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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I?m pretty sure Vanicent was only volunteering to help as you needed a damage dealer for the remaining slot and I recommended he volunteer as it would be good experience to take his RNG into a mission battle scenario.

    If the place is needed by another LS member I?m sure he wouldn?t mind missing out as he has already completed the first chapter of Chains of Promyvion (he is currently on mission 2-5 I believe).

    Obviously he should confirm this himself but there seemed to be some confusion as to whether Van needs the missions or not.


      A few more recent pictures of D, me and the LS

      Getting ready for The Shadowlord

      The Hall of the Gods before first entering Sky

      The CoP Crew Mk2

      The CoP Crew Mk2


        All these pictures have got my *cough* 'creative' juices flowing

        I'm gonna have to get all of mine off the PS2 and do something with them, I won't have webspace for much longer either ; ;


          Originally posted by C'
          I?m pretty sure Vanicent was only volunteering to help as you needed a damage dealer for the remaining slot and I recommended he volunteer as it would be good experience to take his RNG into a mission battle scenario.

          If the place is needed by another LS member I?m sure he wouldn?t mind missing out as he has already completed the first chapter of Chains of Promyvion (he is currently on mission 2-5 I believe).

          Obviously he should confirm this himself but there seemed to be some confusion as to whether Van needs the missions or not.
          I'm not sure where I'm up to on Promathia, to be honest. As far as I know, the most I've done is clear the three Promyvions, and got access to Lufaise Meadows, and Tavnazia Safehold.

          If I've done more than that, and forgotten, someone please inform me. Thank you.

          As for taking part in the Promyvions, I have (as Rare said) already done them, so I don't mind someone else taking my place.


            You also cleared the


            mission in

            Phomiuna Aquaducts

            which gave you access to Riverne Site #A01. We rushed you and Daragon through that one Sunday evening I think so you could attend the Carmine Dobsonfly session

            Just had a cracking KSNM30 session with the LS which was basically put together on a whim. Was great to decide to do something and doing it rather than fannying about for days so Kuponut, Meric, Moot, Saerik, Yenyoju and myself grabbed some orbs and headed over to Waughroom Shrine.

            We went for the safe option for the first 4 battles and did Operation Desert Swarm. Different strategy to our previous battles as we only had a single designated sleeper (RDM) with no backup so it was important that Yen had as few to contend with as possible. This meant we fought 2 scorpions at once with me Moot battling one and Saerik and Meric the other then claiming another when killed. Action packed battling. We did manage to score 1 Venomous Claw too although the remaining 3 drops were quite poor.

            Me and Meric had decided to play a game of chance with our orbs and went for Prehistoric Pigeons instead (a battle against 4 BRD-type greater birds). I went first in a run that was hectic but pretty flawless in execution. More traditional battleplan with everyone battling 1 bird at a time. The final kill took a bit longer as it seemed to buff itself extraordinarily well. Sadly no impressive drops but we got a Gravedigger which Yen took for her BLM.

            Final run was a loss Initial Sleepga wore whilst we were still battling the first bird and it wasn't up again for Yen to recast and was mauled. Was over a minute after that. The risks involved in having only 1 designated sleeper I guess. Still everyone should walk away with over 750k from the V.Claw so not a total loss

            Also, there were a few discussions about having another crack at Optical Hat this weekend if people are available. I think only Moot needs it so it shouldn't be a long session (any other people who have clusters are welcome to bring whilst we are going) but we would need a fine turnout from the linkshell to make it happen (myself and Meric have agreed to take responsibility for tanking). I appreciate that Wedgemoon and Apathye haven't been online a great deal but I know they played a vital role in our previous victories so would be great if they were free to help. If it looks like this is going to happen I'll get a sackholder to change linkshell message with further details.


              Originally posted by Darwock
              I'm gonna have to get all of mine off the PS2 and do something with them, I won't have webspace for much longer either ; ;
              Perhaps try and get them on Imageshack?


                Ok, I think I forgot about the Dobsonfly run.

                If that's linked to Promathia, then yes, that was the last thing I did in relation to it.

                On another note, I got RNG to level 35 tonight/this morning. I was hoping to go to level 36, but my connection packed up, and by the time I had restored it, I'd been replaced, so I couldn't be bothered carrying on.


                  Looking at the maintenance now scheduled for tonight I'm assuming that we're unlikely to get the Promyvion run done. With servers down from 18:00 - 21:00 there's no way we'd be geared and ready to go before 21:30 making it to late a run for me.

                  Started looking at what I'm chasing next and I think I've come to the conclusion that assault progression is now my number 1. Over the next few weeks will be looking to clear all the assaults up to level 4.

                  My other tragets now are AF2, Relic Shield and picking up an HNMLS to start collecting Koenig. With that in mind anyone got an address for Angels and Demons?

                  Oh and anyone in Dynaeclipse how do you register for a run and which city is being done on Wednesday?


                    I guess CoP on hold till Tali gets level 70, as for this assault lark I?m definitely in for it.


                      Originally posted by Tobal
                      I guess CoP on hold till Tali gets level 70, as for this assault lark I?m definitely in for it.
                      Got Lv67 last night but need a few non-2am finishes this week as I am out on the road at work. Will be back with the Exping Thursday so I realistically hope to see Lv70 in less than 2 weeks.

                      We can do the next part of CoP with me coming upto Lv70 I think? ...and maybe looking at starting farming in Sea for those tasty looking items?

                      I am doing a spot of NM camping this week but would also be up for Assaults.
                      Last edited by talizker; 01-08-2006, 08:24.


                        Ok looks like my plan for the next month at least is to do as much Dynamis and Assault as possible. Does anyoen know if there are any rules governing multiple dynamis LSes?

                        Can't see why there would be as it not competitive like HNM, hoping to use 2 LSes to gain gear as fast as possible. Then concentrate on gaining currency...

                        So here we go Tsings new target list

                        1) 75 PLD
                        2) Complete all current Assaults
                        3) Get remaining maps
                        Den of Rancor
                        Palace in Sky
                        Sea maps
                        4) Full AF2 and start on Relic shield
                        5) CoP Ring
                        6) Tatami Shield
                        7) Abjurations for Koenig


                          Think the problem would be more to do with the fact you can't enter Dynamis until 72 hours after your previous trip, it's not possible to do more than two per week (which is what most Dynamis LS do isn't it?)


                            Originally posted by C'
                            Perhaps try and get them on Imageshack?
                            Yeah, and links plz. No more spoilers.


                              double post
                              Last edited by Darwock; 01-08-2006, 10:25.


                                I used to complain about the same thing, until I found out you can set the forum so it doesn't download images - that way you always just get a link.

