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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Apparently the new lvl20 and 30 BCNM battles are limited to having 3 people in the PT but I'm definately up for trying one out.


      i'm in but i gonna pt with nbk 2moz probs around 7-7.30 but if u up for it earlier i'm game. i should be in from work around 5.30 ish


        Oh and Subtle Blow IS a job trait that reduces the amount of TP an enemy gains when MNK or NIN classes hit them. Looks like kickass Ninja blink tanks remain
        Wouldnt that mean its bad for nin?, cause that means the monster reavices less hate and its harder for a nin to control the arrgo, harder to tank. Good for mnks though, can hit harder without worry of pulling monster from main tank.

        I decided to start mining to start getting money, i need like 500k in equip for lvl51 :/. But its seems to be incredibly competitive at the moment, does anyone else notice this? I might try going to infrits cauldren instead and find a point there but im worried dying too many times. Though this gardening thing is interesting.


          I particularly like the Mentor idea: people about to join the game who have posted in the other thread, look here:

          For update details and here:

          For Mentor details. Could be cool .


            Don't think so Vikas. Emnity and enemy TP accrual seem to be 2 seperate stats entirely.

            So the character will still be building the hate, but the mob being attacked will not be receiving quite as much TP thereby reducing the number of special attacks (i.e less Goblin Bombs ^^)

            The main reason I don't think it's going to affect the ability of NIN tanks is that if Subtle Blow did affect hate control, it limits the role of Tank to one job combination only.


            Whilst WARs are able to tank, from what I've been told a WAR tank will always sub either MNK or NIN, both of which receive the Subtle Blow job trait meaning that the WAR will also be unable to hold hate if he tanks.


              Thats cool, gives them another trait over those dmg hungry drk and drgs. Apparently there are plans to bring another set of Ninja scrolls at lvl60 called **:San , that would make nin invinsible ^^


                The San series of spells have been known about for a while as being in the game code but not made available by Square. I think the discovery of Blink Tanking by ingenious players (remember it was never intended by Square for Ninjas to take this role) is what has held back the relase of the San series.

                Imagine if a Ninja could stack Utsusemi: Ichi, Ni and San?


                  A new low-level quest to obtain the pact for summoning avatars has been implemented
                  OMG how annoying, I been lvling to lvl60 just to fight these things, to find out i can get them at a lower lvl... , at least fenir will still be a true high lvl summon


                    Vikas, I'm not quite sure what it means by that, but are you reckoning it's entirely likely I'll be able to get most, if not all, of the summons at my level?


                      From what i hear all smn can be fought at the same form BUT not at there full potential, which are much easier to obtain, no more 1000+ dmg astral flow :x .

                      BUT u will not get whisper which are required to get fenir. I guess this is a good thing cause no jpn PT will ever invite u above 50 if u dont have fenir because of its power alone.

                      And the addition thunder Sprit will be from a bncm lvl20 or 30 i would guess.

                      I guess this will ease the problem of complaints that summons are too powerfull and stuff, but sucks for people like me who lvl another class to meet those "criteria" to be a smn

                      Personally if it was my choice i would have kept the avatar difficulty but add new avatars for lower lvls to there was a continous difficulty curve for the smn class. But heh, thats my opinon ^^


                        God dammit, when's my Samurai going to get sorted out with some new abilities or as least a Kimono to wade around in.





                          Half an hour til download completes


                            I'm sure the Dragoons won't agree (at all) but I think it's fantastic the multi-hit weaponskill TP regain has been capped at the first hit (2 for MNK/NIN, beacsue of fists/dual wielding) it just makes sense.

                            Watch the number of Monks... it's gonna go up

                            All in all looks like some really cool stuff has been added, the 20/30 BCNMs, subtle blow, mentor system. Good update.

                            I'm curious about the ballista event and at the same time really glad square have gone with a total non-PK system (so the triggerhappy americans will -=[ NOT ]=- get what they want. 8) )


                              Agreed about PVP. I was worried about the inclusion of PVP earlier in the year as I feared indiscriminate PKing may have been on the cards (and it's what a lot of, mostly American, players seemed to be crying out for).

                              However, when the actual PVP details were announce I was actually quite excited and want to try it out. It shows some level of ingenuity on Square's part rather than taking an obvious duel/colloseum route which everyone was expecting.

                              Top marks ^^


                                anyone having trouble getting the update, it never connects for me, also once it started getting it but then stopped part way, maybe its just too busy right now.

