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    Rare are you and Mooty ok for BCNM60 next tue at 7pm?


      Originally posted by C'
      Does that make me a tank who can't properly do my job without extra assistance?
      That scenario is hardly relevant, you pick the job to suit the situation. With a trio you obviously have to compromise (but it's a lot less of a compromise with a rdm anyway cos healing is one of their intended functions)


        Your post that I quoted made no reference to it being situational. It said that if I ask someone to use a specific subjob it's because I can't do my job preoperly.

        For the record, when Apa has helped me with the same NM I have made the same request of him with his subjob too so he has sacrificed nuking power to help me out.


          I'm not getting into this pissing contest, think it was pretty obvious what I meant.. I was talking about people who expect one job to do the role of another job that is already catered for.

          Just to make it clear in our last BC I subbed /rdm (because I needed silence, not because we were short of healing power.)
          Last edited by Darwock; 27-07-2006, 13:07.


            re: AF

            Oh god, not keys again.

            That means I need t3h THFz.

            I really do wish I could do all this on my own. I've already claimed about 24hours of help/wasting peoples time as it is. I feel like a right ****-cu*t asking for help nearly every day. If it's not this that's coming up it's the whole sodding Rank5 12hr-pollava.

            At least I can feel good about doing the tele-scrolls on my jack.

            Also - when I'm lvl60 both jobs with full AF I should become a little more self-sufficient hopefully as I'll have almost caught up.

            Got a week off approaching so will hopefully chew through a great chunk of stuff in that time.
            Last edited by dataDave; 27-07-2006, 13:14.


              Hmm I'd have to disagree each job fulfills the role required of it in a party, on PLD I've provided healing, nuking, evasion tanking, straight tanking, damage dealing and treasure hunter in recent time. Its all about rounding out the party to face what you're up against, most jobs can work in multiple areas if the player chooses to.

              Last night we had the follwoing work out of role
              Tobal subbing RNG for ranged WSes
              Me in evasion gear to tank the weapons
              True acting as main healer

              That's what it comes down to in the end BLM are perfectly competant healers with the right kit. WHM can nuke to a degree with the right kit though they are less flexible with resist rates based on the elemental stats. RDM can do both very well if carrying the right gear, its about player choice on how well they function in a situation.

              I personally disagree with True last night but that was because I beleive BLM uses WHM sub to look after the main healer. If the main healer takes hate the BLM cures till the tank regains hate. The main healer provides this to all other party members whilst the support healer birdges any MP crisis.

              With a support healer already in place when Tal took WHM no real need for you to do. In my book both RDM and SMN are much of muchness only WHM stands out as offering more flexibility to a party.

              SMN = more MP
              RDM = limited healing, enspells (like you'll use em) and at higher level dispell
              WHM = -ra line of spells, limited healing, -na spells, and at higher levels erase

              Given the options above last night SMN seems the best choice to me. Only danger was if we lost Tal or True we were basically dead, though both wedge and I have healing MP.
              Last edited by Tsingtao; 27-07-2006, 14:28.


                Double post


                  Originally posted by DavidFallows
                  re: AF

                  Oh god, not keys again.

                  That means I need t3h THFz.

                  I really do wish I could do all this on my own. I've already claimed about 24hours of help/wasting peoples time as it is. I feel like a right ****-cu*t asking for help nearly every day. If it's not this that's coming up it's the whole sodding Rank5 12hr-pollava.

                  At least I can feel good about doing the tele-scrolls on my jack.

                  Also - when I'm lvl60 both jobs with full AF I should become a little more self-sufficient hopefully as I'll have almost caught up.

                  Got a week off approaching so will hopefully chew through a great chunk of stuff in that time.
                  AF took me about a week in all thanks to the LS helpin me out

                  I know what u mean about askin for help, when i first joined the ls at 43 all i seem'd to do was ask for help for AF, Genki quests and to get my Rank up I felt awful as i had only just joined the LS >< But the guys are great and all helped me out in one way or another.

                  When i hit 50 i got to get involved with more LS stuff. That was because Assault had just started so that was pretty cool. Then when i hit 60 i got to help lower lvls out in the LS and got to do a wicked BCNM a few weeks back.

                  Ive been 60 for weeks and weeks due to not wanting to be a drk gimp with AF at 60. As Drk AF is pretty poo! Now i have my Vassago's and a Hauby im much less of a gimp

                  Although as ive change my sub to Thf from War that has also had me out of action for a while. In the end though im gonna get War up to scratch as well. As that gives more partying options. Like Tsing mentioned some posts back from about 50+ you see the same people about and start to build a rep which can be very important.

                  I expect that ill be back lvlin Drk after this week which im sooo looking forward too. Just need to get myself Absorb-TP and some new Leg Armor which is about 250k in all. I'm looking forward to the fight with Maat, as it seems to be a nice solo challenge. Rank 10 would be nice to fit in also ha ha.


                    When fighting Maat make sure you are around 100tnl, when you hit 20% HP/MP whatever whip out an EXP scroll and level up for massive damage.


                      Originally posted by DavidFallows
                      When fighting Maat make sure you are around 100tnl, when you hit 20% HP/MP whatever whip out an EXP scroll and level up for massive damage.
                      Ha ha does that work?? thats a wicked idea


                        Hey if you dont mind just post your server averages at time of post, I just got a report of approx 2000 earlier today 4pm ish & later in the night 2200 on sylph... not very many i would have thought.. or is that common?

                        Btw is a windower frowned upon? as its such a pain closing to check simple things like emails...


                          Update on 21hour Tonberry NM.

                          Went at 6:15pm on Wednesday as planned and Saerik very kindly joined me to provide a Treasure Hunter 2. However 20 minutes passed the supposed spawn time and nothing. It was then that Saerik realised that there had been a 2 hour maintenance period earlier in the day.

                          Our first option was to assume the server had been paused and went back at 8:15pm but still nothing then. Annoyed that I lost the ToD I had to assume it was another 21 hours from when the game came back so I tried again on Thursday morning. Logged in at around 8:30am and by a stroke of luck the NM was back. Unfortunately I was still on WAR subjob. Kill but no drop.

                          ToD obtained again but that meant he was next due this morning at 5:40am. I decided I had to keep ToD after nearly losing it once and set my alarm for 5:30 this morning, and logged out at the area with a THF subjob. Logged in and the NM popped on schedule a few minutes later (Elite and Yenyoju were both online and active at this ridiculous hour ). Pull again and the fight is slightly harder than normal due to having an underleveled and generally weaker anyway SJ. First move it used was a Vertical Slash which was absorbed by Utsusemi. He then used Perfect Dodge and I had left my elemental ninjutsu tools in mogsafe meaning I had no way to damage him during this.

                          Passed this and continued to hit away when he started to prepare Throat Stab. This is my greatest fear when fighting Tonberry and I braced myself for a worrying last few moments of the fight but I had a stroke of luck and my Additional Effect: Stun from katana activated stopping the move and I finished off with a Blade: Jin of my own.

                          To top it off, my dedication at getting up at Ridiculous O?Clock was rewarded with the Resentment Cape drop.

                          Never got to sleep again though and tired now


                            Didn?t do much at all, completed most of the cut scenes up to the last one I need in the mineshaft which I?ll finish of tonight ready for 7.4 and 7.5, some good stuff that let me in of some important stuff I missed in my excitement in the last cut scene for 6.4 (which I?ll re-watch for Tenzen being awesome)

                            I already smell the seaside


                              haven't been on to much but jumped on and compelted all my cuts up to the 7-4 NMs last night. I'm now locked and loaded adn otying with the idea of trying to solo them for the heck of it.

                              No other real news, that fight put a big hole in my gil fund mind must have spent around 500k.


                                Good to see some people are still interested in Sea

                                CoP was awesome, but everytime i go to Sea the place is empty. Not that it was ever what you'd call busy!

                                GL with it. *warning* forget Ultima/Omega fight....The Pots is the real Nightmare ><

