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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    They can be solo?d but of you agro it usually all over? I managed to solo my way through the reef last night, after started out with rare and wedge, both died during some agro, but I survived and went on to complete the stage in the north area (after I a detour back into the mire full of vt/it mobs). Going to either finish getting my whm to 25 or farm enough to buy another round of oil to do halvung, I should have enough to do the south reef stage tonight. Also finished the Blue mage flag and should have the Puppetmaster done on my return east.


      I made my first venture to Aht Urghan today, its ace. Out xping now but soon I'll start work on things like the new jobs and getting staging points.

      Carby mitts I'm up for as well Darwock and I'm pretty sure tal wanted them too. As rare said the idea was to buy a spare cluster between those that wished to have some insurance. Everyone chips in and if we lose one then we use the spare cluster.


        Tsing there?s a really straightforward quest available in Aht Urghan Whitegate which rewards you with a Rare/EX Bibiki Seashell (lvl60) which is an item that goes into ammo slot with VIT+4.

        Seemed pretty good for PLD to me although I?ll admit I?m not if you?d have something better already. At lvl60 it?s like another one of the HQ VIT rings so it seemed like a worthwhile item.


          The two people i have for the O~hat run are Vav75RNG and Ytt73NIN!

          The idea of buying a spare cluster is great too, we can try get that sorted this week. I remember seeing Keichan selling one on monday in his bazaar might be worth contacting him.

          From as far as i know we will need an alliance for this fight.
          Me,rare,wedge,tobal,moot,tsing,true/theanu,saerik,meric,rabs,vav,ytt,mosley,elite,darw ock which makes us 15~16/18. Im hopfuly that everyone can come but no problems if you cant make it. Im also quitly confident my 75BLM friend Segg will come providing he does not have a limbus run. Which is leaves us needing one more, which i can hopfully find this week. Maybe Tsing you could find out if Dammo would be able to help, and if Bevan is able to join in we'd be sorted. Of course anyone else who wants to come that would be great, but i would suggest 60+.

          Also do you guys think i would be wise to start the event before 12 which would give us more time, say 10, then hopfully engaging the first haku at 11!
          Last edited by Apathye; 25-04-2006, 11:34.


            hopefully after all this. you lot will all get 75 and we can go kick some Arch Angel ass.


              PS. havnt read the post recently, sounds like we ahve quite alittle BLM army gathering from the new players, good choice guys


                The earlier we start the more we can do, I can be on for 10am.

                also, anyone want to make friday an enm night, im expecting alot of deaths on this o.hat run and buffer would be nice.

                Also apa im still up for tonights enm, will be on from 6.30pm.


                  We can do UleRange tonight^^, Im not going to dynamis tonight either so ill be free all night, although ill be distracted at times CAM ON ARESNAL WOOT WOOOOT WOOOOOOT! IM WANNA SEE EVERYONE CHEERING OR I'LL PERSONALLY MAKE SURE YOU HAVE TROUBLE SITTING DOWN FOR THE NEXT 2MONTHS!...............COMPRENDAY!
                  Last edited by Apathye; 25-04-2006, 12:11.


                    Can we do some <70 ENMS at some point? at the moment my tolerance for deaths is going to be low as I've been doing my nut in trying to make forward progress lately.


                      mikewl do you know when they'll fix the problem?
                      its been almost a week already since they released the game


                        Super I really don't know, best bet is to email them to find out whats going on.

                        Darwock, maybe we could do some promy enms too, start wit dem and see how that goes, also seeing as there has been no sign of Daragon lately maybe you could do the automaton assault enm with me and rare, level 60 in oldton movalpolis.


                          maybe you could do the automaton assault
                          Oh yes please! I was a bit miffed at the time cos it was me that suggested it and I didn't get a chance to go, lol


                            Maybe we could fit that in tonight at some point, if you and Rare are up for it, this might make it available again to do on Sunday or Monday.

                            Its also a very quick enm to get done.


                              You bastard high levels.

                              So I went from 13 to 16 last night, plan on getting my sub job today and then some.

                              I'll have to start raising BLM for it.


                                Yeah I'd like to do that ENM tonight, I have to install ToAU at some point though and don't know how long the updates will take - should I hold off on that?

