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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    CoP *isn't* on thursday? Someone can't make it?

    When I popped on before maintenance I decided to quickly fit in the solo ENM, on the way I ran into a sheep NM in south gustaberg called Carnero that gave me a lvl 10 rare/ex samurai sword... can't bring myself to drop it ><

    Cleaned up on the ENM again, headed to tavnazia - saw the aurora borealis in Qufim for only the 2nd (maybe 3rd) time since I've been playing. I fought one of the light elementals just for the sake of it. Maybe that weather is quite common and I just don't spend enough time on Qufim, but I was chuffed to have seen it. Since I've also seen the rainbow on La Theine, that just leaves snow on Batallia Downs.. I'd love to see that.


      Yup afraid Thursday for me is now busy as is tonight. So I'd say I can do Wednesday, Friday or Sunday evening.

      Life seems to be getting quite busy again and hence my play time is dropping quite a bit. It's a bit of a pain as we can't seem to get any off the cuff runs going and given the way things are going my play time is all over the place.


        Originally posted by Tsingtao
        It's a bit of a pain as we can't seem to get any off the cuff runs going and given the way things are going my play time is all over the place.

        Yeah, sorry about that (thinking about Sunday...). Its definately better for me with things organised in advance.


          I think for me the next good time to try this will be Friday as the knockout phases of the world cup are on Saturday and Sunday and not sure which one we're in yet. Someone try to find out what mosley is up to and let us know ^^

          If we go Friday we should do both BCs and finish up the path. Depending on how tired everyone is we could even keep going and try the following path which only has the one BC. Remaining on Ulmia we have

          1) Mithra BC @ Attowha Chasm 50 cap
          2) Snoll BC @ Bearclaw Pinnacle 60 cap
          3) Cid for Cutscene

          Then we have the last path Louverance

          1) 4 Cutscenes pretty well spread out, should take about 30 mins to an hour
          2) BC in Mineshaft 60 Cap (AF at last)
          3) Cutscene
          4) Gold key useage time (at last)
          5) Cutscene and we're done!


            This site seems to be cacker than usual today.
            Last edited by Tsingtao; 20-06-2006, 10:25.


              Big of a nightmare for me last night, logged on at 10pm after the down time and starting in a skill up grp, was at 135 and wanted 150. Anyways i got to 146 and the next thing i know i woke up at 1:15 in my arm chair with my dog barking and me dead :/

              But sombody that had run past must have cast raise on me at some point as i had the option to RR. W00t it was a R3! Checked me exp i had lost next to none which was great and my skill was 147 Maybe im playing tooo much? lol


                Skill up now there's something I need to do, I need 2 tohers willing to burn some assault tags on a 70 cap wall job. My staffs 199 and I need to get it to 250 (ish), my great swor dis worse its around 130 needing around 240. Then come club at about 97 needing to reach about 240 for when I get that elusive kraken.

                Last and certainly least come the polearm just for the heck of it.


                  I would do that wall session tsing but the weekend would be my first opportunity (I think I'm more likely to land hits on the 60 cap version but what the hell)


                    If you do the 60 cap ill come


                      I could use the 60 cap for great sword I think, might have to buy a new one for the right level but should work.


                        Cool, sounds like a plan.


                          Anyone have an answer to this?

                          I?m interested in getting a Resentment Cape before I attempt tanking Ouryu again (this is the 21 hour NM I mentioned). Stats are:

                          DEF:8 Emnity+2 In areas outside own nation?s control: Magic damage -5%

                          Obviously the defence is really high for a level 40 cape which will help with the physical side of his attacks, and if I combine the enmity with my Mermaid Ring and Nokizaru gear I will have a total of Emnity+6 (plus Dorado sushi which also offers enmity). This will allow Apathye to perhaps nuke more in a shorter space of time and hopefully allow me to keep hate.

                          However, my query is regarding the Magic damage -5%. Obviously that would apply to his Stone spells (Stonega would be the main concern) but would this also include his Breath attack (Geotic Breath?) which I believe is his most potent attack?

                          I have conflicting thoughts over whether this is the case. For example there is equipment in game that specifies Breath Damage -X% which would indicate that the 2 (magic damage and breath damage) are independent of each other.

                          However Blue Magic is divided into Physical based attacks and Magic based attacks (physical can be chained with Chain Affinity whereas magical can be bursted with Burst Affinity). The breath type moves are classed as Magic damage under this system.

                          Any thoughts?


                            Well my first thought is that dragon's breath isn't magic, so I wouldn't expect it to be covered.

                            The blue mage thing raises some doubt but thing is, for a blue mage they have to be one or the other really. There are probably several other learnable attacks that have been classed as burstable without really being magic. Only way you'll know is to try it out.. can't be many opportunities to do that unless you want to start fighting the HNM wyrms.
                            Last edited by Darwock; 20-06-2006, 15:25.


                              I would say Breath isn't magic, there's def equipment out for the this type of attack only and i have noticed during dynamis when a DRG wyvern has attacked me breath attacks with my gravial gear on(-3% PHY or MAG) , and then with my Hachiman set (1 def between it) the damage has always been close or the same.

                              and as far as BLU is concerned i thought it you could force any BLU attack move to chain as SC or as MB.


                                I've found something out recently as to what happened to me speaking to people who have tanked wyrms. Basically I was stood in the wrong place!

                                Geotic Breath is a AoE attack working on a cone from the mobs 'mouth' / centre. Tanks with experience on the grand dragons and the wyrms don't stand in front of the dragon they stand on the dragons feet. The dragon doesn't turn but it takes the tank out of the centre of the cone, the closer you are to the centre the more damage you take.

                                Got the info talking to one of Galleons tanks and had it cofirmed asking on PLD forums.

                                As for resistance to breath attacks from the dragons there are specific gears that state they help...
                                Last edited by Tsingtao; 20-06-2006, 15:43.

