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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by ?pint
    A mithra twin? Excellent...
    Yep, me too Halfpint:

    Not to mention that Mahlory and I now look similar too:

    I didn't realise until now how tall Elvaans actually are compared to the other races.


      You guys seem to be pretty cool (c' and sdub) should be cool playing with you all.

      Hopefully its not like SWG or im gonna cry, the constant grind bores me to death.

      Oh yeah and does it really matter what country i choose to fight for? Want the evilest kind if possible


        Yes. Yes I am very cool 8)

        I'm a Ninja and everything

        Evil country? Well, San Doria have the Elvaan arrogance going for them which puts them at odds with everyone else, Bastok is run by Humes that cruely exploit the Galkans in their mines whilst Windurst. I don't know, any race as sickeningly cute as the Tarus HAS to be hiding something.


          No, no. We Windurstians are just sickeningly cute and lovely. That is all


            Sorry, but the Taru eyes are hiding something.

            Something SINISTER


              i just bought a copy off sdub. i was wondering if anyone could point me to a site that has alot of indepth knowledge so i can research it before i get online.


                I asked the same question Zero9X.

                Your best bet would be to check out the sites listed at under the community area. Some sites are there, prolly the better lot too. The problem with it, is that its relatively new, so you wont get too much of an indepth look into the game. You need a good 2 years or so before an MMORPG is cracked and can finally be reported on with definitive data.

                Oh yeah and could someone tell me if there are many white mages in the linkshell? Im gonna go mage but dont know if its worth White mage if there are too many.


                  I started as a WHM and it is indeed an excellent choice. There is always a shortage of WHM, and they are handy to have as a subjob for many other classes too. The only drawback is that money can sometimes be a problem, because you have to buy a lot of spells (I'm level 20 now and I've bought over 30 spells; most of them costing up to 2000 gil ). In the long run though, there are few other classes that are as rewarding, or in need of.


                    The Star Sybil? Involved in controversy? It shall never happen! Though some of the Mithra distrust the Tarutaru and the certainly have a keen nose for smelling out plots... haha.

                    To be honest there aren't a great many faqs or definitive resources about for FFXI. You'll most likely have to search around a number of sites to get the big picture, though GameFAQS, as ever, is still a good spot to go for.

                    I've learnt everything through the game, though, which is probably the most satisfying way to go. The linkshell is awesome with this - there's a great deal of experience out there in Vana'Diel and I still reckon finding out things in the game - even if it involves simply asking the ls about something - is far more satisfying. This also allows the world of Vana'Diel to slowly unravel in front of you. I would think it's all a bit daunting if you were to know everything before youe ven started.


                      what server are all you guys on anyways. i know that when you create a character you get randomly dropped in a server and you need a worldpass in order to pick the server you want to have your character in.


                        nearly everyone is on Seraph.

                        If you read up a bit Sdub has offered to give me and you (both buyers of her FFXI) a worldpass so we aint gotta worry too much


                          Some FFXI sites I go to are:

                          Both are pretty comprehensive. FFVault has a nice set of forums that I enjoy browsing (avoid the GameFAQs FFXI board, it truly is a horrible and spiteful place - although that is true of the majority of boards there)

                          However, I find it much more rewarding to learn through playing as Chief says.


                            Yeah, world passes shouldn't be too expensive for any of us now. Don't think that makes you exempt from the HalfPint tax(tm) though - all linkshell members seem obliged to "lend" him money at some stage (using the term loosely as it's not always guaranteed to come back )

                            And, as with many popular taxes, it's progressive: the number of requests for loans rises exponentially as your wealth grows


                              Originally posted by Adrock
                              nearly everyone is on Seraph.

                              If you read up a bit Sdub has offered to give me and you (both buyers of her FFXI) a worldpass so we aint gotta worry too much
                              Thats great

                              The more i talk about this game, the more i get excited about it. ive come across a website where you can acually sell your gil for real dollers!!! LOL


                                LMAO at Chief

