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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Alternatively. Don?t cheat!


      So, MrArgus means don't cheat?

      I think I've missed the boat here somewhere...


        Originally posted by Darwock
        So I can see that the unstable cluster remains the undisputed heavyweight champion of Riverne site #B01, but how did it go? Was it a near victory, or a party wipe? Don't know if I can make it on either tonight or tomorrow but I'll certainly help if I can.
        Got below half HP before the 1st SD killed us!

        Tsing made some good points, get it's HP down as fast as possible. now for the return fight i will have to wait till either Sat or Sunday depending when people are around and if we get Saerik 3.5 done Weds or Thursday (and are the other filling to turn up again).

        I'll be busy tonight dying in dynamis Bastok hoping for AF glove drop!!


          Quite glad I've still got Mr. Lupine on my ignore list, it seems he's still not adding anything worthwhile to proceedings.

          As an aside I feel quite deflated now, I had no idea profblix was considered easy to get.. lol. It does explain why the place went from being virtually empty to something resembling glastonbury festival in the space of 15 minutes though...


            Originally posted by Daragon
            Its certainly not as Newbie friendly as it was back when I started in Jan 04, RMT (gil sellers) have crippled the game's economy on the whole.
            Thats just not ture, the economy is fine was screwed for about 2 months over christmas but then you had to be mental to buy anything then. RMT accounts are an issue but won't bother you unduly till you reach the 50s and start competing for high level drops, even then most of them are crap I've out pulled teams of up to 6 sellers at spawns solo.

            Originally posted by Daragon
            Unfortunately, crafting (I find at least) would seem like trying to push a boulder up a hill using only a twig compared to WoW's system. You will need a good, strong bank account to fund it past lvl 10, and thats if luck is on your side.
            Crafting to is fine other than few exceptions most crafts 0-10 are profit. Seferal are profit all the way to 60 and even beyond in some cases.

            Originally posted by Lupine
            Just MrArgus it.
            One final point I'm about to look up Mr Argus if its a hack I'll be reporting the post to moderators and if I ever find out what server your on you to SE. Incompetant cretins that can't play properly and make the claims are the scourge of the servers, I can but hope your caught and banned.

            Editted repeatedly to get it right final update ^^
            Last edited by Tsingtao; 21-03-2006, 10:39.


              I really, really want to get back into this when it hits retail.

              I don't think I can though.

              It's not possible for me to play it for just a few hours a week - if i went back on I'd need to cane another 750hours out of it in two months, which consequently means throwing my life away in that time.

              My mates want to start a real life friends LS. It wouldn't work, as I can already see what would happen - I'd go back to 5.WHM/5.BLM, hit lvl.37 with both jobs, and then take BRD to lvl.40 in the time it'd take them to hit lvl.10 with whatever.

              If I win the lottery I'll be back on.


              I remember thinking how it must be all bull**** how people had racked up thousands of hours on it during the 1st 12 months on PC/PS2. I now know just how easy it is.

              Jesus, if I didn't have a job I'd be on this for 150 (out of a possible 168) hours a week, easy.
              Last edited by dataDave; 21-03-2006, 10:40.


                Oh, so THATS what MrArgus is....


                  Perhaps we are looking at Stun options all wrong with this. Wouldn?t a DRK be a better option as not only would he provide high melee damage but also Stun? Sounds ideal. Rabs has a 75 DRK I know that for sure but I don?t know about Riverne Site B#01 access. This would also free up Apa to possibly come as his THF (if he so wishes) which again is more damage.

                  As for Unstable Cluster Darwock, we got it about 50% health which is what we achieved with less people the night before. We planned to go at it with more magic attacks but it was not the right choice. I spent most of my time casting elementals which as I mentioned were heavily resisted, which also impacted on my melee damage (the constant casting interrupted my attack timer). Focussing on magic attacks also meant my concentration was lax on whether Utsusemi was up and when to recast and I get hate when Utsusemi was unprepared, took 4 hits and hit the deck. However, if I hadn?t of died then Self-Destruct would have certainly gotten me as it felled people with more HP than me.


                    Darwock doesn't lessent he achievement mate, its a tough dorp to get. Lots of competition and its less than gauranteed, I got the empress pin first try but tat hardly makes it an easy job Iceze was 0/9 last time I spoke ot him.

                    Bug props mate but yes thats why eveyone abd his dog arrived at once.


                      First of all congrats to Darwock on his success with the earring.

                      Secondly, to Daragon - as someone who has written in this very thread today about how frustrating it can be waiting for NM's to spawn and claiming them, it would be nice if you recognized that Darwock's achievement is down to more than "luck" but also patience and application.

                      Thirdly, to the tw@t who likes ToS violating plug ins ... FFXI means many different things to all who play it, but those who employ cheats to progress their character in the game are deceiving those who have invested their own time and effort to play legitimately alongside them. In terms of "achievement", "kudos", "impressive stats/equipment", they are cheating themselves. It is a choice of the easy route above the right route. You may get the /checks and the odd comment on nice gear, but its no measure of your skill, just a measure of your acknowledgement that you are an inferior gamer who values their own ego above their integrity and the integrity of the game.

                      And deep down, you will always know that.


                        Originally posted by vwilsonuk
                        Thirdly, to the tw@t who likes ToS violating plug ins ... FFXI means many different things to all who play it, but those who employ cheats to progress their character in the game are deceiving those who have invested their own time and effort to play legitimately alongside them. In terms of "achievement", "kudos", "impressive stats/equipment", they are cheating themselves. It is a choice of the easy route above the right route. You may get the /checks and the odd comment on nice gear, but its no measure of your skill, just a measure of your acknowledgement that you are an inferior gamer who values their own ego above their integrity and the integrity of the game.

                        And deep down, you will always know that.
                        Too true Hic, to me lupine whatever you have its nothing you've not played the game in my view you've cheated. Take everyone one of your playing hours everyne one of your 'achievements' and discard them for you sir are the lowest of the low.


                          Originally posted by vwilsonuk
                          First of all congrats to Darwock on his success with the earring.

                          Secondly, to Daragon - as someone who has written in this very thread today about how frustrating it can be waiting for NM's to spawn and claiming them, it would be nice if you recognized that Darwock's achievement is down to more than "luck" but also patience and application.

                          Thirdly, to the tw@t who likes ToS violating plug ins ... FFXI means many different things to all who play it, but those who employ cheats to progress their character in the game are deceiving those who have invested their own time and effort to play legitimately alongside them. In terms of "achievement", "kudos", "impressive stats/equipment", they are cheating themselves. It is a choice of the easy route above the right route. You may get the /checks and the odd comment on nice gear, but its no measure of your skill, just a measure of your acknowledgement that you are an inferior gamer who values their own ego above their integrity and the integrity of the game.

                          And deep down, you will always know that.
                          I did recognise Darwock's achievement in obtaining that earring, possibly one of if not THE most sought after piece of blm gear apart from some af pieces.
                          The luck aspect I was describing was that Darwock, seemingly by his own admission claimed that he had taken on a mob beyond his ability and won, due to the kind heartedness of other campers who had missed out on the claim.

                          Its not everyday you hear about campers who start curing people who claim their mob. When I was battling the Goblin Archaeologist with Zavala, all we got were abusive tells and /angry emotes.


                            Oh no, I absolutely appreciate my luck in that regard. Players who would pass up an opportunity to take something for themselves are few and far between - I reckon there was more likelihood of being MPK'd than what actually happened! (especially as there were beastmasters present)

                            Not sure if I could have coped with him alone or not if I'd stuck to the plan, the main problem was I lost my head and didn't do what I'd intended to do - the first cure I received meant I'll never know I guess... do I care? lol


                              Any more recommending of cheat hacks in online games will potentially end in bannage. Please report post if any more crop up after this. Thanks


                                Good strategy Tsing, I think your plan should well give us the Win next time.

                                Im going to be NM camping tonight, exping in the room NoVV spawns in, not too sure though if I could actually beat him, it will surely be hectic with all the possible links but if he shows up im going to try. I only ever got the Siren's hair once.

                                I need money though alot right now, only got about 500k on my main with about 300k over mules and lots of multi million gil equipment to get.

