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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Well up and awake and just did a beseiged doesn't seem to have changed to much.... yet...

    Though having said that fouight a new NM I'd not seen before in it that was quite tough.

    In other news my brown belts sold so I'm back in business, 4.5 million in the bank again ^^


      Originally posted by C'
      Just think of the fun at 75.

      Not only do you get Mages with "Refresh plz" you now get tanks with "Phalanx plz"
      Yeah, that is going to be fun for sure. I think Phalanx has a 3 minute duration so slightly longer than the Refresh timer (and the same as Haste I believe) so should be fairly easy to get in.

      What is interesting is the Phalanx effect is very much dependant on Enhancing skill so I wonder if there will be a rise in the price of Ehancing Magic + items (thinking how happy I was to get the Enhancing Torque last week for 10k !!).


        Wooo!! Back on the game!


          Reading more about the merits, seems the samurai are all pretty useless compared to what others got,

          Zanshin Tp increae - +3tp every up upgrade, for a something that going off when I miss(rarely and only 5% at that), so completely crap

          Overwhelm ? those that have brought as it does about 50 more damage on a weapon skill? the upgrade inreases the damage by a factor of 6(or something) does but it seems only useful for Soloing or Trick Attack, still broken at the moment so if they increase the damage or upgrades make It more potent it could be the only one worth upgrading

          Blade Bash ? Quick claim with provoke still range with out having to be engaged, finally something useful for NM hunting, if it wern't for a 15 minute f'king recast, would have upgrade another 5 times to get the timer to 2:30mins and thats if the upgrade allow you to upgrade it 6 times in total(1 to gain, + 5 upgrades)

          Share Tp above 100 ? seems to be on 15m timer as well, the problem is if I?m not using the hagun it would make my weapon skills suck complete ass, not worth upgrading it, 2:30m of the recast for upgrades so it on the same level as Blade bash, useless for EXP as any melee having problem gaining TP on the current TP burn mobs is not worth my TP loss, as for Hnmls have yet to see, it's timer is to long to be useful.
          Last edited by Tobal; 25-07-2006, 09:42.


            Don?t worry I feel your pain.

            San line of spells are so far unimpressive. Seem to be doing in the range of 130 damage per cast (with little INT/Ninjutsu skill upgrades). Casting time is 2.75 seconds with a 60 second recast. This approximately works out as a 75% cast time increase for 50% damage increase. Go figure. Obviously you can merit the spell for further damage but each boost to a spell would be at the cost of losing a different spell as you are only allowed to merit this category 6 times.

            Sange is a Barrage type ability with Shuriken/Darts. Initially on a 15 minute timer and reduce by 2:30 for each upgrade. Costly though. Not only are we using up to 5 shurikens per use but we also sacrifice our shadows. Damage can be nice but it?s not a great move. When I read the initial description I assumed it would be a case of the ninja giving his shadows form and having them attack for ranged damage, but the fact that we still need to use shurikens reduces the appeal of this. It?s also going to lead to increase risk of throwing my Bomb Core

            Finally, Ninja tool expertise. Any NIN at 75 where a 5% cost saving is going to matter really needs to play a different job.

            I know what the arguments are going to be. NIN is too powerful, they didn?t need buffing etc. but I have to say, these merits only apply to end game and in merit parties at least, my experience is that WAR and MNK are far more powerful than NIN and still got better merits than this.

            Certainly I see no reason to stray from my plan of HP, katana skill, crit hit rate merits etc over these new ones.


              It the 15min timers that get me, it really if forcing a person to upgrade just 1 ability so it?s useful or otherwise have broader inadequate abilities with long recasts. And this all depends on how many merits you can input in to one ability, SE seem to shot themselves in the foot with just a 6 upgrade cap. I think I just leave it for now on which I?ll fully upgrade being Overwhelm doesn?t work I can?t make the decision, as 2 are Self servicing(quick claim and damage increase) and party servicing(tp share).

              For now I?ll just get Blade Bash lvl1(and only 1), and save the rest until I see how Overwhelm should work.


                haha -_- sad tarutaru ...

                About the mithra in the clip ... the armour is modded ... probabily taken from the Arc Angel Mithra ... she swapped the dat file for some peace of armour most likly


                  It's a change in direction for FFXI, the only similar thing would be crafting.. means you can't reach full abilities with just one character (which is exactly what they want I suppose). I don't like it as I don't want to ever risk making an irreversible 'mistake' in the development of my character.


                    Merits spent can be removed, so if you don?t like something you it can be removed to but you don?t keep the merits you?ve wasted on it, so it?s it like waste 30kexp for 1 upgrade on a new abiltity or spend it on furthering my other merits which I know would be useful (last g.k. upgrade, critical rate, last 2 upgrade for TP store and Mediate recast)


                      Didn't realise that, it's not so bad then. Keeps people playing I guess.


                        Spot on. This is about specialisation. Whilst we can?t rule out the fact that the limit cap will be increased (most likely to 10) anyone who tries to get all their new abilities will find them too weak or too high recast to be useful.

                        Take RDM for example. At first it looks like they did really well with lots of good spells but if they are not further merited their effectiveness is barely better than their tier 1 enfeebles. This means they have to make a choice of 2 or 3 that they want.


                          No updates for RNG in this new patch?


                            All the job updates, bar the New pre50 spell/songs for Drk and Brd are all for the lvl75 meriting so it wouldn't mean much unless you are 75 or ar at least 60 for the battlefield's stuff.


                              So I guess getting all those 360 achievements is going to take some time...


                                Good god, theyre bonkers... oh I decided to reinstall this after a hiatus after I got fed up, does anyone know anywhere where i can get some worldpasses to have a looksee at some different servers, so much for random the only server it offers up to me is fairy, but I've been there done that....


                                Oh nvm about worldpass, my bad, got it sorted
                                Last edited by Guest; 25-07-2006, 23:39.

