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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    The later part of this battle is going to be tough without Erase from what i've read.


      Its got some plusses some minuses, looking at it SMN gives us more MP for cures etc and we gain a DD 2 hour. What we lose is erase and some of the healing potency, it should balance out as long as erase isn't to critical.

      Our other option is to put a shout out for a WHM or post for one on a boad somewhere.


        Thanks for the replies fellas. I think I'm gonna give this a go and try and become a decent White Mage or similar as I enjoy being valued! Does anyone know where I can get the demo of this so I can play for free for a while or perhaps it is downloadable from somewhere?


          Originally posted by thebuddahman
          Thanks for the replies fellas. I think I'm gonna give this a go and try and become a decent White Mage or similar as I enjoy being valued! Does anyone know where I can get the demo of this so I can play for free for a while or perhaps it is downloadable from somewhere?
          Unfortunately there is no demo. Just the free month when you buy it...


            Finally found someone to lend me the cash for my bill. Back on tonight. Well can't wait.


              Well, the chocobo raising update has been put back to the 22nd of August - if this isn't handled properly I'm going to be VERY upset - been looking forward to this for months, even before it was announced.

              Knowing SE and their carelessness tho, its going to be the next bandwagon for RMT to jump on and those "special" eggs are only going to drop from predetermined mobs, before showing up on the AH for tens of millions of gil.


                Hopefully most of the rare egg drops would be from Battlefields or BCNM20 upwards so those lvl20 just got my choco liesence can join in, but SE have already said getting Rare egg will not guarantee a rare chocobo.


                  I find it hard to get excited about Chocobo Raising as I just know that in about a week the entire process will be fully documented with the results predeterminable like Gardening. Once people figure out how to get the ?best? chocobo the majority will follow the pattern.


                    Oh and I?ve decided I want to finish off the Rise of Zilart story now. Whilst a few of us are lucky enough to have completed Divine Might and obtained the requisite key items to move forward, I realise that a lot of people on the LS have not. Therefore I propose we get together for ZM13 to battle the Ark Angels individually.

                    This is something I?d like to do despite clearing DM as I didn?t really get chance to go toe-to-toe with them (I was on kiting/dieing duty) so would relish the chance at facing them properly and hopefully getting a bit of payback.

                    I don?t know what interest would be like but if numbers are higher than 6, we can perhaps have multiple runs and swap certain members in and out as necessary (this is how the DM run operated). If we get some LS familiarity with the AA too we could seriously consider an attempt at Divine Might.


                      Now that would get me back on before I leave... the divine might option that is ^^

                      Doubt it could be sorted out within a month though. We got enough people at that stage of Zilart?


                        i'll only do Ark Angel if there are not enough people to help, other than that i would want to complete the last 2 mission fights for sure.


                          Hi guys! "I'm back!"

                          Just unpacking now, will be online later i hope! Hauby here i come i hope!

                          cya all soon!


                            I need divine might / ark angles and I don't mind in what order. Do we have enough people around these days to try DM as an LS?


                              we would need 18 people minium and we would have to do the Zerg 2 Angels, wipe/raise, repeat. As for people wanting on tonight, the servers would be down from 7pm'ish until im guessing 11pm-12am if we're lucky.


                                I'm not even trying tonight, I know what server maintenance for an update is like.. hours of disconnections <No, thanks>

