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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    heres my character ^^



      before i get to bed...some pics first

      first time i've seen this creature....

      look at the eyes...thats evil eyes...

      some nice pics of a sand tornado...

      i will not be online for 4 days starting this thursday. GF is visiting until sunday so i cannot touch my PC during this time let alone spend hours playing FFXI. i really envy Marvelon, if only my partner is also as enthusiastic in games as Sdub, ill be happy.


        hehe Aegen..

        Anyway guys, a lad from work has a 'Reviewers Copy' of FFXI and has decided to abandon SWG and come join us on Seraph.. hurrah!

        Hopefuly I will be giving him a Linkpearl tonight, but me and Marvelon have to go out, so be nice to him!


          is that a uk version of a reviewers copy or a us version?


            Must be US I think...


              Would it be possible for me to get a second linkpearl?

              I have a friend who is joining Seraph soon, so I'd like him to join the LS too.

              Thank you.


                yep sure Vanicent, I'll give you a pearl next time I see you if you like, or you can wait until your friend is online, and then whoever is closest out of me Wedge and Aegen can pass one on


                  I've just done the Lv50 cap quest....WORST.QUEST.EVER. Took 10 hours to get everyone a stupid piece of paper


                    Don't know if this has posted before, but thought I'd link to it in case not.

                    Vanicent showed me it a few weeks back and I was very impressed. Incredible music and the angles and shots in some cases I have no idea how they achieved them

                    If I wasn't already addicted I'd want to play this based on the video.

                    So I give to you, the Final Fantasy XI Online Movie


                      Btw thanks Halfpint for giving me the cash to buy an awesome scythe.

                      Fear the Reaper! ;P


                        Originally posted by C'
                        Don't know if this has posted before, but thought I'd link to it in case not.
                        Actually Rare, it has been posted before (this is where I initially found out about it), I just forgot to mention it.

                        Originally posted by C'
                        Vanicent showed me it a few weeks back and I was very impressed. Incredible music and the angles and shots in some cases I have no idea how they achieved them

                        If I wasn't already addicted I'd want to play this based on the video.
                        I've got no clue either, really good work though. And the same applies for me. But, I'm alerady addicted, so that's not going to happen.

                        Originally posted by C'
                        So I give to you, the Final Fantasy XI Online Movie

                        Yep, enjoy it, those of you who have not seen it already, it's worth the d/l time.


                          Originally posted by Vanicent
                          Actually Rare, it has been posted before (this is where I initially found out about it), I just forgot to mention it.
                          Shut up, you're making me look foolish


                            Most of the angles in the video are achieved by using the first person view (5 on the numeric keypad) some are from cutscenes though.


                              Things are going well with me . My fishing skill is level 19, which means when I can get my ass over to Windurst I can get another rank up . I also got cooking level 5 or 6 (I think).

                              And I'm level 21 woot .


                                It's monday morning... When me and Sdub were leaving the house this morning we realised we hadn't been outside at all (except for me taking out the rubbish on sunday afternoon)
                                We did get a lot done this weekend. We started on Friday early evening as lv 16 characters (without subjobs) we reached level 18, completed the (Mhaura) subjob quest (thanks to a lv 46 DRK friend of Sdub) and we are now 10 levels into our subs. My goldsmithing reached level 3 as well. and yesterday I spent 35k on a pair of Strike Baghnahks (lv 14 +5 damage +42 delay Dex +2) so when I get to lv 14 I will be a force to be reckoned with

