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    Originally posted by mikewl
    Firstly I have been asked to ask those in the process of joining AaD if you can go to Gods in Sky on Sunday 4.30 GMT.

    Well im not sure what to do now, looks like I may be dropping out of the whole HNM Gods thing again.

    I had the AaD LS leader complaining to me earlier, making ridiculous demands, such as I must spend at least 75% of my FFXI online time on AaD and not on Rargh, same goes for everyone apparently, they dont like you using social shells.

    The same 10 people always turn up for Ullikummi and get us the god trigs while others are in thier social shells, well thats great for those who can set aside 8 hours every other day to do so, but no way can I, I turn up when I can and even then it may not be on the top of my priority list, they need to make trigger farming more appealing, maybe giving more points for triggers than actual gods.

    So im debating how much I really want to do Gods, because it seems like its the main thing to do at end game, although I dont really care about god drops too much, it was more for the fun and challenge, but honestly it aint worth the time thats being demanded.

    Plus right now leadership on AaD is dire, events going on without any prior notice, no event information on the forum, no upto date LSmessage, events keep getting cancelled over and over, mostly because no one knows what is supposed to be going on when.

    So im not sure yet but AaD needs to make improvements or im out.
    I'm sorry, but that IS a laughably rediculous demand as you rightly say, especially seeing as how the vast majority of their events of late have been to camp Ulli (I understand Meric spent the better part of half a day there at one point. There is NO WAY IN HELL I could devote all that time just standing there waiting to be outclaimed by RMT, its just stupid).

    Branko has serious issues that he needs to address. The only item I really need to get from Gods atm are the Zenith mitts - and even if you have enough points to lot on them there's a waiting list which I don't agree with at all.

    If he's going to demand 75% time spent on that LS, he's going to NEED to devote equal amounts of time to other things such as missions, ENMs, quests and so on, rather than simply 1 day a week if you're lucky.
    Last edited by Daragon; 30-09-2006, 14:26.


      Sadley we failed Promie Vhzal yesterday after our Mnk DC'in and then other verious things going wrong >.> So we are gonna try again today with the help of another member hopefully before the Gods run with AnD.

      Fallows me and maria will both be online at about 2pm please dont start your promies before hand.


        The Promyvion runs are going to have to take place the weekend AFTER next. :S Sorry, but I'm on a stag do in Newcastle I totally forgot about. If people want to do Mea + Holla in my absence then by all means give it a bash as I only need Dem. I would like to say I have 2/2 on Mea though.

        If we get enough static help perhaps we can go through all three of them in one session, finishing with Dem of course as as soon as that's completed I'll be warped to the new areas.

        I'll see if I can get a LS message put up asking for SMN and RNG/DD help closer to the time.


        *phew* last night I got blagged into an EXP party in Crawlers' Nest which got wiped after the 3rd mob. Everyone left and then I rebuilt the party, bringing back the PLD and WAR and filling the rest up with Japanese players. The EXP was coming in fast, really fast. I had to call it a night at 4am and drafted in a replacement. RDM really begins to kick ass with refresh.

        Carrying on like this it won't be a couple of days before I need to take a break from EXP in order to raise more gil again. :/

        Tickle, get maria on the EXP then we can do our WHM AFs together.
        Last edited by dataDave; 02-10-2006, 09:04.


          Well last night was another land mark night in our joureny thorugh CoP. After Talizker manged to get online after a serious ruck with POL we got underway. I have to say these missions are absolute monsters. We reached the BC at around 23:30 only having climbed 2 of the race towers, leaving us 3 more to do to get the map.

          Once we reached the BC we prepare set up our strategy and in we went, about 2 minutes later out we came face down in the dirt after the initial sleep went wrong due to the mobs not grouping properly from my pull. After a chat and getting ourselves organised we went back in and owned the things. Tobals 2 hour pretty much ended the 1st BLM pot and the second followed pretty quickly. Unfortunately by the time BLM 2 had gone down the RDM pots were ahving a field day on the mages, we got the 1st RDM pot down to about 20% then wiped. After a reraise it was short work for us to finish up the remaining pots and victory was ours...

          1) So 2 things are outstanding for us now, get the map whichrequires us to climb the Mithra, Tarutaur and Elven race towers (+ the Galka again for Talizker). I reckon we can do that with a bunch of sleeping and running round to save time rather than fighting.

          2) The final BC and those tasty rings we've been waiting for

          The end of CoP is finally in sight and our record of victories is now very impressive (spoilered though I don't think this gives much away):

          Promyvion-Dem - 1/1

          Promyvion-Mea - 1/1
          Promyvion-Holla - 1/3
          Minotaur - 1/1
          Mammets - 1/1
          Diabolos - 1/3
          Ouryu - 1/1
          Sacrarium - 1/1
          Promyvion-Vahzl - 1/1
          Mithra BC - 1/1
          Snoll - 1/3
          Oldton BC - 1/1
          Weapon BC - 1/2
          Warrior BC - 1/2
          Pots 1/2

          Just the last one to go!

          What was the final decision last night was too tired to know what was going on?


            Well me and dara kicked ass on promie vahzl last night, w00t and got the CS's afterwards as well. We are moving on the the Three paths this evening w00t!

            Never thought id move on so quick with CoP as what i have been doing but its all good. Bring on a Raja's lol.

            Fun and excitment with A&D too yesterday.

            Ive posted some pics up on if anyone wants to see which shows CoP and the NMs in Sky. Spoilers though so watch out!

            As for my list of wins its not as impressive as yours Tsing....

            Promyvion-Dem - 1/1
            Promyvion-Mea - 1/5
            Promyvion-Holla - 1/1
            Minotaur - 1/1
            Mammets - 1/1
            Diabolos - 1/3
            Ouryu - 1/2
            Sacrarium - 1/1
            Promyvion-Vahzl - 1/3

            Updates for Ranged Attacks, Drk and Drg on the PoL site now.

            Drks update is a big let down seems that as we got Absorb-TP they are not bothering with us this update. >.>
            Last edited by djtickle; 02-10-2006, 10:04.


              Tobal, Wedge and Apa:

              Are we still on for helping Moot in Riverne Site #B01 tonight? Think he wants to learn Refueling off of Cluster type mobs.


                I think we are squaring up against Promathia tonight (with Tob) but not sure on how it will all fit in time wise and indeed if we are going after the map also.


                  I think we were talking about a start as soon as Talizker can get on, so I think that was agreed as 21:00 for a sharp kick off. After we've won in the BC I think we're going to try to complete the map quest in the Garden of Ru'Hmet.

                  If we can finish off those 2 that basically brings us to the end of the CoP storyline and we just need to get our rings!

                  As a side note the Riverne Clusters are dangerous and I think need a full party, the ones in misereaux should pop often enough to do it or aren't the atomics safer in #A01.

                  The bonus in Riverne is the the lcuster NM is there with the THF leg drop.


                    Well that has reaffirmed my general feelings about things lately.


                      And those general feelings would be?


                        I should be able to be on tonight Rare.


                          Originally posted by C'
                          Well that has reaffirmed my general feelings about things lately.
                          Not exactly sure what you mean but i'd be happy to come help Moot (and anyone) out anytime I can. I don't recall seeing anything here about it mind.


                            Originally posted by C'
                            Well that has reaffirmed my general feelings about things lately.
                            There has been serious lack of things going on in Rargh of late. I know Moots been after this for a while, as with Tsing with his WSNM and me with my Rutters as well as peeps needing help with missions, Dark with his subjob items and im sure there are other things ive missed. We also have multiple members needin a Ohat run inc myself and mooty.

                            People just dont have time to help as of late as there is so much going on. Many of us in Dynamis, A&D events, CoP and then exp to catch up on what we lose during these events it leaves me with very little time to do anything else as im sure this is the case with others.

                            I feel quitly that im not helpin others out as much as really i should be. I manged to help Dark the other day as i was online for 30mins and thats the only time i had. Im not affraid of holding my hand up that this is a "team" game and really should be helping others out but if i did all the extra stuff i would have to spend my life online.

                            I mentioned it to some others the only day that maybe Rargh should organise some stuff, maybe on here or on the LS msg, even if its only small stuff that everyone can take part in or help each other out.

                            I did mention this in the LS last weekend but just got told that we do stuff all the time >.> are we?

                            I seem'd to remember lots more stuff going on before the expansion came out..

                            Just my view and if im way out of line? or on the wrong track please tell me and ill shutup.

                            On another note though i will help anyone as much as possible.
                            Last edited by djtickle; 02-10-2006, 15:17.


                              Well the move to higher end stuff is always going to happen and can be very demanding on peoples time online.

                              I myself have chucked my AaD pearl and am just sticking to Rargh from now, although honestly im not too sure what my goals are in the game now, as im out the loop on Missions and stuff.


                                I know what you mean Wedge right now my time online is very stretched with only really CoP moving at any sort of pace. My aim is to complete the storylines to give me more free in game time. Once CoP is done then it will be Windurst storyline and Zilart. With those completed I think I'll actually have time to do things online again other than mission after mission.

                                Keeping it all going at once right now is proving a challenge, tomorrow I finally get the clear in Windurst opening up Glacier access however there is no Glacier clear in October and I can see the November clear landing on a weekend I'm away ><

