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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    That's twice in a row they've dropped maintenance right in the middle of the spawn window for the NM I was camping, completely screwing me over and wasting all the time I've spent so far.

    I couldn't give a flying f*ck what 'Sicklemoon Jagil' responds to, it's not worth wasting 6 hours of my time to fix ><

    WTF happened to advanced notice??? Nothing in that update counts as emergency maintenance in my view, we should get a couple of days warning at least!


      Sigh.... im going to the gym. Seems to be alot of this at the moment.


        What are you camping D?

        If its a timed spawn it window will open aas soon as the server is back.


          What can I do to salvage something of this f*&k up... last time there was maintenance the game was back up at 8 o'clock. I checked for Boroka the following day at 8 o'clock and he wasn't there, but an hour or two later a bunch of people titled 'Boroka Beleagurers' were running into Cape Riverne. Could be possible he's newly born after every maintenance and they had killed him after the previous days maintenance? It might be worth a look as soon as it's back up.


            Yup if its Boroka you're after (h-kote NM) then his window opens as soon as the server is back. So he will spawn within 3 hours of the servers coming back, you taking this guy solo?


              Ehhh no! Boroka is just a plan B option. By the way it's the earring I'd be hoping for, not the kote which I know you guys want... the mahisha may also be up if we're in the area... is anyone up for trying all 3 in the area? (boroka/duendes/mahisha)


                So is the KSNM still on?


                  7:30 meet was decided yesterday


                    Who's going on the KSNM run? Anyone left for the NMs?


                      I'm actually on a late notice pub visit I think, so a quiet night at a bar for me.


                        Right I'll just take a sledgehammer to my PS2 then and spend the evening trying to put it back together, I like jigsaw puzzles.


                          Providing maintenance finishes on time (8pm) I see no reason not to simply delay the KSNM for half an hour.


                            Probably better to check on them afterwards if at all, as Tsing reckoned it's just the opening of the windows that would be immediate, the spawns could still take up to 3 hours.

                            How long do 6 shots of a KSNM30 take?


                              To be honest if you can get Boroka the rewards could be worht more than the KSNM run depending on what it coughs up, its a gamble though. The dobson flies will be up mind...

                              Think quite a few on the LS could help with those mobs mind, Grimm has aquaduct access at least and killing the minotaur whilst in there wouldn't take long.


                                Originally posted by Darwock
                                Elvaan really, really wind me up. Everything is so over the top with them - even something as basic as fishing has to be done one handed, with the other hand on their hip like a ponce. They only use one hand when riding a chocobo. They twirl their weapons when they draw them... and you should see the state of an Elvaan casting a spell! The game script isn't too kind to them either, san d'oria is full of arrogant tossers.
                                I'm not going to take that personally, as there is nothing I can do about the way we are designed to appear in game. I have to admit though, I do find the Elvaan appearance when sat down, and riding a chocobo, to be a bit poncy.

                                On the other hand, the one handed use of a crossbow or gun looks pretty cool, imo...

                                Question though, what do you mean about twirling weapons when we draw them? I'd never spotted that...

                                Originally posted by Darwock
                                Right I'll just take a sledgehammer to my PS2 then and spend the evening trying to put it back together, I like jigsaw puzzles.
                                lol, I like jigsaw puzzles too, but I can't see myself being able to solve that self-made one anytime soon.
                                Last edited by Vanicent; 09-05-2006, 16:57.

