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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    For what it's worth the 40 cap is far too high (even for a BLM)! That fight was a total pushover.

    ANy time is good for me with CoP btw.


      i did it, taking about 200 damage using lvl 30 gear except for my great katana and O.kote


        Regarding levelling your npc, does it only gain exp to mobs that con EP to you current job or its EP to they current lvl?, if so how to find out what level they are. I?m gonna have a crack at getting it to 35 and see if I want to continue on levelling it.

        I?m assuming everyone?s sold there mannequin parts, so want to do another run? If not, wedge are you going to continue levelling Balerone as I would mind levelling my summoner to twenty to have a crack at soloing ENM20 for the head like mosely has.


          Your NPC gains EXP based on the level of the monster killed in relation to your NPC?s current level. From what I gather, your fellow receives NO penalty in EXP gained as a result of your own level.

          For example, you kill a level 40 mob. That will be TWTBW to you but would be Incredibly Tough to your lvl30 NPC. The NPC receives EXP based on it being an IT fight.


            That makes life easier, if nothing happens tonight I?m off down to mandy land (aka Kazham)


              Aint Kazham Club Mithra? the jungles are mandy land


                Originally posted by Tobal
                I?m assuming everyone?s sold there mannequin parts, so want to do another run?
                Yes and Yes Please


                  Originally posted by Kerushi
                  Aint Kazham Club Mithra? the jungles are mandy land
                  Don't make me bitch slap you fool! Kazham just gateway to mandy land and is much easier to type than Yohator jungle, and the other one.


                    In FFXI news if people want a body run tonight I'm up for some of that action, and as always I'll go level my NPC. Got to 35 last night so just 1 more level in the desert I think and I'll look for a new levelling zone. Any ideas I could use some mobs around level 45 with AoE attacks...

                    In non-FFXI news in about 30 minutes I shall be slinking out of work to go buy an Xbox360. Intend to get Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero and Prject Gotham racing. I got my Beta disc for FFXI yesterday so it looks like being a fun night!


                      Tobal, I don't have enough seals for the BCNM.

                      Also I do want to level my other character but im not sure I can put much time into it.

                      I was supposed to be leaving my current job in May but yesterday they gave me a chance to go for another post, unfortunately its working with c sharp programming language and I don't have any skills with it at all but have been given 5 weeks to prove I can pick it up well enough, so im basically not going to have much spare time at least during weekday evenings.


                        As long as your online for pdz ass kicking i won't mind ^^


                          Perhaps I've missed something, but is there a PDZ session planned?


                            I wouldn't mind one tonight/tomorrow. If there's going to be 6 of us now, it should make for some pretty good team games


                              nope, just in general. But if anyone's up for it tonight (tsing forgot ffxi onthe 360) we'll get a game going.


                                I Want A ****ing 360!

