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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    You don't need to change equipment to do that, not sure of the PC equivalent but on PS2 you just push R3 to unlock the camera.


      Asterisk on number keypad unlocks on keyboard


        I remember a button doing that on my old pad, I just never thought to use it in battle, handy to know I dont need to swap out equipment anymore to do it, although probably will as im so used to it, that and the fact that I have equipment changes on nearly every macro I use.

        Anyone want to do any enms tonight, Apa mentioned doing ENM Mea quite often but would also like to do Monarch Linn and Boneyard Gully.


          I use an xbox 1 pad on my pc, and during fights, clicking left analog stick 3rd->1st camera change(and back) and the right stick governs all camera movement, and clickig it in for me locks and unlocks the camera from the mob(which also as you lot know changes the movement system from Strafing to 3D run).


            Monarch Linn I would like to do, it'd also be handy to go up there as there's a fair chance of Boroka being present if we go through site B.


              Hit level 13 last night and have only had one party invite the whole time. Tis a very lonely MMO thus far...

              Headed to the dunes and got loads of 'get a sub-job' comments... umm, well seeing as I need to be in the Dunes for that...



                Dunes are full of idiots and always have been, especially if they are moaning at you for not having a subjob at level 13!

                I remember when I was looking for my support job items there was some tosser responding with "><" and "ROFL" every time I asked something like "is this a good spot for damselflies" and "do they link?".. there's a lot of assholes who seem to think this knowledge is shat randomly out of the sky as opposed to being something you pick up with experience. This type also seems to enjoy going back to the dunes so they can lord it over the new players and feel important.

                You've got to learn to brush off that kind of thing I reckon, or it'll drive you nuts. Actually I got a similar type of guff from somebody recently at level 60, so it never goes away.

                P.S. Party invites typically start around level 12-13 anyway, nothing unusual in it being mostly solo so far.
                Last edited by Darwock; 28-04-2006, 12:31.


                  Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the game, but there is a lot of elitism. I'm kind of resigned to struggling through the dunes now, so I'll just grin and bare the eejits. I'm well equipped and know how to provoke at least... so I feel I'm ready to group up and tank some clippers!


                    Jusat what server did you end up on?


                      I didn't know the optical hat run had been moved forward to a 10am start, that doesn't give me time to get sorted for this wedding so I'm either gonna have to join late or leave early... don't fancy my chances getting through the zone alone so it might have to be the 2nd option. Sorry.


                        Originally posted by mikewl
                        Jusat what server did you end up on?
                        Seraph mate.

                        Is it true that a Warrior should be using a two handed axe as primary weapon? I assumed a shield would be necessary to tank, but someone said 2h is the best option... was he yanking me plums?


                          Right, here comes the science.

                          Every job has a set of skills associated with it. All jobs have combat skills whereas some also have magic skills too. Combat skills include proficiency with different weapon types as well as evasion, parrying skills etc.

                          However different jobs have different ranks in the skills which essentially determines how high the skill will go with each job level you achieve.

                          For example (theoretical numbers) say a job has an A rank in one weapon type and a B rank in another then at level 10 the A rank may cap at 30 skill points whereas the B rank may cap at 25 instead. (THese figures are fake and simply used as a simplified example).

                          Each combat skill point in a specific weapon type grants you an extra point to your attack stat (viewable on the equipment screen) and is also believed to grant 1 accuracy as well, when you equip that type of weapon. Therefore it is generally regarding that equipping higher ranked weapons is beneficial as you will have better atack power and accuracy.

                          For WAR Great Axe is an A+ rankand Axe is an A- so on first glance it appears that Great Axe is the better choice. However differences between A+ and A- only become apparent at level 60 so at your current level there is no difference between the 2 weapon classes.

                          But, WAR at your level mainly tanks through damage. They have few hate grabbing Job Abilities, and lack the ability to Cure themselves to maintain hate like a PLD or receive no damage like a NIN to avoid loising too much hate. That means a tanking WAR has to output higher damage in order to hold hate and it is generally considered that a Great Axe offers higher damage potential than Axe.

                          It gets further complicated when you realise that the most popular WAR subjob atm is NIN (whilst dual wielding regular Axes) but that's a conversation for another time.


                            Having one of those nights... started with a really really ****ty ENM attempt that took 3 times longer than it should have, we took 5 people into a 3 man fight and *still* wiped... (for some reason the tank was the 4th person to die, doesn't seem right to me.)

                            Then I'm back to soloing easy preys for whatever xp i can scrape together while waiting for an invite, which I eventually get, and dismiss my NPC - warp to Jeuno, we're at 4 members, then a 5th joins and suggests we go to bibiki bay instead of onzozo, at which point the leader throws a wobbly and says "right you have leader and I'll disband" and does exactly that, so the party disintegrates.

                            I'm so happy right now, I'm not at all tempted to kick my PS2 around the flat.


                              Having a good time now though ^^

                              xp party in one of the new zones... I wondered if Reflect was ever going to make an appearance and it has, Colibri's in Bhaflau Thickets - every spell I cast comes right back at me lol, and sometimes bounces on someone else.


                                Well yesterday was awesome, along with the some what handy friends of Apa Rargh set out to get no less then 5 optical hats, with those needed by our allies for the day we needed a total of 8 quite tall order. Remarkably we went 8/8 with only minor scares along the way, one on the first run when a big -ga went off and another when no less than 3 millioneyes linked.

                                To cut a long story short though I'm now almost totally set on my DD build with just a pair of STR +4 rings, an assault earring and the suppanomimi to go. After that I may just take a look at new hand equips but the build is now pretty much sorted.

                                I think the next on the list for me are:
                                Get all the assault staging points
                                Do an assault at every staging point
                                Beat Maat
                                Level NIN to 40
                                Level PLD to 75
                                Get rank 8 and 9 Sandy (on 7-2)
                                More CoP when Talizker is back

