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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by talizker
    ...and a totally OT post. Are any of you 360 owners picking up Ridge Racer 6? Should be getting tomorrow I hope.
    Went Toys 'R Us at lunch and was shocked it wasn't there. I'll probably head to Trafford this evening and make sure I get a copy. Will be good to play a racing game I'm actually decent at after my PGR humiliations.


      Probably going to be another one for me to avoid for the time being I think - these more realistic type of racers don't usually float my boat, they lack the "Oh look, I've just destroyed you with some kind of **** off massive rocket thing" appeal

      Now if it had powerups ala Mario Kart....


        Ridge! Realistic!?

        Heheh.. oh wait.. I don't have a 360


          I like games that allow me to take out aggression on ****. Simply coming first in a race doesn't do that for me, unless I can eliminate my competition rather than just finish one place ahead of them.


            From what I've read, that's what xbox live racing games are all about


              all about what?


                eliminate my competition rather than just finish one place ahead of them.
                all about that.


                  Full Auto is a good example of the sort of racer that I enjoy, something with big guns and plenty of stuff to blow to ****


                    Asume we are not doing any CoP tonight. If this changes please post here or PM me as I wont be around otherwise.


                      Originally posted by talizker
                      Asume we are not doing any CoP tonight. If this changes please post here or PM me as I wont be around otherwise.
                      I was up for this but just had a read through what is needed to get to the actual boss fight, /sigh more running all over the place talking to npc after npc, tedious stuff.

                      I guess if everyone is up for it all tonight I will go.


                        If people are stuck for something to do, I have about 2 more headstones to find for ZM5 and would greatly appreciate some assistance as I'm sure one of them will spawn an NM. Thankfully, I managed the Ifrit Cauldron one last night, after about 2 hours....

                        Atm, I have one from Behemoth's Dominion, Quicksand caves/west altepa, Zitah, Ifrit's Cauldron, Cape Terrigan and the ZM4 cutscene. I know I still have one to get from Ordelle's cave, but which is the other one?


                          Cloister of Frost (Fei'Yin). From the sounds of it you've done all the hard ones.


                            I don't know whether or not I have a map for Fei'Yin - is it quested?


                              yes, in windurst


                                Well if you guys don't do any CoP today might I suggest a 360 session? PDZ or perhaps Ridge 6 if anyone other than me and Wedge have it.

                                I may have a ZM6 run at 7pm but nothing apart from that.

