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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    So it's not restricted to an alliance/party of participants in the same way as Ballista and Garrison? If it's not level capped either then obvously your just going to get the hundreds of level 75s turning up, but if they make it tougher for those levels then it becomes an end game activity (presumably requiring even more commitment than an HNMLS!) which is no good for anyone else.

    I dunno, I haven't seen or heard anything about it so far so I might be well off the mark.


      Inside the city in said to be level capped but nothing was mentioned what the cap was, but doubt much would live with 250, lvl60 pounding on it. Plus lvl75 kept killing the marching mobs on the way to city to.


        Just read up on this. I don?t think the event was capped as such. They got an icon similar (same?) as a level cap icon but it seems that that simply flagged your character as able to take part in battle during Beseiged.

        Darwock?s point is valid though, how do you balance something like Beseiged so that it is a challenge to everyone who is the city at the time? It?s a programming nightmare surely?


          I read the playonline info about besieged and I think I may have the wrong end of the stick... it seems like it's not something that is initiated by players, but is always happening - the attack comes automatically when the beastmen forces reach a certain strength?? It also said that the level of beastmen involved is variable, seems to be influenced by a system much like signet/regional control, only this time it's called 'sanction'. So presumably if a lot of players have died under the influence of sanction, the beastmen forces will be much stronger. Also if there's always a chance of getting caught up in it then there's not always going to be a million people ready to take part, battles could be quite varied. If I understand the process correctly then first impressions aren't going to count for much.


            Well I can only guess that with the number of Assault happening at the start the bstmen lvls are going to low, im hoping that as interest dies out (as in from doing it everyday, to doing maybe 1-3 a week) more and tougher mobs will appear, I wouldn?t expect the Undead(if they include the lamie+mummy?s) to be push over.


              Interesting evening last night.

              Started off exping, using up my exp band, then went and got another staging point in Arrapago Reef, very tough zone to get through alive, seeing as I have died most times in there, luckily I chose not to go on my mains and took my 30 Rdm, stuck reraise up, died once on the way but eventually made it to the staging point.

              Just one more staging point in Arrapango Reef to get and then im all set for assault.

              After warping back to Whitegate, me, Tibal and Meric decided to try a 3 man Assault in the Mamool Training Grounds, we failed the mission but we were close, the first half of the time in there was baffling, nothing like the previous Assault we did, different goal and strategy needed to win, am looking forward to trying this one again tonight, we could take more people if anyone's interested.


                Originally posted by mikewl
                Thing is that boat quest is a load of rubbish unless you have experience in a certain job, I could see how someone could get really stumped on it.
                You were right, it is a load of rubbish!

                I figured I'd found the right NPC as I got a quest-type fade out every time I spoke to him, but he didn't mention anything about Aht Urgan so after a few attempts I was thinking I was in the wrong place and nearly set off for Norg. Instead I decided there must be a trick to it - given the long spiel he gave the first time about 'selling your soul for gil' and being 'willing to take risks', and then only allowing you to ask him about goods for sale (response was to direct you to the counter) I thought maybe he was hinting that you had to spend a lot of money at the tenshodo merchants to trigger it. So I did... ><

                Stopped short of blowing every bit of gil I had and decided to give up and cheat, as I wasn't prepared to waste any more time. Maybe if I'd known about the first Tenshodo quest I'd have stood more of a chance, but I never got the chance to do that one... (I was instructed to buy an invite at auction when I joined a group to do the magicite misson)

                Anyway I then spent a few hours beating up helm beetles, sand spiders and sand eaters in quicksand caves but no coffer keys to be found. I gave up on that and decided to go for the intermediate option... collected all three items within half an hour. I'd definitely recommend this option to anyone who hasn't done it yet.)

                Although I did suffer one incredibly stupid death at the hands of some quadav that were only half my level... I was just utterly careless and left two white mage quadavs unchecked while I meleed with another group, they repeatedly cast curaga spells while I was daydreaming and all of a sudden I found myself in deep sh!t, died before I could get a sleepga off. What a spanner.


                  As wedge say?s we did a 3-man assault lvl60 ? Rescue the Agent, along with meric. No idea what we would be doing when we started, but I had read about some of the alla/KI forum post about breaking down locked doors. Spoilers for those that don?t want to know what to do

                  Seems we have to make the Bstmen mobs break the cell door for us using 2 moves, Weapon Spin and Firespit, fire spit having a slight delay on it so you can move out the way so it burns door the locked door. We managed to break first door but couldn?t take down the second in the 30 min time limit we had.


                    Originally posted by Tsingtao
                    So Optical Hat run on Saturday at 12:00 (noon), who's coming?
                    Spot the person who has not had fun with Haku before.

                    I would advise you to add in plenty of time to account for aggro, adds, people getting lost, people who have "friends" who need an o-hat.

                    Oh and fight Haku close to the cliff, worst case you only have to deal with 1 add during the fight.


                      Agreed, its one of those events that never go according to plan, always always some die on the way there (I have) and its a real tough NM, but still we have mostly people we know going so it should go ok.

                      I will be watching Tobals Hakutaku fight beforehand to pick up any helpful information.

                      My guess is I will be going Brd and using Mambo on Ninja tanks.


                        Well we tried the Rescue Agent mission again, and again only broke 1 door, the main problem where having is ninja mobs being totally useless for open doors, the 1st 2 mobs we fought where ninja and did maybe 3 firespits between them. The 2nd a biggest problem is the camera, it is very, very hard to to position your self to see the mob while being so close to the wall and dodge the firespit at the right time. Hopefulyl tonight we can go back with multiple people (4-6) and complete it this time)

                        Also during the maintenance it appeared the Mamooj won Besieged will everyone was logged off on Fenrir and SE forgot to stop there advance, LOL.

                        Cunning indeed


                          When your tanking do you do the equip change camera trick?

                          That would probably make it easier to dodge.
                          Last edited by mikewl; 28-04-2006, 09:28.


                            whats that? Never heard of it, i was using a mix of moving the camera so it just behind the mob, facing the door so i can line it up right, then locking on and moving a small bit to face it, then releasing lock and spinnning the camera around behind the mob, sadly the camera reset every time i got hit by a blow back move (sumersault kick, Forcefull blow) to behind me and so couldn't see what the **** i was doing. And 1st person camera is just to hard to judge when to dodge the moves and know if im in the right position behind the door after moving/dodging.
                            Last edited by Tobal; 28-04-2006, 09:38.


                              Ok, you know when fighting the camera is sort of locked to the mob, and the camera only lets you pan round abit, if you change a but of equipment mid fight it unlocks the camera and also lets you run freely without being locked to facing the mob.

                              Its what I use alot as Bst, especially against gobs as when they do bomb toss I can just leg it and get out of AOE range without having to walk backwards slowly or disengage first.

                              When we try again give it a go.


                                On second thought I think that is the same sort of thing you were doing, with the lock thing.

