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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    New merit point additions - woo!

    Looks like new abilities, spells and traits. Anyone for TH3?


      Those ****ing teases. Get me reading (with a picture of the SMN abilities no less) and I assume when I get to the bottom it will list all the different spells/abilities and nothing

      Wonder what they will be

      The obvious NIN ones would be San line of spells but I think it won't be this as it says each job gets 4-8 options which is not enough to cover the entire series of NIN spells (we have 12 spells altogether). Perhaps 2 will be remaining Ni spells that we don't have (Dokomuri and Jubaku) with some new abailities.

      Can't wait to see what they are.


        Seems we'll be able to specialize in areas, looking a the smn guide you only have 6 upgrades with a possible 1-5 upgrade parten like the other job skill merit so as summon you could open up 6 of 9 avater extra attacks(going on each avatar gaining 1 new ability) or upgrade 1 one all the way or upgrade just 2 or 3. Very interesting, i think all the magic based going are going to be easy to predict(next level spells), but for likes of normal DD like monk,sam's,drk,rng could get some very interesting stuff.


          Has Wedge and/or Mosley confirmed for tomorrow night yet? Assuming Mos is only on XBox 360 I guess not as it shows him last being on Live on the 16/7.


            We are go for Sunday night, I've not seen mosley but he has been on whilst the message has been up. Wedge was on this afternoon didn't confirm but I'm assuming he's getting set.


              I dont know, I got tons of cuts to do to get to where you all are, I cant see myself getting round to doing them today, not even sure what to do as the AK guide does not go this far.

              I gotta be honest its probably best if I drop from these CoP missions, however if you struggle to find a new member to take my place I will try and get through the cuts maybe this week.

              I think im done with the game, will be keeping my account active for a few more weeks and I wont delete my character just in case a few months go by and I want to try again but for now I really cant find any motivation to play it, everything just feels like a chore to do now.


                I put mesage up on the LS for tuesday get together for CoP, hopefully we can all make and have sorted out the mosely problem...

                Im also itching for the full offical patch details, come SE release them.......


                  Originally posted by Tobal
                  I put mesage up on the LS for tuesday get together for CoP, hopefully we can all make and have sorted out the mosely problem...

                  Im also itching for the full offical patch details, come SE release them.......
                  Unfortunately (and I did mention it last night) I can't do Tuesday this week as i'm booked for the Cinema. I can only make Wednesday or Thursday this week.


                    Yep it was said yesterday that Tuesday is no good. Advance warning, my mum is coming down as of next Tuesday and staying until the weekend, so FFXI will not be possible, and when she leaves my PS2 could potentially be going back to Orkney with her, that would mean my FFXI days end when I have to hand over my work laptop (around the 17th/18th probably).

                    Although I'm going to switch down to only doing CoP anyway I think, the impending BLM nerf and the fact I've achieved most of what I wanted (only a couple of NMs outstanding but they are infuriating me) means I'm kind of feeling like I've finished. It's just this damn promathia stuff.


                      Originally posted by Tobal
                      Im also itching for the full offical patch details, come SE release them.......
                      Yes I am eager to read these updates. Probably the most exciting patch in quite some time. These merits could be great.

                      I hope NIN gets something good. San spells don?t concern me too much. Finish off my tier 2 spells (so Poison and Paralyze) and then would like the remaining 2-6 for something genuinely new. Some wants would be:

                      Silence Ninjutsu
                      Sneak Ninjutsu
                      Some kind of Throwing Job Ability/Weapon Skill
                      A Haste Job Ability
                      A Job Ability where the NIN attacks with both blades at once to deal critical/Stun damage (ala Shield/Weapon Bash)

                      These are probably way off though and we?ll end up with 6 elemental San spells and nothing else


                        I think we'll have to go Wednesday then as I think I'm out on Thursday night. If anyone sees Mosley online let him know and see if he can make it. If not we need Truehero or a pick up.

                        Looking forward to the update to see what we actually get. Tonight should be the usual fight of trying to download the update

                        In other news claimed Morbolger last night on my first attempt, brown belt is now up for sale so that should ease the gil strain for a while. Now onto the next pairing the Ascalon mobs and bloodsucker in Bostaneuax Obliette.


                          Truehero/Theanu haven't been seen in weeks... at least not to my knowledge. I was keeping an eye out for him prior to the BCNM60s as he was supposed to be our WHM but he was never online. Don't recall ever seeing him on since then either.


                            Ok it seems we'll be on for wednesday then, depending on Tsing and Wedge, if mosely can't be reached by tuesday to confirm his status (hopefully he'll be on because of the patching interest) we'll look to replace with Truehero on his smn.

                            the main reason you haven't seen him around if his commitment to AnD Sky ls, which he is normally on and certainly was yesterday morning when we spoke to about possible replacement.
                            Last edited by Tobal; 24-07-2006, 09:54.


                              I thought we needed a whm for this?


                                whm would be perfered but we're out options, plus a smn would make the mammet part easier to cope with.

