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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Yeah the runs I'm looking at would be to do the following

    Dynacore Tuesday evening
    Dynaeclipse Wednesday evening
    Dynacore Saturday afternoon

    Think I'll apply for an HNMLS once I reach 75 and have compelted my AF and cleared all Dynamis locations. In the interim is anyone interested in an LS crack at Genbu, I've discovered I need the abjuration he drops. In fact for me its...

    Relic Armour PLD

    Head ? Koenig Schaller ? Martial Abjuration: Head (Seiryu) + Cursed Schaller
    Body - Koenig Cuirass ? Martial Adjuration: Body (Nidhogg) + Cursed Cuirass
    Hands ? Koenig Handschuhs ? Martial Abjuration: Hands (Genbu) + Cursed Handschuhs
    Legs ? Koenig Diechlings ? Martion Abjuration Legs (King Behemoth) + Cursed Diechlings
    Feet ? Koenig Schuhs ? Martial Abjuration: Feet (Aspidochelone) + Cursed Schuhs

    If anyones up for a crack at these, think only Aspi and Genbu are feasible for our LS or have any others they woul like to try lets start to think.
    Last edited by Tsingtao; 01-08-2006, 10:40.


      Dynacore's tuesday run starts at midnight our time - are you sure you're willing to stay up for that? heheh! I did it once so I could get the Bastok clear but I took the day off afterwards, we finished around 5am.


        Seems daft to join Dynacore for a Saturday evening run when Dynaeclipse do a run at almost the exact same time.

        EDIT - or vice-versa I guess.
        Last edited by C'; 01-08-2006, 10:55.


          Dynacore have a Tuesday run in August scheduled for 14:30 EST so 19:30 UK. I'll switch my Saturday runs between the 2 to get my clearances done as fast a possible and to suit times. Dynacore run around 16:00 where as Dynaeclipse go at 20:00 big difference that if you happen to either be palying sport or going out.

          No idea why it seems daft to do 3 runs a week instead of 2 when you're trying to do this quickly.


            Aye, but Tsing.. you can't do 3 a week. If you do a tuesday run you can't get access to any Dynamis zone on the wednesday - friday would be the earliest you can get back in.


              Oh bugger, guess it's going to be a pain then will end up alternating to do the ones I'm after between the 2. Sure it'll work out in the end, First target will be to clear them all and then start to build AF2.

              For some reason I thought it was 24 hours ><

              Well it'll work out I'm sure!


                Hi guys,

                Im up for as much assault as possible if your doing 60 cap I want to clear as much of them as possible as well.

                If your doing a O-Hat run could i tag along this time? I know im only 63 atm but would like to get one, i will most likley be 64/65 by weekend. I should be able to get a cluster with the money from BCNM on Thursday if all goes well. Any chance of the O-Hat run on Sunday?


                  Originally posted by DavidFallows
                  I'll get you one tonight mate although I won't be able to post it until tomorrow morning unless you give me your mobile number.

                  You do realise that this is the beginning and the end?
                  (the beginning of FFXI, the end of your life)

                  What job are you thinking?
                  Did you manage to get one boss? Quite eager to play again


                    Originally posted by MegaMan X
                    Did you manage to get one boss? Quite eager to play again

                    If he didnt managed to i can get you one tonite at about 7pm and post it on here


                      Cool beans, best wait for Mr Fallows first, i'm told these cost Gil .


                        Yeah pocket change though, they're practically free


                          Originally posted by djtickle
                          Any chance of the O-Hat run on Sunday?
                          I'd say it's looking highly unlikely.


                            I can make it to support an O-hat run Rare, what we will need is Tobal and at least one BLM. Might also struggle without a bard for mambo...


                              Obviously I'm nowhere near ready for an O.Hat run of my own, but I am planning on taking thf to 75 (61 atm) so I would be after it at some point. I can offer my assistance as blm but would also appreciate help in obtaining the eyes/hat for myself at a later time.


                                Genbu needs a full aliance to take down tsing and the triggers for genbu are camped by RMT and other LS's ... genbu is one tough *******.

                                oh and both HNMls and Dynamis LS employ a points system on getting items ... that includes Rare/Ex stuff so you have to work up the points (if your one of many plds) and dynamis is full of crazy lag but its fun ... just get enough exp buffer for 3 deaths and keep a RR hairpin handy.

