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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Think we've got the usual "2 missions being discussed at once with overlapping bits" thing on the go.


      Right looks like we're all set for tonight here's fingers crossed we don't get messed up by the healing situation.

      Come on sea, we're so damned close, I want my Satvas ring ><


        I really think we ought to just go for the win, how longs it going to take for us to arrange a rematch?

        Ain't gonna be no rematch.

        Don't want one.


          Guys we are in a green light situation, Truehero is confirmed and gearing as we speak.


            Well last night was just amazing - probably the best fight ever!

            After a long wait to start, then getting totally owned by Omega first time through, the whole group was just stunning and we beat CoP 6-4 with just one group wipe (Tobal took way more than his fair share of deaths unfortunately).

            There were so many cool things with the situation. Going 1/2 on one of the hardest battles in FFXI (for reference Truehero went 1/10). Having SMN and RDM on healing detail with no WHM (no Erase). Having a PLD tank which appears to be a big no-no. Having a BST (Wedge always does a superb job, how many other CoP groups would want a BST?).

            Ultima's demise went more smoothly than I imagined. I think down to the damage output of Astral Flow, Chainspell Thunder II, D's Nukes and whatever else we were all throwing at it.

            F**king Marvelous stuff. We ROCK!


              You left out the fact that I had some kind of hidden agenda to make us lose the fight and waste the money everyone spent on meds (according to Truehero anyway). I woke up this morning feeling nothing but pissed off. Couldn't give a toss about clearing fights if it's going to be done under those circumstances, I'd rather have gone with Mosley even if we lost to be honest.

              Ultima certainly seemed to be considerably easier than Omega, no sign of these instant mage death attacks.. I obviously pulled hate during manafont (Burst was more effective than Ramuh's Judgment bolt, heheh) and was getting pounded on all the time, but despite that I stayed standing for the duration and only got killed as manafont wore off*, so I still got maximum use out of it. I guess that could have been down to the CCBs.

              Other thing of note was after the wipe on Omega when we reraised and prepared to re-engage, I opened with Burst and by some flukey miracle got a 50% conserve MP on the cast. So I was able to follow immediately with Flare.. one of those moments of random fortune you get in single player FFs heheh.

              The focus on thunder thing was a bit of a red herring I reckon, Flare was more powerful than Burst, my tier 3 spells (aero/water/stone) all did better than thunder II, as you'd expect on a normal mob - I didn't see any evidence that those things resist other elements or anything like that. Although it was thundery weather when we first went up so that would have been an advantage to using only thunder... but the weather changed. Another note of interest for Daragon or any other BLMs who may be doing this, the machines can be aspired - I didn't even try that until half way through as I wrongly assumed it wouldn't work.

              *of course what I should have done after pulling hate is pissed away the rest of the time casting cures on myself, eh...
              Last edited by Darwock; 27-07-2006, 08:59.


                It was f?king brilliant, I was so happy when we won I barely paid attention to the ending cut scene.

                1st run ? Mammet?s quickly finished off, not problems at all (sidewinder doing 700dd with 100tp), then we had a 1st crack at Omega who just totally owed us as 5 of the group hadn?t know what to expect and wipe with less than 1/4 of HP gone, and none of use wiped the right place.

                2nd run ? with no 2hr?s or CCB?s used, we we?re thresh for another attack, mammet didn?t go so smoothly this time, wedge when down near the end of the fight and i managed to lock a mammet I was fighting into a BLU job for 30 seconds of pain? still we got wedge to just send his pet in and stay out of agro range while we went town on it, now omega is total pain paralyze, petrify, rear lazer, AoE jump pound move and a very dodgy cone AoE guided missile which some how I was getting hit with while near the back of the weapon? I died about 4 times during that because of the AoE pound move (weakened state getting smacked up), eventually we wiped in the correct place with over half it?s HP gone. Rested and started with a plan of tsnig getting abit if hate, and me using the 1st CCB while Darwock toasted it with ES+Burst to take down to 1/4 HP and I opened my 2hr up and took it down to 1% hp and it just hung at that for about 30secs before finally going down.

                Ultima next with 14mins on the clock left, much easier fight as pretty much all it moves just hit tsing and it allowed us to open up on it, got a little messy close to 1/2 HP, and I accidentally popped a CCB which moved astral flow in earlier than expected, but with a couple more CCB?s astral flow and other 2hr?s we wiped the floor with it.

                Wish I remembered to take photo, but could remember how to do it on my 360 ;_;
                Last edited by Tobal; 27-07-2006, 08:47.


                  Originally posted by Tobal
                  Wish I remembered to take photo, but could remember how to do it on my 360 ;_;
                  I had the exact same situation...!

                  D, all I will say in True's defence is that:

                  a. He had gone 0/8 on this so far (probably with text book parties) so asume he was nervous about adding to the 2nd number...

                  b. Not experienced with our team and what we can do with the jobs we bring.

                  I certainly think his opinion will have changed after last nights astounding display. I do agree that its annoying being asked to change jobs etc...


                    I don't give a toss about his opinion. I know how to do my job. I simply don't appreciate being pre-emptively blamed for a potential loss.


                      Originally posted by Darwock
                      DJ's cleared them hasn't he? Not long ago either.
                      Yeah i have cleared them, i am 1/1 on Dem and Holla and 1/6 on mea which i found to be a nightmare!

                      Should be cool to give them an ass kicking again thou

                      I'm up for helpin with farmin anima this weekend if we are doin the ENM's thats coool!

                      On another note BCNM60.

                      Me and Mooty were chatting about it last night and the team we have together is

                      Me, Mooty, Rare, Dara, Yen and a space for a healer.

                      Looking at next tuesday 7pm start?

                      Me, Yen and Dara have confirmed. Need to check with Mooty and Rare Also if your a whm ur welcome to join!
                      Last edited by djtickle; 27-07-2006, 10:24.


                        You weren't he made a suggestion we didn't follow it and we won, end of.

                        Can we all stop being quite so homo about it, at the end of the day we play how we want and we win. If I hadn't played with you I'd have thought the same BLM always sub WHM for these fights for the extra healing on the tank. As it is I trust you to do the job right and you know what to do, to True we're no more than a pick up till we won as he'd never seen half of us play.

                        True is always going to express what he thinks as we all do, lord knows I've agued with him. End of the day though we got it right and that's what matters more than anything.

                        We came, we saw, we had tea


                          What are the chances of gaining 20 lvls in 6 days?

                          That'd be an insanely gimped 20 lvls too.

                          Luckily, Erase can be bought for as low as 100k. Picked up Raise III for 10k last night. Only because I've heard it go for up to 4million on other servers like.
                          Last edited by dataDave; 27-07-2006, 10:13.


                            Originally posted by DavidFallows
                            What are the chances of gaining 20 lvls in 6 days?
                            Hmmmm. That would be Hard core lolz.

                            You have Limit Breaks comin up and all ur AF. That would be a mega effort.


                              That's what I mean by gimpled. lol. I wouldn't be arsed about AF. ><

                              I'm up for AF quests when I hit lvl.59 - perhaps we can form a 3/4 man group and do both sets of WHM/BLM AF at once on one saturday perhaps?

                              Originally posted by Darwock
                              Ain't gonna be no rematch.

                              Don't want one.
                              Yeah rite!! what about when I need it doing? ; ;


                                Originally posted by djtickle
                                Yeah i have cleared them, i am 1/1 on Dem and Holla and 1/6 on mea which i found to be a nightmare!

                                Should be cool to give them an ass kicking again thou

                                I'm up for helpin with farmin anima this weekend if we are doin the ENM's thats coool!

                                On another note BCNM60.

                                Me and Mooty were chatting about it last night and the team we have together is

                                Me, Mooty, Rare, Dara, Yen and a space for a healer.

                                Looking at next tuesday 7pm start?

                                Me and Yen have confirmed. Need to check with Mooty, Rare and Dara Also if your a whm ur welcome to join!

                                Consider me confirmed for the BCNM, although I'd ideally like to get one done before next week as I'm currently staring at 10k in my wallet

                                If next tuesday is the earliest we can manage, perhaps some of us would be up for an ENM?

