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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    If people can't get past Promyvion now there must be something seriously up with them as players! Promyvion has been totally 'neutered'.. I couldn't believe it last night. Back when we did our mission attempts if we got seether aggro on floor 3 we would have been in deep **** with at least one death pretty much guaranteed, but last night it was dealt with in no effort at all. Earlier in the trip we'd got double aggro weeper/wanderer that was also a piece of cake to deal with. I have never repeated the final battles but if they have been messed with as well that's very disappointing.

    The only problem I have with level caps is it leads to a cock-up of the story progression. People obviously do the capped stuff first as it's lower level and therefore more accessible, but plot-wise it's back to front. The only way to fix that would be to lock the missions until earlier expansions have been done, but then what's the point in the caps?

    Are we going for another Garrison this week? Even if we can't get numbers I would still be up for a 6-man attempt (in fact I'd prefer it). I have the trigger for a 40 cap zitah fight and Valkurm/Altepa/Xarcabard are also available to Windurst this week, so can farm them if needed. Altepa/Xarcabard might be hard though, 50 cap and I don't think I've ever tried to kill an Antican Princeps (that drops the trigger) and Demon Pawns... they still give me the shivers from my AF armour stuff.
    Last edited by Darwock; 13-03-2006, 10:59.


      Im up for exping tonight Tobal.


        Originally posted by Tobal
        As for Mannequin drops legs and feet seem impossible to sell. I suggest in future we just give them out LS people who want to build Mannequin, if no-one interested in building we sell and split, as for last weeks I?ll buy the legs and feet for 200k and give it rare to split when the Military Axe sells. I?m going to try building a mannequin, I know I solo the Head(as Smn), but will need help for Body(easy) and hands(leeches Bcnm20, war/nin x3 + 2hrs). This will also open up the quest for the mannequin pumps some top class rare/ex mage boots for 35-70.
        Yeah, I want to build a Mannequin (so I can get the Pumps^^) also so will be available to assit when needed. If we are just going to let the items drop during Garrison you may as well just take the bits you have now dude.

        I'm up for Garrison / ENM / CoP this week - not going to waste my time trying to get a party - will wait until we can sort a LS static for 34 > 40.


          If we're letting people keep the Mannequin Parts what should I do with the ones that Mait bought off me?

          He's already paid 90k for them so I can distribute 10k to everyone else who attended (and I've even given some out). Should I give him his gil back and let him keep the legs for free (I know he was trying to build his Mannequin).

          Oh and I'd like to do Garrison again for my own set of legs (got feet already)

          I know I can trigger 30 battles for:

          Buburimu Peninsula
          Pashow Marshlands
          Meriphetaud Mountains

          I think San d'Oria also has the Yuhtunga Jungle outpost but I'm uncertain what it would cap at (I'm guessing 40)
          Last edited by C'; 13-03-2006, 11:13.


            What a ****ing lousy morning I've had. Logged in at 9 to camp lizzy with 1 other guy there. After about 30 minutes the other guy left and I spent another hour killing lizards.

            Unknown to me, after the hour had passed I was beating on another lizard when I turn around to see some fat arse galka monk beating on, yes thats right - Lizzy! No drop, but had I claimed it, would the result have been different?


              Give mait the money back then.


                Yeah the jungle is also 40. Maybe we should go for that to avoid having to change gear if we're doing Zi'tah?


                  Tonight could be the big one for me, at long last I could reach level 75.

                  Tobal, where were you planning to go for tonights exp party.


                    edit wrong week ^^

                    anywhere open for fast pulling so sky or L.meadows, prefer the meadows as they always some idiots muscling in on sky camps even if you marker it up in your comment.
                    Last edited by Tobal; 13-03-2006, 13:14.


                      Fingers crossed (again) I have Diabolos on Wednesday evening after it failed to get going last week so I?ll have to pass on Garrison after all.


                        Who said it had to be on Wednesday?


                          i made suggest cos i thoughti couldn't make it this friday but edited it.


                            Sorry Tobal, have been delayed getting on tonight, updated my graphics card drivers and on restart my machine kept turning off at the oint where windows should boot.

                            Just got it working but need a bit before I can get on.


                              Where would the best place be for me to pre-order a copy of ToA is i wanted to buy one?


                                Originally posted by Bayan
                                Where would the best place be for me to pre-order a copy of ToA is i wanted to buy one?
                                All Right

                                I think Gamestop is the choice of most people for the US version. So, Bayan, when are we going to see you back on a more regular basis? Any plans to do so before ToA?

                                Congratulations Wedge on Lv75 - its well deserved /bow.
                                Last edited by talizker; 14-03-2006, 06:51.

