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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I had a fun weekend chasing bunnies and running away from nasty orcish chaps... managed to get up to level 8, and had a decent group of four get to the top of the outpost before we aggroed one (or four) too many and got wiped.

    Sheesh stuff is expensive though. A level 7 sword that does +3 more damage than the onion one you start with is ?2000 gil on AH? Crazy. I'm guessing equipment isn't the be all and end all at these early doors (hopefully!).

    Tonight I head to Ranperre's Tomb. Found it last night but some crazy Goblin was running around and found me taking a rest... bastard.

    Very compelling thus far though.


      2k gil expsenive.... your in for world of pain soon.


        Tobal, what time are you likely to be on for this Staging Point thing?

        I am supposed to be doing an ENM Manaburn with Apathye sometime tonight, just thinking I may be able to fit that in before we do the Staging Point.


          Originally posted by chang
          im in the same boat totally fkn annoying like
          Exactly the same here.

          Can't play it.


            i turned up late for work today (10:30) so to make up my flexi time im staying till 6

            be on for 8:30pm


              Has anybody with the 360 version managed to successfully register recently?


                Originally posted by Silvergun X
                Has anybody with the 360 version managed to successfully register recently?

                Yes i did, last wed. But a few others have managed to get online since.

                It seems to be a problem with the registration server not just the 360 version. When you log on to play atm it gives a warning saying there is problems with the registration server. But my friend managed to register within half a hour with a few retrys the other day.

                Good luck, give me a shout when you get on matey be good to play again.



                  Originally posted by Silvergun X
                  Has anybody with the 360 version managed to successfully register recently?
                  You've just gotta keep hitting retry until it works. And do that after every screen.
                  Seems to only affect UK 360 players, and it's insane that Squeenix haven't fixed it.

                  Madness... but I got there after a few hours!


                    Yep, persistence pays off.

                    I played a little over the weekend, generally getting a feel for it. Did a few quests and only got my Black Mage to Lv.5 but I'm liking it. Died a bit but still liking it

                    Too bad there's maintenance going on right now until 7pm


                      That'll be 8pm ><


                        Yup, /sigh just logged into the game and it was like a ghost town, then got booted.

                        I stopped at PC World on the way home and picked up the 360 version >_< so im installing that in the meantime.


                          Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
                          You've just gotta keep hitting retry until it works. And do that after every screen.
                          Seems to only affect UK 360 players, and it's insane that Squeenix haven't fixed it.

                          Madness... but I got there after a few hours!
                          I persevered hitting retry and got all the way to the final confirmation screen only to be told either server busy or invalid info.

                          Fueled by the knowledge that id already lost my main character of 2 years+ it got to the point where i seriously would have axe kicked my 360 into next week :@

                          Relented in the end, popped out and bought the EU PC version from Game (just for POL) registered and activated all my contents via the PC client. Not 1 single glimmer of server problems using that method, however even now the 360 registration is still fubar'd


                            Finally got mine registered too. Finding it a bit confusing so far. I got a quest off somebody who told me to talk to somebody else about killing a monster in a lighthouse, but they didn't seem to give any hint as to where I could find the other person. And now I can't find the first person again either . Maybe I'm missing something. Coming from WoW, I'm used to nice helpful markers showing me where to go.

                            Also, I created a black mage, but I don't seem to have any spells. Is that right? I've not really managed to kill anything yet because I'm just punching them (and missing, mostly).


                              Quick question:

                              I just set my 360 version up with my PC account, linking my gamertag.

                              Does this mean I can no longer make a new account as well with the Registration codes that came with the 360 version?

                              Or is that where I need another Silver Xbox Live account?

                              Slightly confusing =/


                                It just means you can't load your ContentID on a mates Gamertag, it's gotta be yours.

                                Dispite this, you can load your ContentID on a PC or PS2.

