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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by djtickle
    Ha ha does that work?? thats a wicked idea
    I don't know. But I figure he's uncapped? I'd personally fight him the proper way though as I like my stuff doing how it should be done.

    When we get an exp scroll each after ENM this weekend I'll try it out later in the week by using it mid-battle against a standard mob.

    It might say something like 'cannot use this during battle'.


    You up for ptying tonight mate? WHMs are very scarce in the 36 region at this moment. What lvl are you two now?

    Can't wait to use FireII


      ENMs don?t reward an EXP scroll. The EXP goes straight on the job you use to win the battle.

      As for using a scroll against Maat, not sure if it works but if it did you would have to make sure you were 66-69 when you fought him as obviously you would not be able to level past 70 without beating him. Not that you?d need to employ such measures anyway. Maat is ridiculously easy (except RDM version).


        Originally posted by C'
        Maat is ridiculously easy (except RDM version).

        Last night didn't go quite to plan with the CoP CS's... Had about 2 hours sleep Wednesday as my son was up all night (scared of the Thunder). I got some of the CS's done then fell asleep on the airship to Bastok - oh dear (-.-)zzzZ

        Still, will get the last couple done on Saturday so will be ready!!!


          BCNM60 Update.

          Everyones now confirmed for Tuesday 8pm.

          Me, Rare, Mooty, Dara and Yen. Still need a in house Whm. Kupo has signed up for the moment but is 24 seals short so is lvlin low lvl jobs to raise some quick seals

          I think we should look at a backup just incase. True or Theanu? So if you see them give them a shout Anyone have a way of contacting them? or have i missed another lvl 60 whm in our ls?

          On another note, i hit lvl 34 with Thf last night. Only 3 more lvls to go. Wicked cant wait to get back to Drk and try Abs TP out
          Last edited by djtickle; 28-07-2006, 10:18.


            Originally posted by djtickle
            On another note, i hit lvl 34 with Thf last night. Only 3 more lvls to go. Wicked cant wait to get back to Drk and try Abs TP out
            I found the NPC who sells Absorb-TP last night

            Are we partying tonight then? What's your TNL? Is Maria about? I can't believe I'll be going back to the citadel.

            One thing that's pissing me off bigtime... selling stuff. Whenever I put anything up for sale there are always 3 other people who follow with cheaper price requests... shoving my items out of the loop.

            Grain seeds for example - I've had 4 stacks saved for ages waiting for them to reach 40k at least. at Jeuno they were 41k a couple of nights back so I figured I'd put just one on for 40k, and then the rest at a higher price later if I could bring the price up slightly (only 3 others in stock). What happens? They drop back down to 39k and under. At least my Warp scroll sold for 70k.

            I'm going to look up on BCNM40s as I need to find another source of income. 1million would be enough to take me to lvl.60, infact, 1million would probably be enough to make me cry.

            I've yet to buy any decent earrings FFS. I can't bear standing there all day teleporting people for 18hours for 1million either. There's something chavvy about that. nah, I'm not entirely comfortable with making cash out of teleporting.
            Last edited by dataDave; 28-07-2006, 11:05.


              Originally posted by DavidFallows
              I found the NPC who sells Absorb-TP last night

              Are we partying tonight then? What's your TNL? Is Maria about? I can't believe I'll be going back to the citadel.
              Cool Mate so you got yourself to Aht Urgan then?

              My TNL is about 6k only just hit 34 before i logged off. Maria is about not sure what time we will be on yet as she has the big brother curse but ill ask her later and let you know mate hoping for at least 36 tonite! w00t!


                Originally posted by djtickle
                Cool Mate so you got yourself to Aht Urgan then?

                My TNL is about 6k only just hit 34 before i logged off. Maria is about not sure what time we will be on yet as she has the big brother curse but ill ask her later and let you know mate hoping for at least 36 tonite! w00t!
                Excellent. Looks like I'll be 38/39BLM too!

                I really need to stop and think about gil at lvl40/41. Perhaps going after Rank5 won't be a bad idea.


                  What lvl blm are you mate as citadel lvlin stops at about 36 :/

                  Maria is 35 so im sure she can get away with lvlin in CN, but i might have to lvl up atleast once.
                  Last edited by djtickle; 28-07-2006, 11:30.


                    Horlais Peak BCNM 40 - Under Observation

                    Just read up on it - seems to be v.easy if you just stand back and manaburn it with -ga spells (I've yet to buy ANY of those ; ; ). Ideally I'm after another two BLMs or NINs.

                    Anyone else up for this? I should have 120 seals after tonight so we can try it a total of 9 times if anyone's that arsed. I'll be very happy with just three runs though.

                    Shamelessly robbed from Alla:

                    >>..(melon pie, yag dring, blink, prot, shell barfira and aquaveil) ES >> stonega II >> thunderga >> blizaga >> keep casting -gas till the big one is down.

                    Originally posted by djtickle
                    What lvl blm are you mate as citadel lvlin stops at about 36 :/

                    Maria is 35 so im sure she can get away with lvlin in CN, but i might have to lvl up atleast once.
                    About 1,000 exp into 36. I'm fine with the citadel until it turns into 100exp a mob and there's a 3-4min wait in between fights. I'll wait until I hit 37 before I use my ring.
                    Last edited by dataDave; 28-07-2006, 12:00.


                      Originally posted by angelx
                      Hey if you dont mind just post your server averages at time of post, I just got a report of approx 2000 earlier today 4pm ish & later in the night 2200 on sylph... not very many i would have thought.. or is that common?

                      Btw is a windower frowned upon? as its such a pain closing to check simple things like emails...
                      Please answer peeps... it would be muchly appreciated


                        A few nights ago our server was at 1,100 for some reason.

                        There were 2 other people around my lvl group that weren't already in a party.


                          A lot of people use windower (I don?t personally) and I think the principle is sound in theory. The problem I have with it is that the most popular Windower is filled with ?plug-ins?. Whilst some of these could be argued as not offering an advantage such as seeing party member?s TP (I would argue against this fact however) there are some that I feel are downright cheating in my opinion such as the Ranged Attack plug in which can tell you when you are placed in the exact ?sweetspot? to make your attacks deal maximum damage. Seeing as though this should be something the player should figure out, I think this is clearly classed as gaining an advantage (i.e. cheating).

                          If you?re only concern is being looked down upon by other players for using windower. then don?t go advertising the fact when you play. There is no way for the playerbase to know if you are using it if you are subtle (whether S-E can detect it is a point of recent concern due to a spate of recent bannings). However, clever players may be able to tell if you use it based on how you play. I was teaming up with a LS member a couple of months ago to perform skill chains for a quest, and it became quite clear he knew when I had enough TP to skillchain without me telling him and a couple of sideways questions with him it was clear he was using windower.

                          My own personal opinion is that I wish people wouldn?t use it fullstop, but if they use it simply to window the game, there is no issue.

                          Also, if it so imperative that you check your emails on such a regular basis perhaps it isn?t the right game for you? This game does require a good amount of time dedicated to it and I make sure, as far as practicable, that when I set myself up for a few hours play, that I am dedicated to that and nothing else.

                          Davi, be careful about assuming any manaburn BCNM strategies you read about will still work now. Remember the recent patch has added the magic resistance changes so may hinder any victories. That being said, the only way to find out is to test.


                            Originally posted by C'
                            That being said, the only way to find out is to test.
                            Yep! And we can't have it too easy now can we? Where's the fun in that?

                            Even if it does go wrong after one sesh it should be easy enough to work out what went wrong and what needs changing.

                            One or even 2 NIN/BLUs might be a safer bet, although I don't know how to play NIN so I wouldn't be able to direct in any way.
                            Last edited by dataDave; 28-07-2006, 14:27.


                              Originally posted by DavidFallows
                              Excellent. Looks like I'll be 38/39BLM too!

                              I really need to stop and think about gil at lvl40/41. Perhaps going after Rank5 won't be a bad idea.

                              Just spoke to maria and shes up for it. We will both be on from about 6pm you be about dave? Although ill be loggin at 9 ish but then back on again at 10pm.

                              Maria wont be back online then, but if you wanna party again at around 10pm until the early hours im good


                                Whilst I?ve never done this battle myself, I do know that it was considered an incredibly easy BCNM with 2xNIN/war and a RDM. However this strategy involved the use of elemental ninjutsu so again could be hindered by the recent changes.

                                I have actually spoken with Vanicent in the last week trying to encourage him to get to level 40. Once there I will likely be organising at least 1 BCNM40 Steamed Sprouts run.

