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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Some more pictures from the one and only NTSC FFXI Bard - Wedgemoon.

    Wedgemoon while talking, found himself running into a wall.

    This galka proved to be a usefull place to sit.

    Where might this be?

    Gob fighting at the Dunes.

    The big quest on Sunday, the group resting.


      My day summed up in three screenshots:

      And I even died another couple of times when Tobal wasn't present to stand over my corpse in disbelief. A combination of bad luck (Goblins chasing me) and bad parties, unfortunately

      But I did finalll ymake it to level 15 in the end and stayed there, thanks to a safe party later on in the evening


        Mihki and Mahlory we're out last night (though I did use a yew fishing rod for the first time and was very pleased with it) and we'll be out again this night... not sure what time we'll be home, but rest assured if we can log on... we will.


          As soon as i saw this i burst out laughing

          I'll post my pics of that day when i get back from work.


            Originally posted by mikewl
            Some more pictures from the one and only NTSC FFXI Bard - Wedgemoon.

            Wedgemoon while talking, found himself running into a wall.
            Oh good, I'm not the only person who does that then


              A mithra twin? Excellent...

              Uh oh spaghetti-o's!

              Haha pwnage!


                That is Cool halfpint.


                  Right guys I have 2 copies of FFXI sitting here now, I ordered one for me and one for a friend... my friend doesn't want his anymore because he is skint and some part of his PC is broken.. and I just went and bought a more expensive one for me in the shop for ?55 because I couldn't wait lol

                  So if anyone wants one, just PM me. They are brand new and I haven't even opened the boxes.
                  I'm selling them for ?45 each


                    Right, im hoping to buy this off Sdub. Anyone got any good websites with help as to what the jobs are like and so on?

                    Im looking to go for something different, i would like to go for a mage type, so i gotta think about that. Would a Mithra White Mage with sub in the future of Ninja be a daft choice?


                      Time for some scary pics... my moogle went away on holiday and left his cousin in charge while he's gone



                        Originally posted by Adrock
                        Im looking to go for something different, i would like to go for a mage type, so i gotta think about that. Would a Mithra White Mage with sub in the future of Ninja be a daft choice?
                        NIN sub for a WHM isn't common but I guess it could have some potential. When you unlocked the Dual Wield ability you could possibly wield 2 attribute enhancing weapons (e.g. 2 wands that increase your MND and/or INT stats) and stack the attribute enhancements. However other than that there would be very little benefit of subbing Ninja.

                        None of the Ninjitsu magics would offer any great benefit. Utsusemi (Copy Image) would be useful in keeping you alive incase your party's tank (damage taker) lost the aggro and the mob made you its target but with a good tank that shouldn't be a concern. Also the elemntal attacks that a NIN possesses (whereby they attack with one element whilst simultaneously reducing the mob's resistance to another element) wouldn't benefit you as your Mage wouldn't have any elemental spells to use afterwards.

                        By all means give it a try (heck I took my THF up to lvl30 with a BLM sub) but you may find other subs more useful. Also remember that will need another sub before you unlock NIN as a sub becomes available at lvl18 whilst NIN isn't unlockable until lvl30 (and even then I required the assistance of lvl40+ DRK and WHM). Most WHM sub BLM (and vice-versa).


                          Ta very much for that c'

                          I think im gonna just give the ninja subclass a go and see what it comes out as i suppose. If its screws up i can change. I have paid Sdub for the game so it'll arrive by wednesday next week hopefully, im gonna have to get onto Seraph asap too.


                            I'm rich at te moment (but don't tell Halfpint ) so when you are ready to get online give us a holla and I'll sort out the World Pass.

                            Think you'll need to speak with Akasha/Mahlory or Wedgemoon to get a Linkpearl tho (the best goddamn Linkshell on Seraph- and that's (unofficially) official.


                              Thanks again

                              Time to prepare a US address for this playonline crap


                                I will buy a Worldpass for you and Zero9X so that you can both get onto Seraph when you get the games

