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    Bevan needs to do the Promathia ENMs!!

    Any chance we can fit him in?


      Originally posted by djtickle
      Hmmmm. That would be Hard core lolz.

      You have Limit Breaks comin up and all ur AF. That would be a mega effort.

      20 levels, Limits and all AF in 6 days... I hate to say this but that is not going to happen.


        Originally posted by Daragon
        Consider me confirmed for the BCNM, although I'd ideally like to get one done before next week as I'm currently staring at 10k in my wallet

        If next tuesday is the earliest we can manage, perhaps some of us would be up for an ENM?

        Yeah from havin a chat about it does :/

        Although im up for ENM saturday or sunday. Mornings would be the best time for me if anyones about lol


          Originally posted by talizker
          20 levels, Limits and all AF in 6 days... I hate to say this but that is not going to happen.
          I know.


            Originally posted by DavidFallows

            Bevan needs to do the Promathia ENMs!!

            Any chance we can fit him in?

            Sure, its always nice to have people in the grp who have already done it but if need be i can drop as im the least experienced.


              I'm up for ENM either morning.

              We need to get that anima farming done at the same time.

              When we farm the recollections I can warp back and forth to Jeuno getting them changed into animas saving a ****load of time.


              Bevan has one anima already. Although I've told him that we're going to need a full stock of 3xanima/3xrecollections for each member.

              How is he going to play at 7pm or so? Isn't he in Canada?
              Last edited by dataDave; 27-07-2006, 10:27.


                Originally posted by DavidFallows
                I'm up for ENM either morning.

                We need to get that anima farming done at the same time.

                When we farm the recollections I can warp back and forth to Jeuno getting them changed into animas saving a ****load of time.

                You can only hold 1 of each matey, even after you have changed them in jeuno ><


                  REally be careful with that Davi, if you go through the 50s with no AF people will spot you and log you for it. There are WHMs and other jobs I don't invite to this day for that, at this level you start to build your reputation get a bad one and the end game will be a lot harder for you. When your aplication goes to a HNMLS or such you don't want to be remembered as the gimp WHM...


                    Originally posted by Tsingtao
                    REally be careful with that Davi, if you go through the 50s with no AF people will spot you and log you for it. There are WHMs and other jobs I don't invite to this day for that, at this level you start to build your reputation get a bad one and the end game will be a lot harder for you. When your aplication goes to a HNMLS or such you don't want to be remembered as the gimp WHM...

                    LOL - know mate, I was taking the piss.

                    I'm extremely uncomfortable taking WHM beyond 40 without Erase.

                    Ah.... you mean up through the 50's gradually? That means I should do the AF quests as soon as my lvl is appropriate to start?

                    FFS - I'm beginning to feel like a burden on the LS with all this help I need. Remember I'm doing BLM side-by-side so my help required is doubled for AF.

                    It's every other day I need help with something. And as you already know, I don't like having my hand held. That doesn't nullify my appreciation however.
                    Last edited by dataDave; 27-07-2006, 10:33.


                      Meh AF is no biggie to help with, apart from beadeaux. Beadeaux sucks hard though saying that soloing WSes there the other day I got a drop. you're perfectly timed for me anyway I need to wear off the latent on the Sapara of trials ^^

                      You normally find people willing to help, you only need 2 or 3 70+ for AF keys so its not to crazy. The only real exception is the AF3 fights they need a party really.

                      And I feel like an old man moaning at the kids ^^
                      Last edited by Tsingtao; 27-07-2006, 10:42.


                        Originally posted by djtickle
                        You can only hold 1 of each matey, even after you have changed them in jeuno ><
                        I can trade them though innit. I take 3 at a time backwards and forwards until all 6 of us have 3a+3r, 5 of you remain farming whilst I get them converted.

                        I'm sure the animas are just rare and not exclusive. Don't know about the recollections but I'll only be trading those to the alchemist anyway.

                        Also... any chance of getting the linkshell community thing started? It's a bit confusing for me reading about all your end-game stuff. ><


                        As for the Promathia ENMs... if either of them go Paktong it'll probably be enough to stop me playing for another 4/5 months. I hate failing at stuff, especially something that takes days of preperation - look at what happened after my PLD AF1 attempt on Hydra.
                        Last edited by dataDave; 27-07-2006, 10:53.


                          Can we all stop being quite so homo about it, at the end of the day we play how we want and we win. If I hadn't played with you I'd have thought the same BLM always sub WHM for these fights for the extra healing on the tank.
                          The best way a BLM can help the tank is by ensuring the enemy is killed as quickly as possible. We are poorly equipped for any other purpose, if I'd spent 30 minutes last night throwing around weak ass cures instead of focusing on damage I would only have been serving to delay the inevitable failure as we all ran out of steam.

                          In my experience the only people who take issue with it are ****e healers and tanks who can't do their jobs properly without extra assistance. I'm sick to the back teeth of explaining myself to FAQ-groomed wankers.


                            Originally posted by DavidFallows
                            FFS - I'm beginning to feel like a burden on the LS with all this help I need. Remember I'm doing BLM side-by-side so my help required is doubled for AF
                            I would recommend once both WHM and BLM get to 50 that you focus on doing one to 60 then the other as collecting two sets of AF at a time can be slightly complicated. Af works like this:

                            There are 3 pieces of Artefact equipment obtained via a quest series. The first is an AF weapon (questable) at 40, followed by a lower level piece of armour (most are 52, a couple are 54) then a final higher level piece of equipment (58 or 60). These quests have to be completed in order so you can earn your weapon at 40, then can quest the first piece of armour at level 50, followed by the second piece of armour.

                            I think you can have multiple AF quest lines active at once.

                            However there are 3 more pieces of AF armour to obtain. One of these will be AF gloves. All quests AF gloves follow the same quest structure where you need to open a specific coffer to obtain a key item then battle an NM. Activating this quest also places the 2 remaining AF pieces in different coffers (just open the coffer to get the armour). The difficulty here is that I believe you can only have this activated for 1 job at a time, so if you were to start with WHM, you would have to obtain all the coffer armour for that before you could obtain any for BLM.


                              Originally posted by Darwock
                              In my experience the only people who take issue with it are ****e healers and tanks who can't do their jobs properly without extra assistance. I'm sick to the back teeth of explaining myself to FAQ-groomed wankers.
                              The other week I asked for some help on the LS for the Tonberry NM in Den of Rancor. I can solo the placeholders there no problem and make it even safer with my adventuring fellow. However the NM in question can use Mijin Gakure which has the potential to kill me outright without enhanving my fire resistance. The only to do this is via Fire resit equips (which wouldn't give much benefit for the use of slots) or Barfira.

                              Luckily a THF and RDM volunteered to help me. However the RDM started heading out with a NIN sub wrongly assuming that Den of Rancor meant Very Tough mobs when what we were fighting was Easy Prey. I explained this and asked if she could sub /whm so barfira could be used to negate Mijin Gakure. She refused and we had to call it off.

                              Does that make me a tank who can't properly do my job without extra assistance?


                                As far as I understand the whole point of last nights WHM sub disussion was that the BLM was going to get hit by the mob after certain nukes etc. With a WHM sub the BLm could heal themselves thus not having to focus the attention of the main healer away from the Tank. The counter discussion was the increased Mana Pool available as /SMN.

                                Both options have plus points and as we achieved a glorious victory it was obviously a good call on D's part (as Tsing said, we know you will make the right call on your job) and surely all is good in the world?

