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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I'm on about the ENMs you fight for the 3,000 exp bonus - those are v.easy right?

    As for the Promathia bosses I understand those are extremely tough, with Dem being the 'easiest', but by no means easy.

    It still stands.. for ENM farming BLM/THF is way better than no BLM at all. lol. Not that we need to think about that anymore.
    Last edited by dataDave; 26-07-2006, 11:50.


      Originally posted by DavidFallows
      Get on Seraph!! Me and my mate have jobs on or below lvl10!!
      Ah I have an american friend who got me a wp on sylph, met him on the 360 beta... sorry.


        Originally posted by Tsingtao
        Davi we are not fighting the ENMs you need to forget those, they are increadibly easy fights
        Originally posted by Tsingtao
        There seems to be an odd idea here that the ENMs are easy
        Taxi for Tsingtao!!

        No but seriously, the main fights are very hard and the ENMs can also be hard, we went through a spell of nobody doing them because we were always losing. Easy when you do it right though, in all cases (I still maintain the boss fight for Promyvion-Mea was a piece of piss)


          I reckon we should get everyone in the linkshell together with totally gimped subs, strip off naked, equip only bronze subligars, and make a huge alliance. The leader leads and everyone sets to /follow the next person in line. We can then run through early exp zones with people going "WTF???" left, right+ centre. lOLs. Proper gay daisy-chain!


            Got your PM Tobal, I should be ok for tonight.


              Originally posted by Darwock
              (I still maintain the boss fight for Promyvion-Mea was a piece of piss)
              That's funny as everyone else seems to think it's a totally out of balance nightmare!

              Should be piss for us like, it's not as if we're ****. I'll still be bricking it on the run up to it though, just like the dragon! lol. I might have to fight it topless if it's a hot night. LOL.


              On a side note... I started getting **** for not having Erase last night. "But it's 500k!" I responded... "WHM is a cheap job man" I got back, along with "so?" after I stated I was doing both WHM+BLM at the same time and I was only just a Rank4.


                Heh yes cotradictory I know, I was speaking more in comparison. The mea boss was easy but only due to how wel;l we executed the plan. That thing is evil and one screw up nearly lost us both rangers in less than 5 secs if you remember ^^

                The ENMs are far from easy, I stopped doing them due to them being lost to often. The problem is everyone thinks they're easy for some obscure reason, think this is due to our 100% win rate for quite some time.


                  Well, I'm up for an ENM run tied in with an hour or so of some recollection farming whenever. Just give me a shout.


                    Excellent I just need to borrow Saeriks SH again and I'm all set to go. Last hurdle is making sure we have healing, hopefully we can have that sorted well before time. By hook or by crook though we're going to get this sorted. Suggest we do 1 dry then go for it...

                    ...and if the dry run looks good we go for it on that one anyway.


                      Remember I can go as WHM if we have another BLM turn up.


                        I'd be up for Promyvion if it's next week.

                        I'm working late Wednesday night next week, but I'm free all other nights.


                          Van we will be going Tuesday night and there is space, would suggest we want to get started around 7 to clear both Holla and Mea. Have a check on the post detailing what will be needed, anima farming is not to tough.

                          Have you already cleared them or do you need to get them done?


                            Originally posted by DavidFallows
                            Remember I can go as WHM if we have another BLM turn up.
                            he's on about CoP 6.5 now.

                            Well it would be great if Mos can turn up to, we have winning team pulling out last second/last HP wins 1st time (not counting 4.2(twice)and 5.4's(once) Snoll failed sneak attack)


                              Tuesday is my day off next week, so that's fine.

                              I've cleared the first three Promyvions, and have access to Lufaise Meadows.

                              As for animas, I have two, but I can't recall with two. I'll check and update.

                              EDIT: I have a Psychoanima and a Terroanima.
                              Last edited by Vanicent; 26-07-2006, 13:40.


                                Originally posted by Tobal
                                he's on about CoP 6.5 now.
                                I'm all confused. ><

                                Just shout me whenever recollection/anima farming is up.

