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    Sorry guys about the bastok dragon quest, i kept losing my connection and i can't get on using my main pc now, so im on my p500 with a 56k connection stinking NTL


    Well i've found the reason

    6 March 2004 12:56 ntlhome broadband - Birmingham
    ntlhome broadband customers in Birmigham, Coventry, Lichfield, Tamworth, Stafford, Swindon and surrounding areas may currently be experiencing difficulty reaching specific websites and game servers on the internet at this time. Affected sites include, but are not limited to, Everquest game servers, Star Wars Galaxies game servers, and

    Our engineers are aware and are currently working to resolve this issue.

    We are sorry for any convenience this may cause you

    5 March 2004 11:34 ntlhome Broadband - Birmingham (RESOLVED)
    ntlhome broadband customers in Birmigham, Coventry, Lichfield, Tamworth, Stafford, Swindon and surrounding areas may currently be experiencing difficulty while using the service. Customers may be unable to browse web pages or use their email at this time.

    Our engineers are aware and are currently working to resolve this issue.

    We are sorry for any convenience this may cause you

    This has now been resolved.


      check out this site guys, it's proper bo I tell thee:


        Originally posted by Chief
        Yeah, world passes shouldn't be too expensive for any of us now. Don't think that makes you exempt from the HalfPint tax(tm) though - all linkshell members seem obliged to "lend" him money at some stage (using the term loosely as it's not always guaranteed to come back )

        And, as with many popular taxes, it's progressive: the number of requests for loans rises exponentially as your wealth grows
        Who's more foolish? The fool who leads, or the fool who follows?

        Or whatever.

        I don't need your stinking money, and the only person who's ever lent me any is Tox. Not you, but tox. Slag . And not that I have fishing skill 11 (w00t! ) I can make my own money off moat carp. TBQFH.

        By the way, that site above is absolutely awesome!


          Hahaha! Who funded your first rod? Huh? HUH?! Haha, just kidding around mate . I am suitably impressed by the many thousands made by those m4d fishing sk1llz lately


            turn your many thousands into real cash LOL

            Look how much their selling a 1000k gil in real money, its madness


              It seems quite rediculous, seeing those prices. $9 for 10,000 gil? as HP has shown, a bit of elbow grease can earn you twice that in an evening or two. It's strange to think that people could be that lazy. Though ti seems somewhat of a contradiction - anyone who cares enough to want to pay real money for gil would surely be spending enough time in the game to earn that gil anyway?


                --==[ The Synthesis Co-ordination Post ]==--

                I'll be updating this with the latest info as and when it's posted.

                As you saw on the Linkshell Login Message I'm gonna try and co-ordinate our synthesisation to maximise our benefits. Let me know what crafting you've been doing or are planning to do. The idea is that we have at least one higher level crafter in each of the guilds so we can all benefit from being able to craft those particular items (basically you tell the person what you need, send them the materials and they craft it for you). For now I'd sugest we send each other low level crafting ingredients to up those skills (we can sort that out on the LS itself).

                Mihki: Goldsmithing (unfortunately guild is in bastok but I'll join there as soon as I (can) get there)

                Mahlory: Clothcraft / Leathercraft

                Rarehero: Blacksmith (Lvl 4)/Woodworking (Lvl 1)

                Toxicforce: Woodworking - 6 / Smithing - 4 / Gold Smithing - 2 / Bonecraft - 2 / Cooking - 4

                Halfpint Fishing - 13 / Cooking - 5 / Weaving - 1

                Tobal: Fishing 14 / Cooking 5 / Tanning 2


                  Rarehero: Blacksmith (Lvl 4)/Woodworking (Lvl 1)



                    Woodworking - 6
                    Smithing - 4
                    Gold Smithing - 2
                    Bonecraft - 2
                    Cooking - 4

                    Some will be enhanced later coz i got bout 5 stacks of crystals to craft with 2day


                      Fishing - 13
                      Cooking - 5
                      Weaving - 1


                        Fishing 14
                        Cooking 5
                        Tanning 2


                          Havent posted in a while, so I might as well add my pictures

                          On my way to get ice light, hm.. this place doesnt look friendly, sucide mission

                          The Taru-Kazham squad

                          Finally got my summoner after over 4 days of camping out in the dunes:

                          One day my carbuncle will be as big as that..

                          I only have fishing lvl5 with my MogEnchament:Fishing and cooking lvl1 but I intend to increase those and also start Alchemy.



                            Tobal, where do you fish to level up your skill? At the moment basically all of mine has come from fishing in towns, but now the skill has stopped coming, so I need to know where I should go...


                              I went to the auction house this morning and ran into this lovely looking lady! Complete with wedding gear and the flower in the hair. Looks lovely ^^. Apparently it costs 1 million gil on the Jeuno AH, or requires max level weaving skill to synth .


                                wow! I hope I can get me one of those for when me and Marv get hitched online

