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    I tell you this is a f*-ing joke. Just did some googling and it turns out everyone has the same problem. The instructions say to install the MB in the chassis before adding the heatsink (presumably because it takes so much f***ing force to get it on you risk breaking it) but there isn't enough clearance in the chassis for the heatsink clamps to protrude beneath it, so all you end up doing is applying pressure to the floor/table.

    Its a heap of sh!t. I can't figure out what to do with it right now. Don't want to risk breaking the motherboard. :-/

    Update - panic off, decided to take a lunch break and have a think, lateral thinking kicked in, built a rig out of four "teach yourself" language pack boxes (they're the same size) and a piece of cardboard, to support the motherboard while I apply pressure to the clamps (without something blocking them). Worked like a charm - it didn't need half the force I was trying to apply. On to the next challenge ... the wonder of humanity - the ability to create tools!!
    Last edited by vwilsonuk; 28-04-2007, 14:04. Reason: Update


      Doesn't look like I'll be getting very far today :-/

      Built it all, got it all plugged in etc (wiring took ages), but when I plug it in and try to power it up nothing happens. That is *nothing at all*. Its as dead as a dodo. Doesn't look like the power light on the motherboard is lighting either, so my hunch earlier (when I tried the fans and they didn't fire up) that the psu is dead could well be true.

      Not quite sure what to make of it right now.


        Not a whole lot of advice I can offer as its been a while since I built a PC but the two things that spring to mind is:

        a. If the CPU is not seated correctly it may mean nothing at all happens (as oppose to fans/beeps if it is memory/graphic).

        b. A while ago I had a Motherboard that had a jumper on that was for transportation and I had to change that before the machine would do anything... thinking about it is was a loooooooooooooong time ago but hey-ho it may help.

        Good luck!


          A stupid thing, but whenever I built a rig, I always forget to attach that additional 4 pin power connector lead to the mobo, mainly because not all mobo's need it... I always pull my hair out over the thing not powering up until I remember.
          Worth a mention.


            Thanks for the tips guys, I'll bear them in mind. I have definitely plugged in the 4 pin mobo connector, I checked that because I thought I'd missed it too! thanks for the tip though, would've been a right bugger if I'd missed it. The CPU was pretty difficult to not seat correctly with the notches and stuff, and I did was able to check that the mb was ok after attaching the heatsink as it was unscrewed from the chassis by that point.

            My plan right now (apart from going out and trying to forget that I just spent 10 hours for no results) is to go to Maplin tomorrow morning and buy a PSU tester. They do them for about 12 quid, and its worth it to find out wtf is going on. The 12 quid one will only test a 20 pin MB connector but this psu will do either 24 or 20 pin so it should still give me an indication (the 24pin tester is 20 quid, not sure I fancy that!).

            Then, presuming its the PSU that is screwed, I'll speak to Scan and try and get an exchange. As it happens I'm on training in Chorley this week, so I'm hoping I'll be able to just take in the PSU unit and leave the cables on the motherboard, and just swap it for another. this will be easier if I can show them the psu tester results. Unfortunately I went for a specific super-quiet psu so I can't just go out and buy any old one to get it working, and I'm not sure where I'd find a Corsair ultra quiet 620W SLi PSU in Birmingham tomorrow, or I'd do that. :-/

            It is a major peev. I'm also going to ask Scan for my Saturday 12.00 delivery to be reimbursed too, because the whole point was to get it working this weekend and because of their faulty stock that now won't happen. Worth a go.

            Trying to console myself by telling me I couldn't have used it for 4 days while I'm in Chorley anyway ... it isn't working very well. :-/ I just hope I don't have to bloody unplug everything again.


              The PSU fires up when I attach it to the tester, and so do all the disks.

              Looking at the mobo manual atm in case I've missed something, have no idea how I'd find out if a CPU is seated correctly, or if I've ****ed up the mobo.



                Hmmm. Well, it turns out I had the power switch and reset switch on the wrong pins, which was a really stupid mistake but at least I've found it now - and have also reset the CLTR thingy, removed the PCI cards and one of the memory chips just to simplify things.

                But ... now when I plug it in, power on the PSU then hit the power switch things start to spin, there's lots of blue light, little popping sounds and the spinning stops.

                I've tried it four times now, the last time something black flew out.

                I'm scared, and I don't want to play any more.

                What next?

                I just checked what the something black is, and its a bit of some component. You can see the print on one side of it. Looks like I'll be taking the heat sink off again to find out if there still is a processor underneath, although I can't understand how it'd be that - there'd be no way for the bits to get out.
                Last edited by vwilsonuk; 29-04-2007, 14:52.


                  Hic ~ not sure what to say... That has never happened to me before!


                    I think its just the same celestial power that **** on me a few weeks back with a £640 electricity bill having another go. Am just trying to make my lounge look like a room rather than a ransacked electronics store at the moment, and doing some practical stuff like pottering, tidying and washing up. Hopefully when I've done that the shock and hysteria will have worn off, and I'll be brave enough to approach the sparking mystery box again.


                      Found the chip that exploded before I took the heatsink off, so I'm going to find out what it is before I either mess with the processor or try powering it up again. Suspect I'll need a new mobo.

                      It was an APM3095P "WI8C5" chip, although Google only returns results for APM3095. Its one of these.

                      Some photos on Flickr here.

                      Update: opinion on hardware forums seems to be this is a mobo fault. I'll have to unplug it all and send it back for RMA :/ Fingers crossed it didn't fry anything else.
                      Last edited by vwilsonuk; 29-04-2007, 19:06. Reason: Update


                        Dj, you legend, that 1st one is brilliant. As a few people know, i had the misfourtune of meeting Seraph's #1 during Promyvion Vahzl.

                        What a cock.


                          My POL Viewer album was getting full so had to pull some out and store externally. Thought I?d post some up here for no reason, other than I like pictures

                          August 2006: I camp Celeste-eyed Tozberry hoping for a Kitsutsuki. No drop

                          Pics of when I went to a Galleon event battling Vyrtra. Scary stuff!

                          Moot busts a move.

                          A rare image of the lesser-spotted WAR Moot. Rumours suggest this form of Moot is now extinct.

                          Myself and Vanicent. Judging from the gear, we?re about to do Promyvion (again -_-; )

                          Rarehero battles yet another random NM. I don?t even know what this drops.

                          It?s behind you?

                          What did those crazy moogles do this time!?

                          Why am I the pet?

                          WOO! Silly hats.

                          Halloween means it?s time to get out the lantern collection.

                          Pictures of the Promathia statue in the Sacrarium. Don?t worry, we may be delayed slightly, but we?re coming for you BEEATCH!!!

                          Battling Aquarius. Getting the Francisca was part of the impetus to levelling RNG.

                          Meteormauler Zhagtegg. Another NM of Vana?diel falls to Rarehero?s blade.

                          ARGH!!! Where did these come?

                          How many are there?

                          Finally almost killed them all.

                          Gathering for another RNG EXP session.

                          The ?Robin Hood? look.

                          Our first foray into Nyzul Isle Assault.

                          Saw these 2 and thought they looked funny. If we added a police officer and a motorcyclist, they could do the YMCA.

                          Don?t you hate it when you go to a party and someone else is wearing the same outfit :/

                          Hpemde Organs ;_;

                          Easter = Egg decorations. Jeweled Egg is lovely.

                          April 2007: I camp Celeste-eyed Tozberry hoping for a Kitsutsuki. No drop
                          And the cycle is complete. GIVE ME MY KATANA YOU BASTARD!!!


                            Originally posted by C' View Post

                            Myself and Vanicent. Judging from the gear, we?re about to do Promyvion (again -_-; )
                            Nice pics. You're holding hands in that one though. ;p

                            yay! lvl60 (well, was 60 now 59). This game can be fast when you don't have gear or spells to worry about.


                              lolZ XD


                                Originally posted by C' View Post

                                Moot busts a move.

