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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Conserve MP+5 but don't forget the hidden stat of gayness +10 but yeah I'll come back and help on those 2 as well.

    I think its time for another visit to the dobson flies as well, and was there talk of getting our hands on boroka?

    I know Saerik was after somethign Rare/ex as well though I can't remembmer what off hand.


      well sign me up for the dobson flys, i can go a lvl38 pld, tsing as pld that be 2hrs. All we need is 2 smn and crap load of melee


        Just realised I'm on tonight so I can go on that trigger run, cool!

        Level 40 jobs I now have PLD, WAR, WHM, THF and soon NIN ^^ RDM to follow!

        Took a proper look at whats needed to Aegis and Excalibur ealier, sweet jebus its insane.


          Originally posted by C'
          Also, did you use Berserk? What did that do to your damage?

          Oh and congratulatios. I can tell from your post how happy you are with this
          Thank you.

          As for berserk, I didn't actually think to use it, as we only had a couple of fights after I levelled, and it didn't cross my mind.

          I'll try it in the next party, if I remember.

          Oh yeah, just to check, the exp loss when you get K.O. is 10% of the total needed to reach the next level, isn't it? So, if I need 5,800 exp, and I currently have at least 700 exp, I'm not at risk of de-levelling if I die trying to get back to Kazham?



            You're not at risk no, they lowered the xp lost a long time ago, I'm sure it's only like 8% lost now. Worth trying to get the moghancement:experience as well to cut it even further. I'm kind of tied up this evening or I'd come and warp you, sorry.

            Tsing I also read up on dynamis for the first time after hearing talk of relic weapons... combined with Tobal's tales of runs getting scrapped due to not enough participants it really looks as though it would be one massive headache. There can't be anybody playing who wouldn't want the ultimate weapon for their job though. Do you think Rargh will ever reach a point where we can do Dynamis in-house?


              I can't see how we could do in-house dynamis, isn't the limit 64 players or something insane/ Mind you if we could it would be awesome . You'd be suprised mind that many players have little or no interest in relic gear simply due to the sheer amount of gil and time required to get. Closest person I know is Jynxx who got most of the gear when some of our friends quit.

              Limbus is a different box of frogs we can definitely do that in LS.


                Yeah I read 64 max but something about going with 32 (each paying around 30K) so assume it can be handled with lesser amounts. Limbus, I still have no idea what that is!


                  It all sounds very expensive but if the rewards are lush im in!


                    I posted a few months back saying that I was looking at starting to play this from scratch, and a few people mentioned that it's hard for a newbie because of the exchange rate in the game etc etc.

                    Is this still the case? I'd love to start playing this but i'm worried i'm gonna be wasting my time


                      Limbus is definitely something we can do, the requirements needed to be meet first is access to sea, which none of use have? think of it as assault for 1 to 3 parties in promey style levels filled with hyper crazy monsters(from rabbits to beastmen) and time limits, that cost 50k to get in each time, with some very nice rewards (+1 AF gear, limbus rare/ex gear).


                        Wonder what the minimum would be to farm in Dynamis effectively. I suspect we may be able to manage it if 18 could be even resonably effective. We're a good few months away yet and I don't think we'd have enough mages, though we'd be able to form tank and DD parties quite easily. Entry item costs 1 million but then you can drag in up to 64, time in there as I understand depends on acheiving certain checkpoints.

                        I'm going to go nosey if I ever finish my subs to start getting my AF2 together.


                          Jeimuzu as we said back then, its no problem. Plenty of new players starting al the time, it's just not an issue.


                            Limbus looks ace, when Talizker is back I'd really like to try hard for Sea access. How would others feel about trying one mission a week until we at least clear to the uncapped stages then we can take a break adn have a look at how best to get there?

                            AF2 is definitely an aim suddenly I have a lot of gear to get in a very few levels. Koenig, AF+1, AF2, relic gear and more...

                            Yay 3 posts on the bounce, yes I need to lie down


                              Originally posted by jeimuzu_uk
                              I posted a few months back saying that I was looking at starting to play this from scratch, and a few people mentioned that it's hard for a newbie because of the exchange rate in the game etc etc.

                              Is this still the case? I'd love to start playing this but i'm worried i'm gonna be wasting my time
                              Never a better time to pick it up mate! its cheap as nuts on the pc and with the xbox version out as well, lost of new players about and early lvl parties!

                              Im level 53 now, i played the xbox beta and moved onto a retail server after. It was a little shocking some of the prices when i moved to a retail server but then all the other stuff you do reflects with that kinda money as well so it works out.

                              Last but not least the LS is great, plenty of advice and help tooo all great guys.

                              Quick note thou!! if you pick up the pc version, which i think normally comes on DVD now with Zilart and Cop dont worry about picking up the new expansion ToAU as its not really important until you get into the game some way. Well lvl 30 at least, if you wanted one of the new jobs Cor,PuP or Blu.

                              Prob worth picking up the normal one and see if your gonna give it that much play first.
                              Last edited by djtickle; 09-05-2006, 13:05.


                                Tsingtao - I had mixed opinions via PM, some said it would be ok, others said wait until the new influx from the 360 join.....i'm off work (holiday) from tomorrow for 2 weeks so could cram a load of time in then, I know it's probably a pain but any chance of having a bit of a help?

                                Also what world are you guys on?

                                Also any recommendations on what type of character to go for?

                                I bought the guide to try and get a decent understanding of the game before jumping in so once the above are answered i'l do some more reading tonight and join tomorrow!

