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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I don't like the sounds of this, why are you all talking about coffers? please tell me they didn't make the requirement for the new zones more god damn coffer hunting... that's really f*&king imaginative.


      Originally posted by Darwock
      I don't like the sounds of this, why are you all talking about coffers? please tell me they didn't make the requirement for the new zones more god damn coffer hunting... that's really f*&king imaginative.
      hmmmm, oooops, ignore me D... >.<

      Will try and avoid spoiler comments in future, even when I didn't mean them to be.
      Last edited by talizker; 21-04-2006, 09:19.


        You sure you want me to tell you this? I'll spoiler it just in case

        Before you can take the boat to Aht Urghan you need a key item Boarding Pass. The NPC that offers you this says you can have various ways to obtain it (divided into Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced)

        Beginner ? He asks you to obtain all 6 of the subjob items (so the ones for the Selbina quest and one for the Mhaura quest)
        Intermediate ? He requests 3 Garrison items. However they have to specifically be the ones from (I think) Davoi, Beaudeux and Castle Oztroja.
        Advanced ? He gives you lots of options for this. He either wants a single coffer key (from Davoi, Beaudeux, Castle Oztroja, Temple of Uggalepih, Den of Rancor, Sea Serpent Grotto or Quicksand Caves), a single job testimony (any job) or all 3 coloured chips from Pso?Xja.

        If you don?t want to go to the trouble of all this you can also pay 500000 gil and buy the boarding pass.


          Ill keep it spoiler free, but there are some very impressive CS in the new expansion and the story shapes up well. Im abit low to really do anything in the expansion atm so need to get lvl'in

          Unlocking the new jobs is fun and one of them has a really cool storyline and wicked CS worth a bash as soon as you get to the new areas. One of the new areas you need to go to is very impressive for FFXI graphics wise

          Oh Rare Maria is really sorry for lettin the name of that NPC slip. Shes a n00b i explained that she was ment to /t Sorry.


            Originally posted by talizker
            What can I say. The biggest disapointment in ages. Still can't register the f**king expansion and no coffer key for Tobal or me in Quicksand Caves.


            Seraph World Pass for those that need it:


            5 uses, valid for 167 hours from 11.30pm 20/4. Enjoy...
            Fantastic! :-) Thanks guys. Just installing the 360 version now (60 minutes of game patching underway), I hope my transfer of Larcen from the Beta goes to plan. G@D knows which server he ended up on, if he's intact or if I can move him over to Seraph (I'm guessing the world pass only works for new characters?) as I missed the specific transfer period due to leading some out of bounds expeditions :-(

            All will soon become clear I'm sure!


              My current progress:

              Activated somewhere in the region of 15 quests (with many town areas still to explore)

              One of these I am certain will end up unlocking Corsair based on the events in the cutscenes.

              Me and Wedge also began the first Aht Urghan (not Assault) mission but are struggling with finding where to go next. Luckily i managed to find a clue off an NPC after Wedge logged off so it allows us to focus our search.


                Originally posted by C'
                You sure you want me to tell you this? I'll spoiler it just in case

                Before you can take the boat to Aht Urghan you need a key item Boarding Pass. The NPC that offers you this says you can have various ways to obtain it (divided into Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced)

                Beginner ? He asks you to obtain all 6 of the subjob items (so the ones for the Selbina quest and one for the Mhaura quest)
                Intermediate ? He requests 3 Garrison items. However they have to specifically be the ones from (I think) Davoi, Beaudeux and Castle Oztroja.
                Advanced ? He gives you lots of options for this. He either wants a single coffer key (from Davoi, Beaudeux, Castle Oztroja, Temple of Uggalepih, Den of Rancor, Sea Serpent Grotto or Quicksand Caves), a single job testimony (any job) or all 3 coloured chips from Pso?Xja.

                If you don?t want to go to the trouble of all this you can also pay 500000 gil and buy the boarding pass.
                He can have my

                Quicksand Coffer key then

                about time I shifted one of them - 10% of my mog safe is comprised of sodding


                  Lol, the average AK forum member is as thick as they get.

                  Some moron actually posted this (in seriousness) regarding what constitutes cheating.

                  And I guess that online guides (as posted on the Alla forums all the time) and the Brady Book (as useful as it may or may not be) is also cheating?


                    I just pray I'm never so bored that I actually log on the forums there and start reading...


                      I am starting to get SERIOUSLY ****ed off with POL now - I finally get passed the POL error and now it tells me either my POL number or password are incorrect.

                      Both have been checked against my US POL details and I have them both correct - I was able to transfer the account across but registering a simple game is too much of a problem for them evidently. I even tried to register the game via POL on my PC but nooooooooooo, invalid game code -_-


                        First off, if you have a US account you cannot add Expanded Services or create new Content IDs in the Euro PC or 360 version. All actions involving content will have to be done on the PC (this is how it has always been).

                        Secondly, the Registration Code is context sensitive so make sure you enter all letters as capitals.


                          Has anyone any info yet on 360 improvements?

                          Did they fix the Draw distance, resolution?


                            Various people on GFaq's report the background resolution on the final is higher than on the beta, this true?


                              From my limited time on the 360 version last night I would say it is better than the beta as far as interface speed and general usage. Jeuno's buildings looked nice but I never saw them on the Beta. On the whole though, after logging back on with my PC, it still looks way better on the PC to be honest.


                                24 hours later and I'm still not able to actually play the 360 version. I got a bit further in the registration process, but it's now decided to die after the page where you type in all your address details (which is a lot of fun on that rubbish on-screen keyboard).

                                Has anybody with the UK 360 version managed to actually register yet?

