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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    The updated sound like resistance would increase on the element, At least this would get BLM to rotate there spells instead of just Thunderga3

    If you want to party just start one yourself, I was in a half TP burn yesterday for 1-2hrs with bst,blm,rdm,nin,war,sam combo managed a decent 13k out of it in a busy area (sharing with 2 over parties right next to us).

    I think SE badly need to do something about conquest, its going pear shaped IS means a lot more to me than conquest ever could and the CP item on over have been better over time be over items, this IS for battlefield BCNM?s is gonna mess it further no on in there right mind would want to exp in no matter how dead the camps are in conquest zones.


      That's exactly why I've stopped using my empress band, I can't get conquest points any more.

      One thing's for sure about this magic resistance change, black mages are going to have a hell of a job convincing anyone to let them join the Diabolos or Bahamut fights. With that in mind I'm going to try and blitz Diabolos for all his items before they introduce the change.

      I wonder if it might affect the whole party dynamic as well, I mean I wouldn't be very happy if the effectiveness of my only role in a NM/BC party was being hampered by the magic damage done by other less dedicated jobs (i.e rdm, nin, smn etc who all have other things they could be doing)


        I do agree completely with that Tobal. I would gladly miss out on the bonus AC EXP to be able to EXP in sky, Kuftal etc. for some Conquest Points. I used the majority of mine to purchase the Rank 8 Preafectus Gloves which are a Bastok CP item which meant they cost me 48000 CP. Because of this I am well short of the amount needed for the Kingdom Aketon which I would like since hitting rank 10.

        I am also a bit concerned that eventually if I continue to only EXP in Aht Urghan areas, I will not even be able to recharge my Empress Band.

        I did have an idea about removing Beastmen/Kindred seals from Aht Urghan but would that even matter now with IS battlegrounds?

        At the same time, S-E needed to offer something for IS. A Haste Turban, maps and some limited use Ammo/Throwing Discs weren't enough.


          Originally posted by Darwock
          One thing's for sure about this magic resistance change, black mages are going to have a hell of a job convincing anyone to let them join the Diabolos or Bahamut fights. With that in mind I'm going to try and blitz Diabolos for all his items before they introduce the change.
          Once again, why?

          Do you really think it's going to be a case where 2 nukes in quick succession from the same BLM is going to lead to the second being massively resisted. Firstly they have said the resistance will gradually increase, and secondly this is a change to stop the tactic of having multiple (mini-armies even) BLM nuke simultaneously for massive damage.

          I personally feel, with some certainty, that a BLM in a 'balanced' party of 6 members will not feel this at all.


            Holy ****! I've only just seen the pictures on that POL page.

            Is that a Chimera? Imagine if each of those heads was classed as a seperate monster and could be raise from death if the other 2 weren't killed within a specific time frame.


              Originally posted by C'
              I personally feel, with some certainty, that a BLM in a 'balanced' party of 6 members will not feel this at all.
              Having just read the info I also go along with this. I'm sure what they are doing is purely going to effect parties / alliances of BLM's and not in any way effect a typical party, regardless of the number of other casual offensive spell casters. It really doesn't look like anything to worry about IMHO.


                Originally posted by C'
                Once again, why?
                Because of this:

                Originally posted by SquareEnix
                For example, a party fighting a notorious monster with one to two black mages will probably not notice the difference.

                However, we have decided to give Bahamut in the quest "The Wyrmking Descends" and Diabolos in the quest "Waking Dreams" a stronger accumulative magic resistance than other notorious monsters.
                Which pretty much implies you will notice the difference on those two.. regardless of which it doesn't matter if you do or not - once the unwashed allakazham masses have got this idea in their heads (which they now do) there is going to be an innate prejudice against taking BLMs to these fights.

                When I got invited to Elite's party to do Diabolos, we had only 4 black mages, and I was only level 70. The other spots were a red mage who was doing nothing but stunning, and a summoner who was stood at the entrance leeching the win. Diabolos was dead before I could get a second nuke out. That means for them to effectively stop this tactic they will need to make his resistance come into play within 4 nukes.

                If his resistance lowers fast enough that it doesn't hamper a single BLM then it's not going to hamper a manaburn either, and this update will be pointless.


                  Originally posted by C'
                  Wow, blast from the past

                  You still playing?
                  lol yes.. i suffer from an exceeding lack of willpower(god knows how i stopped smoking), a Japanese friend talking me into coming back, however my character could not be retreived pushing me in to a restart. So i got the 360 version and went for it. Its been a lot of fun revisiting the old torture areas. its also refreshing not having to log on and run to any HNM hunts due to there being sod all else to do at 75. Although i miss my gil ><


                    Originally posted by Darwock
                    Because of this:

                    Which pretty much implies you will notice the difference on those two.. regardless of which it doesn't matter if you do or not - once the unwashed allakazham masses have got this idea in their heads (which they now do) there is going to be an innate prejudice against taking BLMs to these fights.

                    When I got invited to Elite's party to do Diabolos, we had only 4 black mages, and I was only level 70. The other spots were a red mage who was doing nothing but stunning, and a summoner who was stood at the entrance leeching the win. Diabolos was dead before I could get a second nuke out. That means for them to effectively stop this tactic they will need to make his resistance come into play within 4 nukes.

                    If his resistance lowers fast enough that it doesn't hamper a single BLM then it's not going to hamper a manaburn either, and this update will be pointless.
                    I do think you're worrying unnecessarily. Sadly the ideas of the unwashed masses have always been something to contend with. Going back to my earlier example, the forums were full of talk of "NIN will no longer be able to tank".

                    Idiot talk is nothing new.

                    Even if BLM is ostracised there will still be people in our LS who will want Diabolos (I myself am still eager to earn him) and in my case at least, you will be more than welcome.

                    In sc=uch a battle would you really be casting 4 powerful nukes in such a short space of time. NIN or PLD tank, emnity would be an issue which means you would have to restrict your nuking anyway.


                      Arrghhh.. there's the change in luck I was due.. camped a NM tonight that I've camped many times before and never got the drop, last couple of times I've lost out on the claim so I went with my level 10 warrior subbed for provoke. Had competition all evening, until about half an hour ago when the last guy gave up and left. I was flicking between channels watching telly and then I notice the NM is up, so I claim it and pull it back to a clear area to fight.. obviously I'm fighting at a disadvantage, and it doesn't go well - I called my NPC, used my memento muffler etc etc etc. When I had 53 hp I made a last ditch effort and dropped a blizzaga III, this left the NM with no visible health at all, but I hit a revenant behind me as well. Couple of hits later and I'm dead. The NM goes unclaimed and of all the ****ty luck, one of the other campers has come back - he kills it with one ranged attack.

                      Then I notice I have a vile elixir in my inventory ><


                        Originally posted by Darwock
                        Hey DJ (I can't dance to that music you're playing)

                        I owe you & wedge 200K from buying Bevan's 2nd torque. I'm sure you won't let me forget. I've got one month and about 3 days left now.

                        Unfortunately I only have 17 seals, but I'd be quite happy to help out on a repeat run.. reason is that the rank 9 missions require accessing a part of the temple of uggalepih that can only be reached either with a key, or by leaving the sacrificial chamber through the back door. So even if I come along and replace Daragon for 1 of the 6 runs, that would work.

                        Of course I'd have to reach rank 9 first, which means dealing with those NMs I mentioned yesterday. On that subject I spoke to Kuponut and he's keen to come along and grab the item too, so that's the 'two Windurstians' slot filled, and gives us BLM/RDM/WHM. Need a tank and/or puller.
                        hi Dar and all


                        I dont mind helpin you out when im back and nippin off helping with your rank 9 mission also.

                        I have 59 seals like i say so ill pick up the other 1 when im back. If dara is going to replace you thats cool i wouldnt have minded splitting the profit with you anyways its a good run! Are the others who came along last time up for it again? Tobal, Wedge, kupo, Bev?

                        Be good if there is not much going on to see if we can get it done early next week if thats good with everyone? Say Wed?

                        Ill should be back online on Sunday as i have a long long long day after i get kicked out of my hotel before i have to go to the air port!

                        Back to the burn..... cya all later!



                          Another crappy Besieged, and another lose. Been one every week recently as soon as we get a few lvl5 besieges during the week with fewer than 2000 people on the servers is a guaranteed lose, with only 190 people at the start and 280 odd at the end meant a losing fight from the start lost the generals in 15 mins and managed to hold for 10 mins more with everyone inside the Hall of Binding, voke/engaging every mob away from the astral con. If SE start introducing strategy in these fights then we?re f?ing doomed, and people have stopped giving a dam about defending the city or making it easier for our self?s by ?attacking there bases? yet SE have yet to explain how the fck you do this, is just attacking the mirror, are the bc?s, do just hack at any random bstman we find.


                            Have to admit Besieged has totally lost its appeal. I remember when the idea was first described during the update notes I thought it was going to be excellent, and the first few I did I enjoyed but as time goes on I just can?t be bothered.

                            Firstly the lag is atrocious. I know that S-E can do little about people?s connections (and it?s not as though I have a slow line) but I am really concerned about adding strategy as I wonder how much I am going to be able to offer when it is far from smooth. I know I certainly can?t tank with the current network conditions as I need to up to date with counting shadows and have to time my casting to perfection. A lot of the time I don?t even see half the enemies/players that are supposed to be near me anyway because of the stupid way the PC version restricts drawing models. Oh and then you have the instances where I will go from full HP to dead in the blink of an eye with no damage appearing in the chatlog.

                            Also, fighting which was fun and different at first now feels like a chore. Why when I can equip Accuracy+45, have capped katana skill and still struggle to hit 50% accuracy? I could use sushi but due to aforementioned ?random? deaths I can?t afford to potentially waste food.

                            I do think the secret to winning the higher level Besieged is to head them off in Bhaflau Thickets but people refuse to do this. There was at first actually but that was mostly people doing out of spite to try and prevent Besieged occurring in the early days (this has now ceased now that the appeal has gone). So people don?t fight outside the city because they can lose EXP.

                            Finally, and this is purely selfish I don?t get any EXP reward from Besieged now. My EXP is capped and it doesn?t count towards merit points. The Imperial Standing is nice I guess but not a massive factor.



                              I was half-way through teleporting someone last night, took their cash, and then NTL cut me off!

                              I can't even remember his name. I owe him 2k whoever it was.

                              When I get back on (Monday after next) I'm taking BLM to 60 for some BCNM. Levelling both jobs to 60 is otherwise going to be a very lengthy process given the price of grain at the moment.

                              I need to research what my late40's/early50's gear is going to be on the run up to AF. That's if Seer's doesn't fill the gap.

                              My mate Triune will still be on. He's now lvl.8 MNK and almost ready for partying... I've told him to level WAR up to 18 if he wants MNK as his main for 37. He will be pretty reluctant to ask for help although if you guys could just ask him how he's doing from time to time in my stead that would be greatly appreciated. I've told him to buy a great axe for WAR anyhow. Hopefully he won't be too far ahead of my DRK before I get back.


                                I still think Besieged is awesome but I avoid the daytime ones completely, they just don't work because it seems Japan has far more enthusiasm for it than the west. In the day it is overloaded to the point where it doesn't function, on the other hand at night you rarely get enough participants.

                                Have you tried it on 360, cos certainly on PS2 you can see the vast majority of players/enemies and I understand both console versions work the same way. (this is only during the evening runs, in maxed out day time invasions I usually just see myself and a million monsters, none of whom are moving)

                                There shouldn't be any change in tactic required, we've won dozens of level 5 besieged before, people just need to bother their arse about doing it. If people care enough about the benefits I'm sure they'll start to understand they need to make an effort.
                                Last edited by Darwock; 20-07-2006, 10:47.

