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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Could we,

    *Darwock preps AM magic, for use on 1 mithra (mithra Y i think)
    *Tsing runs in 2hrs, to get hate spike.
    *Mosley astrals 1, while Darwock preps ES+Sleepga
    *Depending on if Y HP, i'll 2hr and finsh the bitch off.
    *Hold on for Astral 2
    Wedge Kite's unattended mithra that doesn't sleep.


      Sounds like a plan, don't suppose everyone is around tonight given my sudden freeness?

      Has the bonus that DArwock gets to use AM and we all know how he likes that
      Last edited by Tsingtao; 13-06-2006, 14:55.


        Originally posted by Tsingtao
        Sou8nds like a plan, don't suppose everyone is around tonight given my sudden freeness?
        I'm good for tonight. If its going ahead can someone let me know and i'll try and get on for 8.30ish.


          Yeah, although I prefer it when I've been battered around a little beforehand, the latent effect makes it sweeter ^^

          Be aware there's some possibility that it will be resisted if I'm saving ES for sleep. The Kerebos, Old Proffessor Marseiwhatnow and the Delkfutt Golem all shrugged various AM off like it was nothing.. however no harm in trying. Mithra probably don't have the same magic defense as that lot.

          And yeah I'm around tonight, but will Tobal be willing to risk more xp?


            I could but my exp looking quite bad with 1.5k buffer along as i do die more that twice i should be ok lol, plus i not seen wedge around since sunday on here or in game so that could be another problem.


              Ok its a provisional go based on getting hold of wedge and Mosley.

              Soemone wil have to check on 360 for Wedge or shout real loud

              Oh and if we can't get everyone how about some assaults, I want tog t al the level 1s completed soon.
              Last edited by Tsingtao; 13-06-2006, 16:02.


                Originally posted by Tobal
                I could but my exp looking quite bad with 1.5k buffer along as i do die more that twice i should be ok lol, plus i not seen wedge around since sunday on here or in game so that could be another problem.
                Im not too sure if im ready for this tonight.

                I have not done anything since we did that thing is Pso Xja with the gargoyles.

                I have farmed a gold key thats it. im looking up what i need to do but will see how it goes.


                  Well this is a record for me, no idea what it was cos I've got filters on - but something just hit me for 4000 points of damage during a mamook invasion, lol.


                    Another good besieged, most of it spent in battle with the Mega Boss which certainly took some time to beat down.

                    Afterwards we formed an exp party which didn?t go to well to start as people kept partying on top of us, which wasn?t helped by me activating the Olduum ring instead of the exp ring and being risked away? In the end we went in to Mamook and fought spiders which got use some decent exp for the 1hr we spent there.

                    We trying for CoP tonight then?


                      Originally posted by Tobal
                      We trying for CoP tonight then?
                      I guess that depends on Mosley's availability (asume we didn't go last night as he wasnt on). Tonight is good for me but is likely to be a 9-9.30 start as I am out for a while after work.


                        Mosley was on the LS last night but it just wasn't a good time for him, he said he'd get the cutscenes tonight.

                        I got my first xp party out in Caedarva Mire - imps are still right little b*&tards even when you have a party to take care of them. But with empress bands and sanction still on from the evening besieged we were getting just under 500 xp points for chains O_O Thanks to that I hit level 68 just moments before the Mamook forces invaded, so was able to equip my black cloak and warp back to skill up my magic. We started with only 3 generals - there were still 8 prisoners in Halvung from the earlier attack. Finished it up with only the Galka (Zazarg?) still fighting.. I logged off with everyone shouting "Zazarg = Chuck Norris" lol


                          I reckon I will be game for CoP tonight, I'm pretty much set to go. If we're going to do it is it worth starting to farm the cluster cores before talizker gets on? I have 3 already so I'm thinking we need another 9 more to give us enough for 3 salts.

                          Not sure we'll have time for both BCs but it would get the farming out the way and the bomb BC is a quck one but we'd need 2 hours to get it done I think.

                          We are getting close now, after we complete the 3 remaining BCs for 5-3 there are only 2 more major fights between us and sea. The bad news is that one of them is the hardest fight in the whole of CoP it's going to need us to be at our amzing best to get through it.


                            Well, last night's farming in K.Highlands certainly took an interesting turn. During the small hours of this morning, while killing many a sapling, my cotrol pad all of a sudden began to violently vibrate, turning around I saw lumbering off in the opposite direction Steelfleece Baldarich. Being the only character above 50 (who was apparently not sleeping) I saw it as a possible opportunity to earn a share of the Viking shield so had a chat with LS, most of whom were currently stuck in besieged.

                            10 minutes down the line or so and it had finished so Zavala offered to head out to help take it down - sadly I had been spotted while trailing him and picked up aggro - without my ninja sub to aid me, I didn't last long especially as he saw it necessary to spam mighty strikes. Down I went.

                            A few moments later, I had teleported back out to the Highlands and had joined up with Zavala who had picked up Steelfleece's trail after his hit and run incident and so engaged him. The fight began well, damage to Zavala was kept to a minimum while I was happily knifing him from behind. Sadly, as is usually the case with me, ill fortune befell us and Steelfleece began spamming his powerful attacks. His first mighty strikes was evaded for the most part, but then he followed up with an attack which crippled me - somehow my max hp had been capped from 886 to a mild 250 -_-; Zavala was also experiencing problems by this point having been reduced to critical hp also and unfortunately neither of us were standing by the time he was down to around 5% hp ;_;

                            Just to stick the salt into the gaping wound, nearby level 70 odd ranger Lunor had been watching the fight, asking us for the NM horn when it dropped. Narrowly escaping his encounter with me and Zavala, Steelfleece became putty in Lunor's hands and was quickly beaten into shape

                            The gil from my farming session will eventually compensate for the x2 deaths I suffered, yet I would imagine the NM encounter will be a gaping wound for some time to come.
                            Last edited by Daragon; 14-06-2006, 10:45.


                              We are getting close now, after we complete the 3 remaining BCs for 5-3 there are only 2 more major fights between us and sea. The bad news is that one of them is the hardest fight in the whole of CoP it's going to need us to be at our amzing best to get through it.
                              Major fights aren't really an issue in going forward, it's these pain in the arse farming exercises that seem to always put the brakes on our progress.

                              Only 2 more battles? Isn't there 8 chapters? Does that mean this goal of 'sea' you're talking about isn't the end of CoP, just a halfway point the same as sky? Cos I'm really keen to get through as much of CoP as possible, if not all of it. Maybe that's not possible below 75, I don't know.
                              Last edited by Darwock; 14-06-2006, 10:23.


                                What time did Steelface go down? He may be worth a visit tonight.

