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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by talizker
    heheheh - Great post Bru. Chuckling here - about your experiences away from the Beta server. Welcome to the real world (^_^)

    * I can't remember in the last 2.5 year any formal opportunity to migrate to existing servers (although I may be wrong). The only ones I remember are moving to new servers... If you really want in on Seraph it may be best to bite the bullet and start again now. I'm sure this is not ideal but our Linkshell makes this game what it is. I'm fairly sure without it I wouldn't be playing any more. Of course, there will be good Linkshell's on other servers but its hard to imagine any more friendly and helpful than RarghLS!.
    :-) It was a bit of a shock to be sure, especially as I picked up right from where Larcen's beta ended - slap bang in a dungeon. Palborough mines was chock full of unscathed beastmen, it was quite unnerving to think that I was probably the only player in there with them! :-o

    I've got six weekends of back to back Duke of Edinburgh expeditions coming up (and then another three on and off).... once they're cleared I'll do what both Tsingtao and yourself have suggested and make the jump over to Seraph with a new character and start again. The LS you guys have going sounds great for the long haul, I've got so much to learn and it'll be good to finally hook up with the vet's on here - when I finally get my life back! ;-)


      help im having trouble connecting

      im having trouble connecting registering with playonline

      i can get connceted but something is wrong with the site

      can anyone help me

      i just got the game on friday and i still cant play it




        Originally posted by Super_Hss
        im having trouble connecting registering with playonline

        i can get connceted but something is wrong with the site

        can anyone help me

        i just got the game on friday and i still cant play it


        What version mate?

        Apr. 21, 2006 12:45 [GMT]

        Regarding Xbox 360 Version Registration (Apr. 21)

        We are currently experiencing congested connection traffic during PlayOnline registration with the Xbox 360 version. Players may receive "POL-1361" error message during the progess.

        If you are receiving the error message during registration, please try to access from the begining of the registration process again later. (Pressing the retry button will not be able to resolve the issue.)

        We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

        PlayOnline registration may become unavailable

        [Affected Services]
        PlayOnline (Xbox360 version)
        im in the same boat totally fkn annoying like


          All I can say is stick with it, the game is awesome but they do have some scaling issues round big releases. Best tiems are usually mid afternoon GMT as US traffic and JP traffic are at an ebb.


            Well a weekend full of anger, stress and excitement.

            STAGING POINTS = STRESS, oh my how many oils and powders did it take to get through those zones, how many deaths. finding them totally unguided was fun for awhile but soon really stressfull, luckily got most of them done now.

            Unlocked Corsair, which has some neat cutscenes.

            Assault was really cool, I can see it playing a big part in my time on the game. It could work well to do it two evenings a week three times on each, giving time inbetween to build up the ID's again.

            ENMs this weekend were quite fun, Attohwa Chasm and Pso,Xja, although unbelievable that the drop from one of them was worth a massive 1000gil

            Overall a good weekend.


              I made a sacrifice this weekend with regards to the expansion but I?ve benefited financially.

              Wasn?t actually the best start to the weekend. Friday evening myself and Wedge decided to head out of the gates of Aht Urghan and do a bit of exploring, with the eventual aim of finding a Staging Point for Mission 2. Rabs joined us also. We started in Wajaom Woodlands checking out interesting points on the map. We found many entrances to a sprawling underground cave system called Awdeeya Subterane but we simply marked these entrances on the map as we wanted to keep out investigations above ground. We moved on, fighting anything that aggroed (including a particularly nasty encounter with a BLU type Mamool Ja (1000 Needles is vicious), and eventually found ourselves in thr Mamool Ja base of Mamook. However, none of us had Sneak items so went back to town to stock up on more supplies. There we met up with Dammo who joined our search and instead we decided to head for Halvung via Bhalfau Thickets.

              After much exploration (including even more entrances to Awdeeya Subterane) we eventually reached Halvung, a magnificent underground cave system filled with volcanic materials and seemingly home to the troll race. The maze like caverns were quite treacherous and we found our supply of sneak/invisible tools dwindling but perseverance paid off (and there were times when we almost gave up when we reached yet another dead end) and we came out to the mountain range on the other side. We still had to find the staging point but I died and was not able to get raised although Wedge, Dammo and Rabs all got there.

              Slightly annoyed at not getting the mission completed, I came back online Saturday morning and took the ferry to Nashmau with the intention of finding the staging point at Caedarva Mire. This proved much easier and I delivered the supplies as requested by Naja Salaheem. This allowed me to ?volunteer? for mercenary work for Salaheem?s Sentinels so Assault was now open to me.

              With that task out of the way I looked forward to fully exploring the empire of Aht Urghan and perhaps completing some quests when I decided to look up prices of Slime Oil. The price per stack had gone up to 45k and none were listed. Demand for Silent Oil to explore the new areas was clearly high so I decided to make some money at the cost of time exploring the new areas but I reasoned that the new areas will be there In a week?s time whereas as the price may not hold on Slime Oil. Picked up 9 stacks and listed 3 on Bastok AH for 45k which had sold by the time I had taken an airship to Jeuno. Listed the remaining 6 stacks which again sold in about 15 minutes. I decided to continue farming some more. These selling conditions are the best I had ever seen with Slime Oil.

              Another 10 stacks were farmed and the LS started to gather for our first attempt at Assault. I listed 7 stacks for the new going price of 50k and started gearing up for the lvl50 cap for Assault. 15 mins later the 7 had already sold.

              Using my new gil I was able to purchase the lvl50 katana Buboso for lvl cap events for a cool 2m gil (I was expecting to have to pay in the region of 2.5m-3m when I started saving). I was pretty sure I was happy with my level cap gear for 30, 40, 50 and 60 at this point although some examination of the Assault rewards has highlighted a number of new pieces that interest me.

              By the time Sunday came the price on slime was up to 55k a stack so another 14 stacks were farmed and sold in quick time. I?m already back up to 1.4m gil after being down to 200k after Buboso purchase.

              Despite my farming I was able to experience some of what Aht Urghan has to offer. The LS attempted our first 2 Assaults on Saturday evening with a lvl50 cap. Was definitely quite a different experience as it was a requirement to kill everything in the dungeon which was quite a refreshing change to the avoid aggro mentality that came with CoP. Rewards for completing the dungeons weren?t great (a Remedy each time) but the real reason is the Assault Points to purchase equipment from the Commissioning Agency.

              Also got round to doing a few quests last night. S-E have really gone to town with the quests and each has been interesting so far, and the ones I haven?t done yet sound like they will require a lot of working together. Even the easier ones (which require little more than walking around finding the correct NPCs) are interesting in that the cutscenes are well implemented with interesting characters. I?ve genuinely burst out laughing at some of the events and mannerisms that characters display.

              However the best was yet to come when I worked on a quest that ended up unlocking Blue Mage. Complete fluke, and I am still uncertain whether to take the job up full time, although I do feel that my unlocking it is fate
              Last edited by C'; 24-04-2006, 09:30.


                Oh regarding levelling Blue Mage, I?m currently in 2 minds. I started last night and am currently lvl5 although I am acutely aware of the messy state of my inventory which is impacting on my ability to level the job. I think I will sort my inventory out before continuing with BLU which also means working on more storage options.

                I believe a mannequin offers 7 storage spaces (at the cost of 1 mogsafe space) so seem like a good place to start.

                I know how to obtain a body, but was wondering about Head and Hands. I believe Tobal/Darwock did these BCNMs recently. Can you offer any advice as to what is needed for this?


                  Indeed mega packed and rowdy weekend!

                  Started by finishing my Mannequin, which is now in my san?d mog house in almost full Sam AF gear + Frog Trousers. Then after much killing in quicksand, got my coffer key for the eastern boat pass and headed out Saturday morning for a look around which was cut short by dynamis, on my way back I check the AH and the Hagun had dropped below 3m which I just had enough for and so I brought it making me close to broke, Dynamis went really well after getting the Saotome-Domaru (Sam body Relic) as hard,hard piece to get with lot of 995 , take that world. Just need the Legs and Helm to go.

                  After Dynamis I was free to die many times adventuring ToUA, which deleveled me to 74 for while until a couple of ENM?s later which generally gave us poor rewards outside the much needed exp. Managed to get 2 Staging points and corsair job opened, with Puppetmaster and Blue Mage in the final stages, and I have 5k to name have buying oils,powders and exp food and paying for boat and outpost warps, and I don?t want to farm yet as it taking up valuable adventuring time. We Also did 2 assaults the new game type, very suited to the casual players once the staging point is setup, quick to get to mission?s, easy to start. We did a worm clean twice, netting around 900 points for that area?s rare/ex items list, and the 2 ??? boxes got use 2 Ice Crystals?.. still very enjoyable.

                  Sunday ended for me with doing San?d mission 9-1 for Bevan and Wedge in which we ended up fighting the birds twice due to some error >.>, we?ll be trying for rank10 next weekend so I can wear the funky national shirt of San?d, when levelling up Corsair(the job I reckon I?ll be levelling).

                  On to tonight, Gonna try for the reef?s staging point, which looks super dangerous and would be ideal if we got a party of 4-5 to go with us.


                    Originally posted by C'
                    I know how to obtain a body, but was wondering about Head and Hands. I believe Tobal/Darwock did these BCNMs recently. Can you offer any advice as to what is needed for this?
                    2 hour abilities, basically. We did 2xAstral Flow on the leeches for the hands, but Saerik supplemented this with mighty strikes, and I'm fairly sure based on this, that the 3xWAR/NIN previously discussed would work. NIN sub probably required because the leeches use 'deep kiss' which can remove your special ability - although silly me just realised you don't get utsusemi at that level. No idea then, seems risky unless the evasion boost is enough.

                    As for the head... well it *can* be soloed by a summoner but I got a freaky damage spike in mine and wiped out, we did belt & braces for Tobals head and had no bother. You'll need some clever tactics to do this one without pets because the fish have a huge knock back attack... meleeing would be very hard if not impossible.

                    Incidentally once the mannequin is installed you can then buy subsequent ones directly from the NPC at a cost of 250,000 gil. Each one is rare/ex so I presume this is only to get the other races/genders... alternatively you can exchange for a cost of 10K. Might swap mine for a dolly bird so I can add a dash of DOA to my FFXI, lol.
                    Last edited by Darwock; 24-04-2006, 10:27.


                      I would be up for getting the reef staging point tonight.


                        Originally posted by Darwock
                        2 hour abilities, basically. We did 2xAstral Flow on the leeches for the hands, but Saerik supplemented this with mighty strikes, and I'm fairly sure based on this, that the 3xWAR/NIN previously discussed would work. NIN sub probably required because the leeches use 'deep kiss' which can remove your special ability - although silly me just realised you don't get utsusemi at that level. No idea then, seems risky unless the evasion boost is enough.

                        As for the head... well it *can* be soloed by a summoner but I got a freaky damage spike in mine and wiped out, we did belt & braces for Tobals head and had no bother. You'll need some clever tactics to do this one without pets because the fish have a huge knock back attack... meleeing would be very hard if not impossible.

                        Incidentally once the mannequin is installed you can then buy subsequent ones directly from the NPC at a cost of 250,000 gil. Each one is rare/ex so I presume this is only to get the other races/genders... alternatively you can exchange for a cost of 10K. Might swap mine for a dolly bird so I can add a dash of DOA to my FFXI, lol.
                        So 2 SMN can basically win the head and hands BCNMs? If so would you and Tobal be up for a bit of merc work? I?d pay any meds cost and obviously pay for your time as well.

                        Alternatively, what are the head and hands selling for these days?


                          I can, i'll need meds paying for as i basiclly (until the gravial mail sells) have 3.3k on me.


                            I don't expect any payment but would like the chance to get me a second set of hands to sell, so will do it in exchange for support on a run of my own ^^

                            Can't do it tonight though. Hunting whales


                              Cheers guys. I realise that doing things this way is not how I normally approach tasks but I have neither the time nor inclination to level WHM and SMN myself yet so your help is much appreciated. It does make me feel better that Darwock wants to do it anyway to make some gil. I don?t feel like a complete leech now

                              I think I?m currently on 36 beastman seals so will need to farm a few more to be able to obtain both hands and head. But if we get those out of the way I can then get the body in my own time and not need to have you guys wondering when I?ll need your help


                                Concerning meds if both me and tobal are present we can do the mannequin head one using nothing more than an orange juice each, shouldn't cost us any more than 100 gil or so?

