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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Well I spent around an hour and a half in total last night camping the Notorious Monster in Ronfaure, to no avail. The first spawn, there were about 10 different people waiting for it, so no luck. The second time it didn't appear :/.

    Boring! Back to fishing .


      Here it is folks. Player Vs. Player


        A vibrating low note hangs in the air... the screen is dark... white letters fade in... they say 'Soon'... fade to black.... new titles appear 'They said it wouldn't come'... fade to black ... new titles appear 'PvP. Very soon'
        Orchestra stabs several times and crescendos to a crash.

        Good to know it's coming at last... I'm sure Squeenix have given it plenty of thought, still don't understand how it's going to work though (the characters in the pictures are wearing highlevel armor) maybe you have to be 40+?


          From those 2 pages (which actually reveal very little) it seems to be some sort of contest/competition type thing that will be run at set times, and that if you choose to partake, then you will be able to fight against other people who are partaking in said contest.


            Nothin Fantastic but heres a few pics of me (Dark Night) and a few people i know..........

            Im on Siren if anyone wants to join me







            Anyone help me out on why my pics arnt workin?


              Well, that sucked.

              Just levelled up my Blacksmith skill to level 8 and the guildmaster informs me that if I make him a Xiphos he'll upgrade my rank in the guild. No biggie, I made 3 last night to get to level 8 in the first place, so I trots over to me Mogsafe, grab one of the Xiphos swords, then run back and trade.

              Sure enough he upgrades my rank from Amateur to Recruit (y'hear that no one can call me an amateur (in the Blacksmith's Guild).

              Excitement coarses though my veins. Surely this is going to open up a ton more new synthing receipes to me. No longer willl I have to continue making the same shoddy bronze stuff repeatedly.

              Erm, no. Everyone in the guild gives me the same recipes I've been making for the last few weeks. What makes it even more depressing is that none of the recipes (apart from said Xiphos) have increased my smithing skill lately so how am I supposed to level up even more?


                Hi all, just did some research on the Race Specific Equipment that can be had... I really want those Custom Gloves.
                I'm sure everyone will find something worth obtaining for their race. I reckon Mahlory will want to get her hands on those (unfortunately named) Pants.
                It's a lot of work obtaining them; you need to have lots of fame for one, and the quests take place in 'ard places (Ordelle's Cave/Shakrami Maze/Gusgen Mines) but it should be fun doing it all together.

                Heres all the info:


                  Magic galka equipment ain't for me


                    Can someone confirm that you can get away with the same US PlayOnline registration address but UK billing address on the PS2 version? I'm so frickin' tempted.


                      yup i beleive you can from tlakin in my ls


                        Nice story from yesterday evening. Me and Mahlory were in Jeuno (near the lower Jeuno Auction House) when a little taru named Jeralb opened his casino. He shouted "Jeralbs Casino now open for business, /t if you're feeling lucky." The deal was Minimum bet 500g, maximum bet 2000g. Give him the money, do a /random. Roll 0-649 you lose, 650 to 949 you double your money 950-999 you win triple. He gathered a crowd in next to no time and from what I gathered he was raking it in. He had macro's for winners (on /sh) and losers (on /s ) and he soon had a Bard playing some tunes as well.
                        A high level player offered to be 30k but he couldn't pay out for that, but he did accept a 10k bet and she lost it (rolled 621).


                          NTL screwing with my area again, so i have no idea when i'll be back on. I guess i'll go complete the tons of games i have piled up uncompleted due to FFxi


                            Sounds cool Marvelon, I've partied with Jeralb before . Anyway, I'm back from LAN (which was awesome) so I'll be hardcore levelling probably only starting tomorrow, to get to that level 30 milestone and, of course, a RNG, mob-camping, money-raking subjob .


                              LOL Half,earlier today 4 of us (myself, Wedge,Tox and Tobal) all completed the RNG flag quest. If you'd have been there you couldhave joined us


                                Whatever trevor. I'm a bit pissed off at the moment because I had one of the worst parties you could imagine. Almost 2 hours, about 6 actual fights, twice that many goblins and about -1000 exp. ft:

