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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by Tsingtao
    Off out drinking beer tonight for me meeting down the pub at 20:30 so I reckon I'm out unless we can start earlier and people join as we go?

    Remember no do BC on darsday, darksday very bad.
    Sure, you may as well get the ball moving earlier in the evening. I'll hook up with everyone when I can.


      I?d completely forgotten about BCNM20. I?ll have to do a lot of running around tonight to try and sort out equipment as I have very little for a level 20 cap. Depending on cost of Bone+1 gear and accessories, I?m not sure if I can afford this. Hopefully I can


        For those that get logged on nice and early that are interested in the BCNM20. Can you see if we actually will have a NIN/WAR that can do the run and if not stick a message up here for me please (or PM me). It looks like we will be OK for RDM/NIN's with me, Wedge and Darwock all up for it.



          Rare if you want you can borrow my bone gear after I do a run (assuming people are on early enough). Got full bone +1, a pair of mokotuko +1's, Reflex rings, spike necklace and a travellers mantle. Let me know if you want them and I can let you use them...

          You'll have to hang mog post them back or something later, would save you a wedge on todays daft prices though.

          Allegedly though I've not tried it 3 RDM/NIN can win in there as well, though I'd stick with this set up if at all possible. Mines going up at 1.5 million this time


            Well.. that was ****! Thought I'd gotten really lucky too, body and hands both dropped. Silly me lot on all 7 items in the treasure pool forgetting I only had 5 spaces, and as a result the two mannequin parts were lost.


              Originally posted by Darwock
              Well.. that was ****! Thought I'd gotten really lucky too, body and hands both dropped. Silly me lot on all 7 items in the treasure pool forgetting I only had 5 spaces, and as a result the two mannequin parts were lost.
              Dude thats sh1ty - seriously bad luck. I'll be up for another one with you as soon as this sells. Just let me know when you want to try again.


                Apart from Darwocks upset, the BCNM20 was a huge sucess. The 4 battles I did were all by the numbers (was just about to say easy when I remembered Hic's wise words^^) and the last one both myself and Wedge didn't use HP or MP drink (we only counted on 3 battles each).

                Body sold overnight so ready to do another one with you D - maybe Sunday evening?

                I still find it hard to believe these sell for what they do given the method needed to obtain them and the fact they are a guaranteed drop. Still can't complain and I still have 42 more seals to use atm.


                  That was indeed painful to watch the mannequin body and hands get dumped. Also its for the best that you don?t repeat this so soon until 5/6 Body?s entering the market are sold or we would have stock pile to get rid of.

                  I am interested in trying the BCNM50 ? Eye of the Tiger. 3 people vs 1 tiger with 8000/9000 HP which is quite a lot. The best strategy would seem to be a survival set up, PLD, DD and WHM or SMN, as ninja wouldn?t work as the Tiger as it?s a Monk type, said to hit a PLD for 50-80 damage, Special attack around 350 damage and of course the Tiger?s Roar causing AoE Paralyze. It would be 1 attempted every 2hr?s as we would need 2hr?s to win, or I be happy just to use mine if some brave/bored people want to have a crack at it with med?s paid for.


                  BCNM30, 3 people vs 2 lizards for the leaping boots, or 3 people vs Fly?s for the Emp Pin


                    My second fight was pretty hairy actually, the bind didn't stick for more than two or three seconds and it took three attempts to silence the HMC, meaning we had all three crabs hitting on us and the big one nuking at the start of the fight.. silence also wore off pretty quick and again there was trouble getting it to stick again. I've got 48 seals so I think rather than go back in to that one I'll have another crack at my sorceror's ring from the BCNM50. I've not been able to properly equip my job for months anyway so what difference does it make!


                      Tobal, I?ve had a BCNM30 orb in my mogsafe for over 18 months. Would like to try one of those sometime.


                        Originally posted by Tobal
                        I am interested in trying the BCNM50 ? Eye of the Tiger.
                        O.o That Tiger /panic

                        Originally posted by Darwock
                        My second fight was pretty hairy actually, the bind didn't stick for more than two or three seconds and it took three attempts to silence the HMC, meaning we had all three crabs hitting on us and the big one nuking at the start of the fight.. silence also wore off pretty quick and again there was trouble getting it to stick again. I've got 48 seals so I think rather than go back in to that one I'll have another crack at my sorceror's ring from the BCNM50. I've not been able to properly equip my job for months anyway so what difference does it make!
                        Oh... Ok...


                          Try for tonight? Lizards seem to be a more normal setup of DD,DD,Support, Sleep doesn?t work well, the plan is for the Support (RDM,BST) to fend of one the lizard while the 2 DD kill the other as fast as possible, but for this would need 2hr?s, so we couldn?t do one after the other. The other method I think would be 2 War and WHM or RDM, each tank a lizard with the whm/rdm curing, debuffing.


                            God that Tiger, I still have nightmares about that damn thing and those raptors. What was the story with the bad run, can't read the post due to swearing or something in them so its hard to get the picture. I see you lost a body and head somewhere, did someone manage my trick and leave without lotting?


                              Tobal if you need a Bst for any of the BCNMs im willing to help, I don't have enough seals for an orb but im not interested in rewards, you guys can keep them, just up for something challenging.


                                I'd like to try for some leaping boots... but I'm down to just 40 odd seals...

                                My thought for the lizzies was WAR/NIN x2 + RDM/NIN, everyone gets Utsusemi that way. Have the 2 DD's dual tank the first lizzie and the RDM chain spell the other. It would need a test run mind and obviously it'll be risky. The 2 WAR's should be able to look after themselves and these RDMs are a bit tougher than they look. Do you have Stoneskin at this level? Combine that with Utsusemi and you should be able to tank long enough for the WARs to despatch the other lizzie.

