to 42 and open that quest (think there's a mob to be killed for that as well).
        If you're doing this give me a shout, I have it logged so would appreciate the opportunity.


          Originally posted by Darwock
          If you're doing this give me a shout, I have it logged so would appreciate the opportunity.
          Will do. It depends on me first getting to 42. Once that's done I'll let you know and then the first opportunity that comes up for assistance I'll probably take. If its discussed here you'll know anyway, if it comes up randomly online and you're online too I'll definitely drop you a /tell.


            For me the weekend was spectacular despite only really playing on Sunday. It was a nice steady start and decided to go after the rampaging ram for a while. Got to the spawn area and as usual there were whole heap of campers, however after a quick chat with a camping duo I was invited to join their party as long as I didn't take any drops bar the rampaging horn. Seemed like a good deal to me, I could sit and chill and then pick up the drop. Anyways to avoid boredom I helped them cliam and picked up a few skins while the leathercrafter went to Sandy to empty his env. The great news was less than 45 mins in and rampaging pops, the horn drops I take the lot and bing, bang, bosh I have my purple belt. Very happy to have that done!

            After that one after various discussions about eyes etc Bevan asked if I was interested in doing Sandy 6-1 and 6-2. Of course I was so I nipped off to Jeuno and within about an hour we had an alliance of 10 all needing the mission. Cutting a long story short a very eaasy run and now just waiting to get get rank 7 later. I see rank 8 in my near future and then hope to join up with Tobal, Wedge and Rare to get rank 10.

            Finally came the CoP mission and as you've seen from all the posts an amazing job by all. Cost a small fortune in meds but more than worth it, the CSes were a touch confusing at times but mooched along till now we're set to fight an NM to move on.

            What can I say, an amazing day online


              the CSes were a touch confusing at times
              Yep, after a few more missions you'll find yourself totally confused as to what is going on in the story (at least I did, if you don't I'll be surprised lol).

              There's a website somewhere that has the whole CoP storyline, I guess i'll hunt that down when I've finished it and try to work out what the hell was going on.


                Not sure if we have enough interest to do the planned Phomiuna Aqueducts run tonight. I logged out in San d?Oria last night with the intention of getting to Tavnazian Safehold this morning in preparation. Sadly never got chance and I can?t be online properly tonight until about 7pm. I will aim to get myself on before 5:30pm and be prepared so I?m set to go when I can play properly at 7.


                  it happening on wednesday isn't it..


                    Originally posted by C'
                    Not sure if we have enough interest to do the planned Phomiuna Aqueducts run tonight. I logged out in San d?Oria last night with the intention of getting to Tavnazian Safehold this morning in preparation. Sadly never got chance and I can?t be online properly tonight until about 7pm. I will aim to get myself on before 5:30pm and be prepared so I?m set to go when I can play properly at 7.
                    I want to do this but didn't post due to the start time. If you are running late or something then i'll join you...


                      Hmmm, I?m pretty certain when me and Apathye were discussing it on Sunday we agreed Tuesday, so unless Apathye has changed his mind (or I am remembering incorrectly)it?s tonight.

                      If it is tomorrow I can still attend but Wednesday is a good TV night (well Lost is on )so will probably only be able to take part for a couple of hours at most.



                        Think the /lsmes has been saying Wednesday, may explain the lack of interest ...


                          Guess you're right

                          Guess I'm not doing anything tonight after all and my devotion to a run tommorrow will be lacking.


                            me neither ... i dont have access to that zone yet >< and the spacebar on this keyboard is broken!


                              Hmm you sure? Otherwiseyou?rewritingwouldbelikethis.


                                Another good read...

