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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Which would involve?


      you spanking 50 passers by


        Sea = Ours

        That is all, phew long road


          Yes it was ^_^

          Clearly I still haven't figured out how to take screenshots on 360. Can someone let me have some of the group shots from tonight please.

          D - we ought to try and sort out a leaving party for you. Not sure what, maybe just go hang out / kill stuff in your favorite locations with the LS or something. Get some pics etc (if I can figure it out...!) and drink some RL beer.

          Won't let you go without a party!


            CoP - Where it began for D, Tsing, Hic and me. This was a very happy moment!

            A few random pics of stuff i've done with D and the LS

            ahhh, happy memories /smile


              Last edited by dataDave; 27-04-2007, 08:51.


                Cooking 10.8 ladies.
                Last edited by dataDave; 27-04-2007, 08:51.


                  Originally posted by MegaMan X
                  Cool, got my 360 pad now. Anychance of that world pass?
                  I'll get you one tonight mate although I won't be able to post it until tomorrow morning unless you give me your mobile number.

                  You do realise that this is the beginning and the end?
                  (the beginning of FFXI, the end of your life)

                  What job are you thinking?


                    Pic taking on the 360, is press select button to remove the HUD then right trigger to take the photo.

                    Woo, only one chapter to go and 2 BC?s for completion! Chapter7 was quite the push over, easiest CoP fight by far with out the caps to hinder your abilities I could go all out in the BC. The CS was pretty cool, show?s more of the cross-over with the Zilart mission?s main character?s, love the way everything just links into it all, after we complete CoP we?ll have to ZM and then fight Zm17(+1) and Bahamut.


                      Originally posted by Tobal
                      Pic taking on the 360, is press select button to remove the HUD then right trigger to take the photo.
                      Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I'm sure the manual said Right Bumper (after Select). That'll be why then - doah ><

                      I will be pushing on to Lv70 after Wednesday this week ready to be of some use in the remaining CoP and ZM Missions.


                        Originally posted by Tobal
                        Pic taking on the 360, is press select button to remove the HUD then right trigger to take the photo.
                        Actually mate... .......

                        It's back button to remove the HUD, right trigger to frame the window (with the copyright info), and then RB to take the shot.

                        You then need to access your Playonline email via Playonline workbench and attach your files to your usual email address... where they will come through in dodgy jpeg format.

                        type /names if you want to take shots without peoples names over their heads (which is what I normally do).

                        PS. Soz for correcting you Tob - ppl correct me often enough.


                          Well talizker, those pics have brought a virtual tear to my eye, thanks for the memories ^^

                          I have the same problem a la CoP in that I'm not sure if/when I can commit to getting online once more... last night was an easy place to sever the ties because that CS was almost an endgame CS, a fitting place to stop.

                          It's quite frustrating in a way, if it hadn't been for all the delays I could be looking to finish CoP completely with you guys... as it was I had to disband last night cos it was painful reading you talking about progressing to the end! Still, I'm very happy to have seen (and fought in!) Al'Taieu.

                          If I do get on in a week or so then there's always the kokba hostel, I would like to know what happens in there, lol


                            Davi, were you lucky enough to get Bounding Boots from Leaping Lizzy?


                              Originally posted by DavidFallows
                              It's back button to remove the HUD, right trigger to frame the window (with the copyright info), and then RB to take the shot.
                              hmmmm, that is what I did. Will need to give this another go tonight. I should see them under screenshots in the POL File Manager right? It was much easier with FRAPS /sigh

                              Actually its not. Did not know about framing the window....

                              Hopefully someone got the Sea shot last night.


                                C'mon Darwock!! Get yer arse on for BCNM40! We can't leave our only pty experience at that poncey dragon! (eventhough that was much funz >< ).

                                Originally posted by C'
                                Davi, were you lucky enough to get Bounding Boots from Leaping Lizzy?
                                No mate. I was only after the gil anyway and then I learned that the boots are now Ra/Ex anyway.

                                I WAS lucky enough to win the NM from a full team of high-lvl BLM campers that brought along a lowbie Galka though... They must have known he was going to pop as they turned up around 3 minutes before.

                                Mind, I was only there for 10 thanks to Tsing.
                                Last edited by dataDave; 31-07-2006, 09:08.

