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    Rare I think you gave me 10k so I will sort you out with that later.

    As for Garrison I hope you don't mind but I think im going to pass tonight, I just got a bit too much on, Diablos, Dominos Pizza and the Outfit to fit in.

    Regarding Diablos, what time can everyone be on?

    Tal if your short on meds I can bring what you need from Jeuno just let me know.

    Tobal, is this going to be ok with you?


      Little sign of Tobal this alvo ... anyone got him on messenger or text or something?


        Originally posted by Daragon
        The fact that I got the 10k share out it isn't my issue, its the communication thing. This isn't the first time I've encountered a party leader make decisions for the group without actually informing everyone first hand.

        Everyone played their part as you said, so ultimately everyone should benefit. Personally, I would have allowed Mait to have the piece should he have wanted it, but I would have charged him for it as you were right to do, but if you go ahead and make decisions based on the say of 1 or 2 members that not everyone might agree with, if that, then how is it fair?
        OK, I apologise for the people in question for this (people are going to be named) but as the insinuation seems to be I am making decisions for people I need to cover my back on this.

        It all started on this page of the thread (and I find it pathetic I have to do this):

        Post 6135 is Tobal listing his plans for the week. In the Garrison section he mentions specifically that he is struggling to sell the mannequin parts he has but because he wants to build a mannequin anyway he would buy the parts, give me the gil to distribute out with the Military Axe (he should have said Pick) gil. It was also said that in future the mannequin parts are free lot to anyone planning to build one (so not for profitable gain)

        At this point in time, Maitreriz has already bought my Mannequin legs off me and I have started giving out some gil.

        Post 6138 is then Talizker. He states that he is also interested in building a mannequin so is happy to let them fall in future to those who want them. He also states that he feels Tobal should not pay people to keep them.

        By this time I am a bit concerned as I have been circulating Mannequin gil from Mait and I don?t feel the situation is fair.

        Therefore I make a post (6139) asking what do people think I should do with Mait?s gil.

        The only response I get is Tobal saying I can give his gil back (6141). No one else responds.

        Now at no point have I forced people to go by a certain decision. It was an open question to everyone who took part. The fact Tobal was the only person to respond meant that that was the only course of action I could take. In terms of a democratic decision it was 2 people saying give it back and 8 abstentions.

        Communication was made on this issue.


          Ok, so I missed the post and I apologise for this situation we're in - seems that I always cause these "problems" despite my best efforts to want to avoid them.

          For the record, in the future I have NO issue with mob drops going soley to whoever they end up with, regardless of their rarity or value.


            Tobal was off work today, if that was me I'd still be in me kip. He was a cert for garrison tonight anyway so I'm sure he'll be there for diabolos.


              Originally posted by Daragon
              Ok, so I missed the post and I apologise for this situation we're in - seems that I always cause these "problems" despite my best efforts to want to avoid them.

              For the record, in the future I have NO issue with mob drops going soley to whoever they end up with, regardless of their rarity or value.
              lol, this only applies to the mannequin parts mate, the weapon proceeds still have to be dished out.


                When I say mob drops, I infact mean items that fall from individual monsters, not rewards for beating a mission/quest/bcnm/enm/garrison etc


                  Well for me Diablos is the thing to do, if I have time or inclination after I'll have the right gear on for the garisons.

                  As for 10k, come Dara you must be kidding mate you've got a level 50 odd thief and a level 60 odd BLM. You can accidently fall over and make 10k, for instance kill 1 elemental with thf for a couple of clusters or nuke a ram to death on BLM.

                  To be skint past 50 you really have to try hard, I know I'm down to 6k right now but even so I've got another million coming thorugh. Hate to say it but its just not hard, the garisons are mostly for fun with the only valuable drops being the Military weapons, which it sounds like you have one of. Feet and legs which are the only Mannequin drops are worth less than some clusters we leave to free lots in ENM, come get a hold.

                  One final point what makes you feel its harder for you to obtain gil than Rare?


                    I'm sure if the other drop was a military weapon, I wouldn't have been trusted to look after it.

                    As for my gil issues in regards to farming, the problem I have isn't effort its time with the majority of whatever time I do have going to exp parties or events such as missions or quests and when I actually do manage to farm, I get tired far too easily because the mob I'm chasing is halfway across the map - once I get my thief high enough for jellies, I'm hoping my gil worries will be a thing of the past.
                    Last edited by Daragon; 17-03-2006, 14:27.


                      Nope, it was a military weapon* and you did win the lot, I was paying attention as it was my trigger that started that one. There should be no 'if I find it's or 'might be able to's about this, you took the item therefore it is your responsibility to sell it and give people their due share - whether they ask you directly for it or not.

                      If I had ended up with one of those, they're worth about 100k at most.
                      The same as the mannequin parts you were kicking up a fuss over?

                      These people are all due payment even if it was just 10K


                      *this refers to your suggestion that it was a platoon weapon, which you have edited.
                      Last edited by Darwock; 17-03-2006, 14:34.


                        Originally posted by Darwock
                        Nope, it was a military weapon and you did win the lot, I was paying attention as it was my trigger that started that one. There should be no 'if I find it's or 'might be able to's about this, you took the item therefore it is your responsibility to sell it and give people their due share - whether they ask you directly for it or not.

                        The same as the mannequin parts you were kicking up a fuss over?

                        These people are all due something even if it's just 10K


                        *sigh* I had hoped no-one would have quoted my post before I editted it. I mistakingly said that Garrisons were the only places that dropped platoon items, when infact they only came from BCNMs.

                        If I have or even had a military item, then its either been sold or has sold already. In either case everyone will get their due. I'm not exactly having the best week at the moment and this situation is the least of my worries to be perfectly honest. If I have forgotton something that happened 3 days ago, feel free to let me know, although I'm not going to lose sleep over it, when I have enough other things that will cause that.


                          I suggest that we allocate a quartermaster for future events as some people clearly can't be trusted.

                          If assuming responsibility for dishing out loot is 'the least of your worries'... kindly pass on the lots and let someone else take care of it.


                            I'm all for a quartermaster, I suggest we go with someone who clearly DOESN'T have a life outside of this game


                              Ah, we seem to have degenerated into Allakhazam levels or conversation now.

                              ?lik3 zOMg I h4v3 t3h Life?


                                yeh like u know evrything I might of lost against Dablos but at least I aint a vergin like u!

