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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Finally got around to taking some snaps

    Firstly I saw this and had to take a picture. So cute ^_____^

    YAAAY!!!! Seems I have myself my own Mithra stalker. Unfortunately she proved to be incredibly annoying and I had to ditch her not long after. "Invite him", "pull that". GRRRRR!!

    The Taru Purin twins. So adorable
    After I waved for this pic they both waved and did little panic dances

    Also spotted myself a piece of wedding armour this morning. Took this pic then Half beat me to posting one. Ah well

    Seems Rare is one of 4 identical Ninja quads seperated at birth

    Strange. He doesn't look like a mecahnised space ninja. How disappointing

    And finally, why my brother got rid of his adorable Taru to make a boring Hume I don't know. This pic is all that remains of him.


      Originally posted by C'
      Yes. Yes I am very cool 8)

      I'm a Ninja and everything

      Evil country? Well, San Doria have the Elvaan arrogance going for them which puts them at odds with everyone else, Bastok is run by Humes that cruely exploit the Galkans in their mines whilst Windurst. I don't know, any race as sickeningly cute as the Tarus HAS to be hiding something.
      the tarus are not exactly all that cute either. they are the ones who started the war against the yagudos as you will see when you do rank 5 missions. they wanted too much of the magic in the world of vana'diel that the yagudos forbid them to use the most powerful magics as it will destroy the essence of the tree where magic are stored, but no, the so called cute tarus has to have them all. so the war between the tarus and the yagudos began....

      not so cute anymore are they?


        See? SEE?

        I told you. Even without knowing all that information that Aegen does, I KNEW there was something about them.

        Bunch of powerhungry, evil little... awwwww look at him panic


          I'm definitely going Taru then. Evil little white mage should be fun 8)


            aw... little poochyena... I loved him so


              i recieved mine today. well packaged

              Thanks SDUB!
              I just need help now getting set up to the server you guys use. i haven't created a character yet, just in case.


                Zero you can install the game, it takes 2/3 hours to download the latest game data anyway. You'll have to wait untill someone here gets home and purchases/updates a Worldpass.

                When you make your character you give them a name, then under that you type the name of the server you want (Seraph for the ntsc-uk linkshell) it will then ask for a worldpass (an 8 digit number I think) we'll provide you with that on here ASAP. If nothings been posted by the time I get home i'll run my character to bastok and update my worldpass so you can use it.

                If you're really impatient and want to get going you can try the worldpass forums on or - either one might have a worldpass number on there somewhere.

                either way we'll see you tonight (depending on starting location )


                  Most of us LS peeps seem to be based in the San Doria region at the moment so if you want to see us ASAP that may be best place to start.

                  However, do rememebr that the story that develops via the missions do vary to some degree (I believe) depending on which city you place alleigance to. Also, most of us are no sufficiently high level to be able to travel to any of the starting towns easily, so popping over to say hi and whatnot will be relatively painless (unfortunately I've long since forgotten who can hand out linkpearls ).


                    Me, Wedgemoon and Aegen can give out Pearls...

                    Yes the Missions in each town are VERY different, my original character Akasha started in Windurst, and Sturn started in Bastok, now our new characters have started in San D'Oria and they are all quite interesting (so far).

                    But just start where you want to start.. the Linkshell will mean we can keep in contact anyway

                    An I will be dropping those off to Zero9X and Adrock tonight (all being well)


                      Got the game today. Thank you very much Sdub

                      I have been playing around a bit. And at first the gamepad configuration threw me because it wasnt in the start > programs. But thats all sorted now

                      If someone could pm me a worldpass when your ready i'd be very grateful. Obviously if you do post that you did so that another kind soul doesnt waste their money



                        to those who need a worldpass, use this numbers: 3203632408

                        it is valid for over 150 days.

                        anyway, i got another brit today named Lourenzo. hes a level 52 SAM. be nice to him as he is one of my best mates in the game. i also know this level 69 DRK but so far i have been unable to tempt him to join our LS. hehe, in time probly.

                        i've been busy lately so i have not enough time to level my char. but good news is that i've finished my genkai1, so my level cap is now 55. but im not lvl 55 yet only 51. another genkai is also needed to be completed..but this time it will be easier than genkai1.



                          Alright, nice one on the worldpass Aegen. I reckon we'll be seeing you two online tonight then (or at least on he LS) I'll be on from about 17:00 (I hope)


                            Thank you very much Aegen, got onto Seraph.

                            Started in Windurst for some reason, but its a nice place.


                              yeah thanks. aegen
                              My character's name is Reinhardt and im at san d'oria


                                Remember this lad?

                                well, over one week later and HE'S STILL THERE!!!

                                Amazing commitment. This lad deserves a medal or something.

                                And since we all enjoy them so much, some more pictures of Chief, dead:
                                (not only have i got someone's head shoved up my arse but the party leader has the gall to stand on my head! cheek!)

                                No, your eyes do not decieve you. this is in the same party, just after spawning outside Selbina after the incident pictured above

