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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    WooT! After countless days, sleepless nights and battling RMT, i got my Monster Signa. Love the feeling when something actually drops. Ace.


      Wow congrats didn't realise you got it!

      As for Hic ... ding 60 (WHM) ^^

      Only took three years ...


        congratulations Hicory! and Rep!


          Been making some good progress today, started off with some WS Pointing with DJ then onto a successful Besieged.

          Successful ENM Like the Wind, which we seem to be clearing easier each time.

          Got lots of CS done for CoP, some of which have been really cool, im upto the three uncapped NM's now.

          Also decided to get going on ToAU Missions and managed to get a bit done, though progress has been blocked, at first I thought it was due to a quest being active which required a visit to Mamook and a fight against a Mamool NM Two Horns, quite a good cutscene for this quest, if anyone needs help on it let me know.

          Unfortunately im still stuck on the ToAU missions due to needing to get a cs from Salaheem but whenever I talk to her I get asked about a Dark Horse, its to do with Assault I think, so need to sort that first, it involves finding a Dark hourse hoofprint, which can spawn in many places around aht urghan =/ get the feeling its gonna take awhile.


            After a week away I caught up with a few bits last night which should mean some things to do with the LS... Finished up the CS's and obtained Lance Corporal rank ~ Lv4 Assaults here I come! Completed the quest and CS's for ToAU Missions up to #22 Shield of Diplomacy so all set for the Execution Chamber fight. Finally picked up an Anniversary Ring

            The plan for tonight is for some Exp to give me a buffer on Lv72...


              Use this site for the Warhorse hoofpint

              In other things i left AaD at the weekend and joined Kerushi in Midgard.

              AaD was just getting me down, been lots of drama of late and i just couldnt be arsed with it anymore. Branko stepped down and lots of good people left, eye, slug, yukki to name just a few.

              I was prob about 2nd in list for hecca and had 60 points not used but id just had enough, it wasnt fun for me any more. Plus Midgard suits me more as for the moment they are all sky.

              I only need Hecca body and Feet for drk and its done. As for nin pretty much need all but im gonna work hard in Midgard to get that done.

              Cat legs, Drg Hands, Turtle Head are pretty much it thou.
              Last edited by djtickle; 14-05-2007, 09:32.


                Originally posted by djtickle View Post
                Use this site for the Warhorse hoofpint

                ...then curse a couple of missions down the line when you realise that S-E got lazy and repeated the exact same quest again.

                Still although I had to go exploring the dark recesses of Mount Zhayolm for my first hoofprint, the second was found much easier in Wajoam Woodlands.


                  Second for me was the obscure one up near the Dvucca Staging point, took me an age to find the damn thing. But rank 5 now and looking ot get some points in for next rank up!

                  Grats everyone on the achievements as well! Hope life is good in Midgard DJ, I've got the reverse problem after Crimson I just need Hands from sky and then it's kings all the way ><;

                  My list is as long as ever and my drop luck still sucks, 0/2 on Crimson Cuisses, 0/22 on Vilma's Ring...

                  On the upside this week I'll finish setting my NPCs gear eady to go get the last levels to 65 on her. Just got 61 the other week so not far to go and finally capped my staff at 269, will be starting Greayt Sword with the NPC levelling in Kuftal Tunnel.


                    Ty bro im sure Kerushi will look after me


                      indeed! Tsing when you do kings i wouldnt mind giving you a hand!


                        Just an FYI, I saw Bayan last night at Whitegate. I know there was some discussion yesterday in the ls about whether or not he came back.


                          Are Midgard recruiting atm then? I've given thought to dropping out of AnD as well for quite some time now, mostly for the reasons Dj mentioned.

                          My biggest problem with them is that they're not very flexible with how much time you spend in the shell - if you're not at an event, of which there seems to be something almost daily then you get an earful from someone.

                          I remember a while back, Branko more or less commanded that 75&#37; of your in-game time was spent in that shell, I'm not sure how Midgard opperate but I feel uncomfortable being forced into things or being made to put up with a lashing if you don't turn up.


                            recruting mages and tanks only. appily there if interested. We track event attendance on events but you dont get events daily.


                              Staying with Aad, I'm close to getting what i want and we can still down Kirin with low man power in an hour. I'm not sure where all this baggering for turning up has come from, i do about 1 maybe, 2 events during the week and then nearly every sunday, rarely inthe LS when im not eventing.

                              Now my CoR is 75, main goal over the next few weeks is Merit,Merit,Merit(already spent 7 stored merits on CoR) and then Save some for the CoR group2 abilities (Roll1 and Phantom Duration), second being to get the 9 coins i need to complete my Brutal Earring. Also Hopefully this sat's dynamis in Dunes will yeild -1 helm for my sam.


                                Same here Tobal I'm staying put, very close to what I'm after and we're doing more in sea and kings now. Hoping that this month we'll start fighting the tier 2 jailors and then it's time for the yum justice sword! Watch me merit with that bad boy in my gear list, when you set up the merits give me a shout tobal I need some on PLD. Could use getting around 40 mertis sharpish!

                                Dynamis on Saturday is Valkurm I intend to be on that one hoping to see more PLD capes drop. Once I have that I can flog the T Cape from my emnity macro and get goldsmithing raising again. Need to do some more crafting soon had both bone and cloth at 53 for an age now. Got smithing to 38 last week so close to the darksteel stage for that as well...

                                RDM is now 57, going to have to sort AF during the week only need head and body but might as well do the lot. Never know tomoz may net me the first of the duelist items ready for the 70s.

                                Man this game has a lot to do, assault and quests still out there as well.

