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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    LOL - I agree with Tsing if my lvl.39 opinion counts, which I know it doesn't.

    NIN as tank has certainly been exciting so far though. And I'm in the game for excitement.
    Last edited by dataDave; 31-07-2006, 11:22.


      Originally posted by DavidFallows
      This is why I'm so glad we have 5 of us in the lvl.15 range... I think me, Maria, Kupo, Moot + Saer (if he even enjoys WHM) should wait for Foe to get to lvl.15 and then we'll be all set, no reason why we can't level 3/4 times in 2/3hrs with that set-up, depending on mob availability in crowded areas.
      One of the advantages of sticking with a party of LS members is you can go and EXP in areas that aren?t used all that often. Was just saying to Moot yesterday that if your group got together again at Valkurm Dunes level you could all trek over to Buburimu Peninsula and EXP there.

      Very similar mob types (crabs and pugils) but the added advantage of not having a bunch of other power-leveled parties claiming the same mobs.

      I?ve always wanted to level there but not had the opportunity myself unfortunately.


        The Maze and Koroloka tunnel are good options at that level as well and the maze is basically deserted. If you work it right you may even be able to get RSE pieces in the maze though I can't remember the key drop mobs for that area. Alternatively Koroloka offers the chance to get the Altep crystal for new players to avoid garbage ****tyhell and crawlers nest.

        Around 19 bail out of whereever though and hit up diving beetles in sauromogue champaign for a massive gain in xp and yet another site most xp parties won't go to ^^


          Never thought myself. It's always dead too.

          Not that our 6-man LS party would openly ask for PL'ers anyway, especially not when I'm in charge. In future I'm going to tell power levellers to **** off - I'm not just WHM/BLM with a ton of gil anymore, I have tons of other stuff to do.

          I really think we should wait for Foe though.


            Dj, I forgot what we agreed in the end.

            BCNM tonight or Thursday?


              Originally posted by DavidFallows
              I'll try it when I get in!!

              Man... having my 39PLD on Seraph would be mega. ; ; I'd put down Daviravi (or just level his crafting) and concentrate on catching you up Tickle. I have a week off approaching so I'd bite a big chunk out of those 20lvls or so.

              When my other grain sells (I have 170k, waiting for another 180k) I could really splash out on PLD ware.

              Now I'm getting my hopes up. ; ;
              Mate that would be awsome! ha ha

              Its always cool lvlin with mates. 40-60 is a long path mate (well it was for me)

              Its over 20k a lvl for me atm ><

              Going to start my G3 tonite i think


                Originally posted by C'
                Dj, I forgot what we agreed in the end.

                BCNM tonight or Thursday?
                It was tonie i think matey i know everybody agreed, but i dont know how Kupo got on with his seals >< He was only about 8 short i think.

                I know mooty said he was going to help him farm some but dont know if they did or how they got on >< I will be on from 6pm tonite and check it out if you need me to post.


                  I'll probably be around anyway so no worries.


                    OK - back on with the anima/recollection farming... Sorry Rare, I really did appreciate your offer to help farm last night and was on my way to gear up... Although I think it'd be time better spent with others who also need them or else I'm left with 5 further slots of inventory being used for godknows how long, and I'm not making another character to sit in the background as a mule. I like to think of Fallows not being a mule, eventhough that's all he is right now. lol.

                    Does anyone else give a toss? Aren't we meant to be doing the Promathia ENMs tomorrow? (I hate the term 'prommy', it sounds **** so I never use it ><)


                      Yeah it was set for Tuesday, i thought you had loads up for it?

                      I know Kupo and Bevan defo were? (Maria needs to do it but im not sure how she is fixed will ask her later for you)

                      Who you got on the list to do it.

                      I can still come if you need my help, i have my anima already.


                        Originally posted by djtickle
                        i have my anima already.
                        I have an anima mate, I thought the plan was to have all three animas each and recollections in place for the 2nd ENM, hence farmage. ><

                        Bevan needs to do it but he's only ever on late at night, I feel sorry for him after him helping me with my Kazham keys.

                        There were 6 of us up for it... a few pages back.


                          the best way to catch bev on at normal time for us is on the weekends.

                          Hopefully I?ll be able to afford the 8m for the Shura togi abj soon, im second in line to get a craftable item drop (trying to get 5-10m item for my points I?ve collect with AnD) and sell back my Flame ring once we complete CoP which should be another 2m, which would set me up nicely to get shura legs abj.

                          I?m gonna read up on limbus in the afternoon, find out how far in to chapter 8 we need to be to start messing around in there, wanna start saving up for brutal earring and various AF+1 pieces.


                            Who is lined up for the promyvins then? Last list I had was

                            WHM/BLM - Kuponut
                            WAR/NIN - Saerik
                            WAR/THF - DJ
                            BLM/WHM - Davi
                            PLD/WAR - Tsing

                            Out of that lot only Davi and Kupo actually needed them so if anyone else wants in we should be able to take them. If Bevan needs it I'm happy to drop out.


                              Originally posted by Tsingtao
                              Who is lined up for the promyvins then? Last list I had was

                              WHM/BLM - Kuponut
                              WAR/NIN - Saerik
                              WAR/THF - DJ
                              BLM/WHM - Davi
                              PLD/WAR - Tsing

                              Out of that lot only Davi and Kupo actually needed them so if anyone else wants in we should be able to take them. If Bevan needs it I'm happy to drop out.
                              I know Bevan, Vanicent and Kerushi all wanted in as well ><

                              Like Tsing i can drop to make another spot.


                                Well - we need a definative list and then we need to go and farm as a unit so we know where we are up to.

                                I don't mind doing it with ppl who have never done it before. More thrillz.

